Since when was Kirby a girl?
I figured you'd approve of this change.
Since when was Kirby a girl?
It seems you're enjoying the show.
I figured you'd approve of this change.
Not even Exia or Kyrios?
0 Gundam best Gundam.
Followed by Setsuna then Exia as second and third best. <3
It seems you're enjoying the show.
Nah, it's really, really boring. I assume the VN or even a wiki article would be a better route than watching this.
That's why the anime never exist.
This is pretty cute
These are really cool.Apparently Namori was bored and did some sketches on Twitter.
Kyoto Animation has posted a sneak peak at the trailer they'll be showing at C82 for their new show:
Most of the shows we watch sound dumb as hell. About half of them are dumb as hell, too.
Music sounds epic. Although I'm a bit surprised about Sinbad's hair being purple.
Now all is left is the music composer and the VA.
Joshiraku 4
I liked the first and third part of the show. Something is bothering me though about the incomplete frames for the glasses. It's like the glasses are magically held together.
So I tried to watch Fate/Zero on crunchyroll last night.
Pretty good...until my pooptastic internet made it skip constantly.
so i was wondering is this series going to be licensed? I see that Aniplex did put out a subbed collection but fuck those prices. I would be willing to buy it since it looks like a quality show but not at 300 frikkin dollars.
Nope. We just found out the other day that the train has a fatal design flaw, but that doesn't mean it'll crash. It well might, but that's the risk we're taking!!! BELIEVE!
Planetes - 01
Well, this was... something. To be honest, i didn't know what to expect. I thought it was something more akin to Space Bros, but it turns out it's pretty different. Not bad though.
I'm not a fan of "first episode, let's introduce every character to the MC!", but they handled it well.
I see the future of 4 people's avatars
And it's bleak
Kill it with fire. Here's to hoping it will be the first KyoAni production that is truly terrible.Kyoto Animation has posted a sneak peak at the trailer they'll be showing at C82 for their new show:
Everyone on that train is already dead.The hype train is as strong as ever! The conductor may still be in training, but the head conductor is still keeping watch over him making sure he doesn't crash into any boulders.
Kill it with fire. Here's to hoping it will be the first KyoAni production that is truly terrible.
So has there been anything good the past 2-3 seasons?
So has there been anything good the past 2-3 seasons?
Quite a few.
just from the last season alone.
So has there been anything good the past 2-3 seasons?
did they ever have a CG model in the show?
Exia looks a lot better in detailed posters than in the show imo.
Should add in, Fate/Zero was the last one I completed and watching the Big tit lucky girl vs Small tit depressed girl. That's been in for last and this one.
So has there been anything good the past 2-3 seasons?
Should add in, Fate/Zero was the last one I completed and watching the Big tit lucky girl vs Small tit depressed girl. That's been in for last and this one.
From fall 2011 through spring 2012:
Ano Natsu de Matteru
Daily Lives of High School Boys
Kids on the Slope
Mysterious Girlfriend X
Natsume's Book of Friends S4
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
Hotarubi no Mori e
Lupin III: Blood Seal - Eternal Mermaid
Minori Scramble!
Plastic Nee-san
Puka Puka Juju
Bold especially recommended.
don't hate the best girl!
Tsuritama it is then.
Tsuritama it is then.
Accel World 10
This show is just plain fun. Super enjoyable. Super cute. Super AWESOME.
So now.Scarlet Rain has teamed up with Black Lotus and silver Crow to hunt down and defeat Chrome Disaster
One interesting thing is theyMy god, this is a worse time waster than WOW ever was!have entered an area with unlimited time. In the Accelerated world that means they can stay there forever, but time passes multitudes faster IRL?
Also I likedesign.Yellow Radio's
Indeed she is a wonder to behold. How many tropes can you find?
What can I say?I see the future of 4 people's avatars
And it's bleak
I don't know about you, but I'm only watching classy shows in fall, like TLRD and I'm her brother, but as long as we're in love it shouldn't matter.
For reference, you can't really go wrong with this list.From fall 2011 through spring 2012:
Ano Natsu de Matteru
Daily Lives of High School Boys
Kids on the Slope
Mysterious Girlfriend X
Natsume's Book of Friends S4
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
Hotarubi no Mori e
Lupin III: Blood Seal - Eternal Mermaid
Minori Scramble!
Plastic Nee-san
Puka Puka Juju
Bold especially recommended.
Kyoto Animation has posted a sneak peak at the trailer they'll be showing at C82 for their new show:
I'm so glad I don't participate in the IRC suicide death pacts. Back to Penguindrum.
So the Gyo OVA is getting released in the UK with very appropriate boxart:
So the Gyo OVA is getting released in the UK with very appropriate boxart:
So has there been anything good the past 2-3 seasons?