Alright, I'm at the final boss and this might be the cheapest thing I've ever encountered in a videogame. My team is max level, weapons/armor maxed, all finishing moves for their respective classes unlocked. No revives allowed and by the time you get to phase 2 - by the skin of your teeth - the boss can pretty much OHK whoever is left standing? This isn't even a challenge, it's just silly lol.
I have over 70 hours clocked, did the 6 secret underground temples and every optional area *except* Palace of the Dead which is - as I understand it - 100 floors and if you exit it all resets, have to do it in one go

Think I'll take a break before attempting again, kept a save file before entering so I could always leave though I don't know what good it'll do, already maxed out like I said.
As with all games my first playthrough is 100% guide free, maybe I inadvertently made some story choices that made things harder, no clue, had a blast up until now, I'll lay my sword down for a short while before resuming the Ogre Battle
