Honey Bunny
Oh fuck you can flip the fucking screen
Oh fuck you can flip the fucking screen
Didn't realize until just recently that the standalone controllers don't plug into the actual unit. Probably a petty thing to be bummed about, but here I am! Anyway I will not be reserving this, but will still keep an eye on it (see if someone gets proper Mame running on it somehow)
Sorry I wrote that incorrectly! I mean they do plug into the unit - the cords do, rather - I just thought the whole front control panel swapped out or something, which it does not.Wait.. what do you mean?
Aren't they USB controllers?
This is better than porn.Got mine today. It's a very nice package.
It's bigger than Sega's and especially SNK'S machines.
The top lights up nicely when turned on, like the Astro City Mini.
It is so satisfying to turn the screen around. Really has a chunky feel to it. Not loose at all.
It was a little annoying that with the SD card in, it will only boot those games - the trackball controller games. To see the menu of other games, you have to take the SD card out.
I had a quick play on Arkanoid with the dial controller and then Elevator Action Returns.
Thanks for the comparison photo, looks great.
Episode 339 - Taito has a new miniature arcade cabinet featuring a bunch of their arcade games that play in a crazy roTATEing screen!
How does the external arcade stick feel? And does it plug in via usb?Played a few hours pretty happy with it, just a huge shame rainbow islands isn't on it as much as extra is neat to play it's not the same and rainbow islands is not just my favourite taito game it's my absolute favourite arcade game full stop. But what there is on this thing is a lot of fun. The paddle controller is really nice the spinner has gears on it so there's momentum and you can free spin it as much as you like still takes a while to get used to as im dieing all over the place in arkanoid. Cameltry is probably the best showcase for how accurate it is you can spin that maze like a fiend. In between playing on the built in screen i decided to hook it upto my vertical monitor for a bit too.
The trackball is lovely too it spins with momentum so you can really go at it, the metallic spinner is sadly plastic but you can't have it all
Yup all the extra controllers are normal usb they just plug in around the back of the unit, feels pretty nice. Haven't put it through it's paces yet but first impressions are that it'll get a lot of use with this thing.How does the external arcade stick feel? And does it plug in via usb?
Ugh I am hoping beyond hope. Was really looking forward to see a Mame port of some sort run on NeoGeo mini.. nope. Then on Astro City Mini... also nope. At least this one takes SD cards... but we will see, not gonna get my hopes up just yet. If it does, I will buy one in a damn second..With that trackball controller, as long as we get a MAME port that's at least capable of running Missile Command all is good![]()
Is the Taito Selection EGRET II Mini arcade machine as amazing as it looks? Find out in our review that covers the 40 built-in games, the built-in Tate mode, HDMI TV out, 2 Player support, and tons more in our in-depth hardware review & impressions!
0:00 What is the Taito EGRET II Mini?
0:41 Evoking Japanese Arcades
2:39 Amazing Scree Rotation / Tate Mode
3:58 Hardware Build-Quality + Clicky Buttons & Joystick?
4:42 2-Players, USB Controllers, & HDMI TV Support
6:34 Power Problems
8:22 40 Arcade Games?! + Favorites (Qix, Puzzle Bobble, Elevator Action)
12:30 Save States, Settings, & More!
14:10 Paddle & Trackball Expansion? (10 More Games!)
15:28 What I Keep Playing It? + Neat Feature
18:20 Speaker & Screen Quality + Volume Issue
19:20 Game Menus + Confusion
20:12 Volume Issue
21:10 Verdict
Yeah the box clearly indicates the power requirement so does the manual, something youtubers totally ignored then bitched about endlessly. A while back i spent the money and bought a proper power brick that had 6 usb ports and was one that is regulated with charge protection. a 60 watt one that gives out 5.4v from all the ports at a max of 2.4A as using phone chargers is a bit hit & miss as i have a few iphone ones laying about but for something like this not suitable as it can lag if it doesn't get enough power on some of the less powerful minis it doesn't need as much juice but some do. The pc engine mini is another that's a bit tricky as it needs the exact power requirement, people were plugging raspberry pi adapters into it and totally frying the usb ports on the front as it gave a bit too much voltage.Mine will arrive in a few weeks. I've read you need a decent USB-C power brick charger for this thing, or you'll get lag and crashes? Anyone experienced this? and if so, what power brick are you rocking?
Yeah the box clearly indicates the power requirement so does the manual, something youtubers totally ignored then bitched about endlessly. A while back i spent the money and bought a proper power brick that had 6 usb ports and was one that is regulated with charge protection. a 60 watt one that gives out 5.4v from all the ports at a max of 2.4A as using phone chargers is a bit hit & miss as i have a few iphone ones laying about but for something like this not suitable as it can lag if it doesn't get enough power on some of the less powerful minis it doesn't need as much juice but some do. The pc engine mini is another that's a bit tricky as it needs the exact power requirement, people were plugging raspberry pi adapters into it and totally frying the usb ports on the front as it gave a bit too much voltage.
I'd search amazon for a proper one, think mine set me back about £20-30 it's been a long time i tried searching on amazon for my exact brick but that listing is no longer there as i bought it in 2018 but there's loads like it just find one that has a regulated supply and charge protection as that's always safe to have. Btw you don't need a usb C charger it uses a usb C cable with the console having usb C input but the other end of the cable is a usb A that goes into the power brick.
