Has anyone ever bought from Crucial.com? If so, were their products reliable?
I stumbled onto their site when googling about upgrading the memory in my 2009 MacBook. I went through their advisor tool and it gave me a specific kit to buy, which is nice.
This is the first time I'm ever going to open my MacBook up to upgrade so I don't want to get something that's just not going to work.
Crucial is solid memory, you shouldn't have any trouble with it.
To add, the friggin power button on the motherboard doesn't even work when the power button doesn't.
Okay, here is the situation:
I have 2 monitors and 1 HDTV hooked up to the same computer. I would like a dual monitor setup (preferably one in which it isn't simply mirrored). I have one monitor and my TV hooked up via HDMI, and one monitor hooked up via DVI.
How can I get two separate desktops, one on my HDMI monitor, one on my DVI monitor? Does a program exist which could help me accomplish such a feat?
Windows 8, i5 3570, Sapphire 7970.
Ok, I have a major problem with my PC. It started the other week, was watching a video I think when I got the blue screen error. So I restarted the PC only to get the blue screen again before Windows started up. Tried booting in safe mode and stuff, but just couldn't get the computer to boot before the blue screen error came up again and again. Then I was away for a bit, and now when I get back, the computer is no longer sending a signal to the monitor. The connection is fine, the computer sounds like its starting up, but nothing is sent to the monitor. Also, there are LED's on the front of the power unit that usually light up when you turn the power on and they aren't lighting up anymore.
I have only fairly basic computer knowledge, and googling wasn't super helpful. So anyone know what I could be looking at here? Video card problem? Unfortunately I don't have another video card to test.
Is your computer POSTing?
It might be RAM related. Try taking out each stick of RAM and try booting with each stick individually in.
I dunno what's happening now because no video is getting sent to the monitor at all, so I have no idea what the computer is doing. Tried the RAM but no dice.
Does your computer have on-board video capabilities or is it card only?
Sounds like it could be mobo, unfortunately.
Look into the "Catalyst Control Center" there should be various options for display and desktops.
Try just completely taking out that one stick of ram
I running Windows 8 and have a problem I can't figure out. Anytime I try to close any game, it hangs and will not close. It will freeze on the exit screen and will not close. I'm able to get to task manager but I can't seem to close the game from there. I click on the process and try to end it, but it doesn't do anything. The only way I'm able to fix it is by logging off. And it is any game, Steam, Origin, UPlay. All of my drivers are up to date(specifically my video card, AMD 7950). I'm really confused by this one.
Got an audio problem
After plugging off my headphones from my PC, my speakers don't work no more
Help tech gaf, thanks in advance
Tried uninstalling the audio drivers but to no avail
This might be stupid but have you tried right clicking the audio icon in the task bar, select "playback devices" and then see if you can select your speakers and then set them as default device?
Ok so what the fuck, it was working fine and now 2 days later and now my PC won't boot again (2 beeps on startup). [see above] Why the hell would the RAM be acting up like this?
Noob question, but here we go
I recently formatted my computer, installed Windows 7 64 bit
Under devices i have "Other devices - Unknown device" what is this? Because i am fairly sure this was not here before i formatted?
Everything is working fine so far, nothing has failed on me. Should i just ignore it? Is it some other device that? Ive unplugged everything but my mouse and keyboard in regards to the USB slots.
Or should i just ignore it?
Try cleaning the slots with isopropil alcohol and the "fingers" of the RAM stick too, for this you can use a pencil eraser and then just sitck'em firmly. if this don't work maybe the RAM stick is damaged and need replacement.
ok gaf
i just installed my H100i with my i5 3.4 idea temp is at 32C-35C and at 100% load its 54C
its also 30C outside. is my PC running to hot
Windows 8 issue here.
I've ignored it for quite some time.
