- Fidelity mode: is 1600 on PS5/Xbox Series x @60 FPS. Series S 864p and doesn't have a fidelity mode. All modes are equivalent to the PC at max settings.
- Performance mode: is 1080p and can be unlocked on the PS5/Series X.
- Frame rate: it fluctuates on the PS5 in the fidelity mode as lows as 46 or worse in heavier sections of the map/gameplay type in fidelity mode. There are fewer drops in performance mode on the PS5 in typical gameplay and runs @ 120 FPS with minor dips to 98 FPS.
Xbox series X has a different v-sync than the PS5, double vs triple buffering causing differences in performance behavior. Series S has better performance relative due to lower resolution.
- Loading: relatively fast on all consoles, PC has the fastest speed.
7:37 Alex should be subtle about his bias.

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