PuRiLuRa hot damn im thereFirst expansion SD card set has been revealed called egret II mini arcade memories volume 1 and is available December 22nd. More info here about what 10 games are on the card
It comes with a taito station volume 2 book that is a similar format to the taito station volume 1 book that came in the deluxe box set did plus instruction cards for all 10 of the new games. From the info i have found it's a limited quantity item and the preorders close on sept 22th seems taito are working the bugs out as amazon japan is temp out of stock. Taito say to keep checking back on the official site at the weekend as they are trying to get the preorder system up & running again.
Now there's a new version of the arcade memories coming Vol3 with 10 more games in december.
Comes in several variations you can get the arcade memories vol3 on it's own or there's 2 special sets. One is bundled with a new cyberstick variant and the other is bundled with the combine kit that adds in the base to the arcade machine and you get a stool to complete the look a bit like sega did with the astro mini. There's 2 replica taito pcb boxes that you can store all your instruction marquee cards in and the base has a flap at the back that comes off so you can store them all inside to keep them together, also a slot around the front to turn it into a money box.
Game lineup for vol3 is....
Galactic Storm
Rumba Lumba
Metal Soldier Isaac II
Akkanvaders (Space Invaders '95: Attack of the Lunar Loonies)
Dr Toppel Tankentai
Aqua Jack
Mr. DO
Top Landing
Akkanvader & mr Do! are the two main for me i fucking loooove akkanvader i have been begging Taito on twitter for ages to add it into the collection, dreams really do come true. Now if only they would give me the original raainbow islands.
Famitsu did a unveiling video of everything for the curious, absolutely love that they are still supporting it and making new volumes it continues to expand and be a nice purchase. A lot of the titles in these volumes haven't really had proper home console support so it's great to play them at home outside of pc arcade emulation.
Now there's a new version of the arcade memories coming Vol3 with 10 more games in december.
Comes in several variations you can get the arcade memories vol3 on it's own or there's 2 special sets. One is bundled with a new cyberstick variant and the other is bundled with the combine kit that adds in the base to the arcade machine and you get a stool to complete the look a bit like sega did with the astro mini. There's 2 replica taito pcb boxes that you can store all your instruction marquee cards in and the base has a flap at the back that comes off so you can store them all inside to keep them together, also a slot around the front to turn it into a money box.
Game lineup for vol3 is....
Galactic Storm
Rumba Lumba
Metal Soldier Isaac II
Akkanvaders (Space Invaders '95: Attack of the Lunar Loonies)
Dr Toppel Tankentai
Aqua Jack
Mr. DO
Top Landing
Akkanvader & mr Do! are the two main for me i fucking loooove akkanvader i have been begging Taito on twitter for ages to add it into the collection, dreams really do come true. Now if only they would give me the original raainbow islands.
Famitsu did a unveiling video of everything for the curious, absolutely love that they are still supporting it and making new volumes it continues to expand and be a nice purchase. A lot of the titles in these volumes haven't really had proper home console support so it's great to play them at home outside of pc arcade emulation.
It's been hacked for a while people are able to run batocera from a SD card however no idea how well it runs only heard people talking about it online. however with each official firmware update they released that you need to do to use the newest volume of taito's arcade memories collection they try to lock it down as the official cards are encrypted so they can't be detected by a pc without special methods to unlock the cards. The newest firmware that you need to install to have vol 3 work has locked it down a little bit more however some guy i follow on twitter has managed to get in and get around it but he hasn't released any of it to the public in a hack form.So is this properly hacked to easily run MAME yet or what?
It's been hacked for a while people are able to run batocera from a SD card however no idea how well it runs only heard people talking about it online. however with each official firmware update they released that you need to do to use the newest volume of taito's arcade memories collection they try to lock it down as the official cards are encrypted so they can't be detected by a pc without special methods to unlock the cards. The newest firmware that you need to install to have vol 3 work has locked it down a little bit more however some guy i follow on twitter has managed to get in and get around it but he hasn't released any of it to the public in a hack form.
I don't know how viable hacking is anymore considering all allocations of the main unit are sold out in japan and europe (not sure about usa) so the only ones out there n ow are stupidly expensive scalper priced ones. As taito have said they aren't planning on making any more of the unit or the older software volumes it limits the userbase to the small amount they made that are out there now can't imagine many are going to risk hacking them with no replacements easily found if you manage to screw things up hell they were expensive enough on their original release..
It's been hacked for a while people are able to run batocera from a SD card however no idea how well it runs only heard people talking about it online. however with each official firmware update they released that you need to do to use the newest volume of taito's arcade memories collection they try to lock it down as the official cards are encrypted so they can't be detected by a pc without special methods to unlock the cards. The newest firmware that you need to install to have vol 3 work has locked it down a little bit more however some guy i follow on twitter has managed to get in and get around it but he hasn't released any of it to the public in a hack form.
I don't know how viable hacking is anymore considering all allocations of the main unit are sold out in japan and europe (not sure about usa) so the only ones out there n ow are stupidly expensive scalper priced ones. As taito have said they aren't planning on making any more of the unit or the older software volumes it limits the userbase to the small amount they made that are out there now can't imagine many are going to risk hacking them with no replacements easily found if you manage to screw things up hell they were expensive enough on their original release..