I found 'em.
Digging the new Lars outfit much more than his old one. Even the Naruto designed one in Tekken 6 is better than his original default one.
I found 'em.
His new outfit is great, I didn't mind his old one though. (Wasn't a fan of the Naruto version.)Nice.
Digging the new Lars outfit much more than his old one. Even the Naruto designed one in Tekken 6 is better than his original default one.
His new outfit is great, I didn't mind his old one though. (Wasn't a fan of the Naruto version.)
After seeing that OT thread about how come action movies are bad I'm beginning to see the flaws in videogame trailers as well. Oh well.
The sad part is I've seen this shit in my Tekken artbooks for (edit: OVER) A DECADE! Yes, this was ONCE a series deserving of artbooks and then they just gave up.New stuff
Alisa needs an outfit change
The sad part is I've seen this shit in my Tekken artbooks for (edit: OVER) A DECADE! Yes, this was ONCE a series deserving of artbooks and then they just gave up.
They went all out for Tekken's 10th anniversary coinciding with Tekken 5's release. That artbook, showcasing the series' evolution was fantastic. That was back when they also had a bunch of promotional only shots. Now, we get a re-posed image of the same art we've seen since 2004.Yeah i was sad to find out the art in the WE ARE TEKKEN edition of Tag 2 was just the different character select arts.
It is not gonna be easy to have new character outfits and Harada believes having customization is enough.
They went all out for Tekken's 10th anniversary coinciding with Tekken 5's release. That artbook, showcasing the series' evolution was fantastic. That was back when they also had a bunch of promotional only shots. Now, we get a re-posed image of the same art we've seen since 2004.
What a difference these past ten years have been. SFIV came back strong, MK9 came back strong. Tekken? Just sort of existed and fizzled, no?
Tekken was doing more than fine until Tekken Tag 2. The first six games sold 3 million+.
Tag 2 barely reached like 2 million, which is still good but not as good as how the series has historically performed.
With Tekken 7, sales could go in any direction. Maybe even lower than TTT2 or perhaps go back to the standard 3 mil + that each game in the series sold before.
This is not even counting arcade profits, the primary source of revenue for Tekken.
I get the feeling the sales for Tekken 7 might be very low compared to the standard.
Tekken tag 2 was basically the ultimate Tekken game and it sold weak.Tekken 7 lacking half the cast in Tag 2 and introducing new mechanics that are not that game changing might not create a bump in sales.
I honestly feel that if TTT2 had featured legacy outfits and modes and advertised them, it could have drawn in the former players with nostalgia. Hell even a blocky polygon graphics mode or something. It was hardly the ultimate Tekken for me as it was merely Tekken 6 with some new mechanics.Well, Tag 2 had its own reasons for sales decline imo. Despite being a love letter to the fans, the game released in a busy year for fighters with a lot of competition (Dead of Alive 5, Street Fighter X Tekken, SoulCalibur V, Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, Persona 4 Arena, PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale, BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend) towards the very end of the console generation.
And at the end of this intro, Lucky "Weaboo" Chloe bounces in, says "CAN I PLAY TOO?!" and starts beating the crap out of devil Kazuya.
Standing over the corpses of Kazuya and Heihachi, she exclaims "Super kawaii desu, heeheeheee!!" and promptly starts a pillow-fight with an alien.
I honestly feel that if TTT2 had featured legacy outfits and modes and advertised them, it could have drawn in the former players with nostalgia. Hell even a blocky polygon graphics mode or something. It was hardly the ultimate Tekken for me as it was merely Tekken 6 with some new mechanics.
I hope Tekken Tag Tournament 2 gets remastered for the next gen consoles some day. I'd love to have it with cleaner visuals. And non-Wii U owners deserve to have Tekken Ball, dagnubbit. Heck, I wouldn't mind Tekken 6 with better loading, IQ and netcode either.
Content heavy? A training story mode and a few versions of arcade battles isn't my idea of content heavy.This comment from ATP is hilarious:
I think the guy credited some Flynnchop guy.
But yeah, hilarious.
It's the most content heavy Tekken game....or at that.....one of the most content heavy fighting games ever.
I would LOOOOOVE a Tekken 6/Tekken Tag 2 Collection with netcode improvements, cleaner visuals, and extra features.
I hope Tekken Tag Tournament 2 gets remastered for the next gen consoles some day. I'd love to have it with cleaner visuals. And non-Wii U owners deserve to have Tekken Ball, dagnubbit. Heck, I wouldn't mind Tekken 6 with better loading, IQ and netcode either.
They went all out for Tekken's 10th anniversary coinciding with Tekken 5's release. That artbook, showcasing the series' evolution was fantastic. That was back when they also had a bunch of promotional only shots. Now, we get a re-posed image of the same art we've seen since 2004.
What a difference these past ten years have been. SFIV came back strong, MK9 came back strong. Tekken? Just sort of existed and fizzled, no?
No doubt, for the scene, and mostly abroad. But it hasn't made a splash outside of that scene. They tried feeding off of the MMA popularity with 6 to no avail.Tekken almost single handedly keeps fighting games alive in the arcades, and has for at least the last decade.
Ehh, I don't like how the cinematic is only focused on a handful of characters unlike older tekken games.
I hope Tekken Tag Tournament 2 gets remastered for the next gen consoles some day. I'd love to have it with cleaner visuals. And non-Wii U owners deserve to have Tekken Ball, dagnubbit.
They need to remaster it right now so I can get rid of my PS3.
TTT2 is my favorite game this generation. This intro was good for Tekken 7. But it doesn't compare to TTT2's intro. TTT2 was just amazing in length and coolness.
I don't see where people are saying the CGI is awful but eh, it is what it is. I think it's a pretty great opening cinematic...now just give me one where it shows some of the other characters.
huh? heihachi is in itAt least the opening is abomination free.
Lili and Asuka storyline is more entertaining tbh.
Tekken 5 and Tekken 5 DR had openings with a handful of characters..
Content heavy? A training story mode and a few versions of arcade battles isn't my idea of content heavy.
Trailer was cool, butDon't fret everyone, I'm sure Lucky Chloe will get some love on the console opening. :lolwhere's Jun?
The OTP of Tekken.
I remember the thread and I agree it had some pretty cool stuff, but free dlc, non-button mashy, and having solid mechanics and balance etc aren't what I'd consider content.Let me just reference you to this thread:
I remember the thread and I agree it had some pretty cool stuff, but free dlc, non-button mashy, and having solid mechanics and balance etc aren't what I'd consider content.
It had all of the standard fighter modes plus that Combot mode.
I don't want to stretch this out, I love Tekken, it just doesn't capture me like it used to.
See my bias comes from the fact that I've invested so much of my imagination into this series when I was at a career deciding age and I've developed an interest in designing games. Not on technical level, but more of a directorial, artistic, and scenario writing role etc. Seeing those elements fade as the years went on saddened me. I still feel that what I have in mind for the series could be revolutionary for all fighters. I've, embarrassingly enough, even wrote Harada of my interest but no luck which isn't a surprise.It had a ton of content as a multiplayer game, but not much as a single player game (almost nothing, actually).
RNG tastes delicious,gao gao~
Lili and Asuka had pretty neat synergy in Tag 2 haha.While I don't mind Lucky Chloe, I hope that she doesn't have a better matchup against Lili. >
the most we've got to see of shaheen as far as I know:
Errrrr.....There's a whole video of Shaheen being played.