Faith - Hope - Love

Super Smash Bros. is BACK!
Title: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate <-(Beware! Link contains boss spoilers)
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release date: December 7th, 2018
Director: Masahiro Sakurai
Developer: Sora Ltd. / Bandai Namco
Publisher: Nintendo
Controls: GameCube controller / Nintendo Switch Pro Controller / Joy-Con
• Adapters for Gamecube controller:
- Wired adapter by Nintendo
- Best deal on GameCube controller cable extensions
- Wireless adapter by 8Bitdo
• BEST USB 3.0 LAN ADAPTER (For highest quality online play)
How to play, by ZeRo:
Perfect shielding / parrying attacks:
(Please forgive the barebones topic...this is my very first one)

I thought this would be a good place for us to form a Super Smash Bros Ultimate player community. Please feel free to list your Nintendo Switch Friend Code, and perhaps we can get some friendly sparring time in!
For starters, here is mine:

So, what do ya say, everyone?
Care to join in the fight?
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