Wasn't the new system rumored to have some never before seen gimmick? I hope it wasn't just the RGB behind the buttons we see here. I find that stuff distracting, like the terrible speakers in the wiimote and the DS5 and would disable it immediately (assuming they will even allow you to disable it).
I really don't think so, I think this is working as intended. Lots of coverage from many outlets, a lot of speculation, drip feed allows for maximum result from this. Then the final reveal whenever that may be, but obviously imminent.
anyone worried about the size of the original JoyCons can stop worrying now. seems like bigger ergonomic third party ones will be available pretty much at launch.
I'll probably get a pair of those right away.
these don't have a C button...
they have a home, turbo and share button on each joycon, but no C button on either.
the Pro controller by the same company however DOES have a C button!
This really is getting ridiculous at this point Nintendo. What was wrong with the way the industry did things before? Why can't we just get some confirmation on things a year or two in advance? I hate this announce, month or two later it's out BS.