I am able to access the Internet without a problem with most software. Web browsers, some games I think, and streaming music and videos. However Windows seems to always think it's offline, this began happening like 4 months ago- but I was so damn busy with College and work I gave up on trying to fix the damn thing. Since I've tried and tried to find solution via Google but I couldn't figure it out.
Because of it, I cannot access Windows Update or the Microsoft Store, and when I try to install certain things it gives me the notification window Windows Wireless Service is not running on this computer. Although, I'm able to sometimes click "run anyway" to install the desired software. If I recall correctly, there has even been an instance where I was prompted to verify my version of Windows... LOL...
Some software that require Internet connections will work, while some do. It has gotten pretty annoying. And I've come to find that the Netflix App no longer works either :-(.
On a side not, funny story I went on Twitter and posted "Windows 8, what are you doing? Windows 8, stahp." And Windows Support's Official Twitter responded to me with "How can we help?".. and still wasn't able to help me.
With ambient temps of 30C, 54C @ 100% load sounds about right. Just a little bit on the higher side though.
A good sized external hard drive would make sense, then at least it would be a one time copy rather than multiple efforts. And as an added bonus you have a back up drive when you're done.So, next month I'm upgrading to a new desktop for the first time in 5+ years. With the last upgrade it was easy to toss my data from the HDD on a couple of DVDs and just copy them to the new computer. This time around I've got 300+ GB of music, pictures and videos and I'm not sure how to go about getting it from the current computer and onto the new. What's the best way to go about it, short of tossing a thumb drive back and forth?
So, next month I'm upgrading to a new desktop for the first time in 5+ years. With the last upgrade it was easy to toss my data from the HDD on a couple of DVDs and just copy them to the new computer. This time around I've got 300+ GB of music, pictures and videos and I'm not sure how to go about getting it from the current computer and onto the new. What's the best way to go about it, short of tossing a thumb drive back and forth?
awww man. showed up today.![]()
tried chkdsk , no errors, chkdsk /f ...everything fine. SMART passes in Seatools, Perfectdisk and Tuneup.
what should I do?
*sigh*Could be nothing. Could be a ticking time bomb for eventual drive failure and data loss.
Backup whatever you can into another drive asap, and cross your fingers with that drive.
cross post from pc build thread
so in my rush to download hardware monitor today, I clicked through onto an "ad download" instead of the actual one. I ran the exe, realized what I had done, closed it, some windows opened up and I closed them then that was the end of it. It didn't instal anything I dont think. Nothing weird is running in task manager etc,
Anything I need to be worried about. Probably just being paranoid from my end.
this was the [URL="http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=Cd5FP4BXYUarmK8itmgX0t4HgDcrDgtoD2rq0hGqV6fuxARABILibpwNQ6fys1_r_____AWCloJWAmAGgAaahxOADyAECqAMByAPRBKoEhQFP0GZfDCc8y1hdvUoDRySKprjqGk0r9s06rtehCvTYjB-B6Peh1KlIwSb8PRDY3rsfzaB0YuKn_p4NSSwfCTVaw8mpotLE0yNMr2QHqChZrOV1W5o1bTLUqBBx278u-3OqBwy40HNAJjJXdt8YCBpy4dpUvbGvofdLLZfUu1uK5yzQQvMgiAYBoAYCgAfC3rsf&num=1&cid=5GjYYbU3Xnedw6de6sEib1q-&sig=AOD64_0brAIe3OdcHm4XCsz6-1Mu4UFjAg&client=ca-pub-1350675259325763&adurl=http://do.wnloads.net/go/7zip%3Fcreative_id%3Dmediumagg%26subid%3Dsoftware%26subid2%3Dwww.cpuid.com%26source%3Dgoogle_7-zip-display-AU-728x90-28385143746&nm=5&mb=2"]link[/URL] to be precise[/QUOTE]
Probably just being paranoid. In any case run this:
Just for kicks ;)
I'm using it already but the audio is only there if I plug in the headset
I'm using the Asus XonarDG audio driver