Can you wait like 15 minutes for me to run and get some Dunkin Dounuts? I need something to drink.
Yeah, sure. Just post when you're ready.
Can you wait like 15 minutes for me to run and get some Dunkin Dounuts? I need something to drink.
Getting on now
DEATH™;167606610 said:It's obvious now that you haven't experience or even payed attention to a high-level or even a mid-high-level tekken match and basing your wishes on a short uninformed experience (probably online). You are wanting a game where you can just go play and brawl, which is fine if you want a type of game like that, but please do consider the things you wish for, because the future of tekken comes from your wishes, not us who loved tekken and play it out of loving loyalty because of the deep aspects it provides...
I was actually going to say something like this awhile back. The anticipation and vibe for Tekken 7 right now isn't quite where it should be unfortunately, especially when compared to SF5 or MKX and if Tekken 7 stays in the arcades for 2 years again, I doubt that will do it any favors and potentially hurt the series even further. The rumored update can definitely improve and even revitalize the game in a sense, but that could push the game back even further. The reason I say this is because after watching it on Youtube/online, reading about all of the characters, seeing high level and low level gameplay repeatedly for such a elongated period of time, wouldn't the element of surprise and discovery rate be significantly lowered by the time it comes out at home for players who keep up with Tekken on a regular basis? Unless of course they pack the home version with a plethora of noteworthy extras or something to reinvigorate the game. I guess we will have to see.
Fuck you Roxen! I love you man! That was so much fun! But you can go straight to hell!
Another reason why I will always prefer pad oder stick.Sorry, my roommates are sleepingArcade stick is way too loud.
Another reason why I will always prefer pad oder stick.
I actually hope MarkMan has read my posts and questions the developers about this. Ask them why a game that's entire premise is based on an Iron Fist tournament has six out of nine of its female characters as either teenage girls (Lili, Askua, Josie, Lucky Chloe, XIaoyu) or a robot that exhibits teenage behavior (Alisa). We're left with Katarina, Leo, and Kazumi, one of which is already looking way younger than what her actual age should have been. Why don't we have an old or fat or black female character? So sad.
And here i was hoping for fall this year.welp.
Yeah T7 is looking like late 2016 at the earliest.
I actually hope MarkMan has read my posts and questions the developers about this. Ask them why a game that's entire premise is based on an Iron Fist tournament has six out of nine of its female characters as either teenage girls (Lili, Askua, Josie, Lucky Chloe, XIaoyu) or a robot that exhibits teenage behavior (Alisa). We're left with Katarina, Leo, and Kazumi, one of which is already looking way younger than what her actual age should have been. Why don't we have an old or fat or black female character? So sad.
The best player on GAF is unanimously av2k. He's on a completely different different level. His play feels just as oppressive as when I got to play against KOR and GM.
Common, you can't call someone who beat Help Me and (technically beat) Ao (if he didn't drop the game winning combo) in tournament and say they're not that good. And it's not like it was a fraud win with simple characters like Bob/Lars/Jinpachi. He did it with Mishima's that need solid execution.
Pretty sure it was EBM who beat Holeman at EVO not Subt-L. And yes EBM is one of the US's best players.
And going by the only win once rule... wouldn't that put Anakin, KOR, and GM also in that same category? Didn't KOR only ever win against the Koreans that first MLG? Didn't GM also only win against Koreans in the second MLG before losing to Holeman? And Anakin only ever beat the Koreans in the final MLG at DC? Only player I can think of that beat Koreans in multiple occasions was Fab beating Rain on multiple occasions and being the only American to advance when they went to Tekken Crash.
Let me say again, I really don't care about a male-female split. A game could be entirely male and still have an extremely diverse and interesting cast.I hope he doesn't. If you're looking for 'realism' or whatever you chose the wrong game, man. I've seen some threatening 16 year old kickboxers. True, they don't look like Josie, but i've rarely seen MMA fighters look like Claudio either. Or like Bob. Who'd main some fat old lady character? Like really? Why is that better or more realistic than young fighters for an 'iron fist' tournament as you keep bringing up?
I'd definitely bet on the 16 year olds over the geriatrics to be honest. And over the robots and devils because i've not seen them show up in the dojo.
And if it's variety you truly want, please jockey to have one of Jin/Lars or Kazuya/Heihachi or Shaheen/Claudio removed instead for your fat black lady =D
We should play some more, Sayah. The lag was there but it was manageable. And i'm still pissed i was bad enough for you to just troll me the whole time. I want to fix it.
I honestly think it's because of demand, popularity and preferences. Young girls are really popular in Japan/Asia and unfortunately it seems like mature women are not considered desirable for whatever reason. Just look at anime and JRPG's for glaring examples at youth dominance. Seems like this translates to video games also. Sure, there are mature women represented occasionally, but in actuality it is generally populated by really young females in the abundance. I guess it's the same way most Western gamers typically love to play muscular, strong, beefcake, hyper-masculine, steroid-junkie male characters who are ruthless and macho primarily over females, effeminate or smaller men. Catering to the masses I suppose.
How consistent art you in beating OFdP, if there is an advantage in win-counts in your favor then you are of equal skill.
If AV can go back and forth between KOR and Crow then it shows in his skill. About top 8 placings and such, if AV traveled as much as those guys did who's to say the amount of placings wouldn't be higher?
And sorry, I was thinking of MLG, not EVO. But EBM definitely did play Eddy in T6.
In the end the comment is of who the best player on GAF is. I still unconditionally think it's AV.
Edit: And yes, I can play more TTT2 matches. My intention is not to disrespect or troll anyone so sorry if you feel that way. I often like to mess around with secondary teams just for fun even though I'm not good with most non-Williams teams.
Oh no, don't feel bad. If i can't force you to play in serious mode that's all on me. And i know i need a bunch of work to get gud.
What the heck??? Yes I was there LOL. I recognized most of the people there like Adam, Matthew, Rami, Renato, that anime guy (I think his name was JF) etc. Were you the Julia/Anna player? I occasionally go to Montreal and play at Rami's place where he invites other guys. You should join the Tekken Canada facebook group so you'll know the next time we go there.
Trust me ZTS, just play AVKazama. You'll see how good he is. I'll leave it at that.
His PSN is av2k I believe.
Brothers... don't hate the game for not using one of it's features....TTT2 has a solo mode you people!!! Use it and Love it!!!!!![]()
Not gonna lie, solo mode being banned is definitely one of the reasons i've avoided going out to tourneys.
If we are talking about beating Koreans then even I beat them in tournament![]()
If we are talking about beating Koreans then even I beat them in tournament![]()
Koreans living in the US do not count as Koreans
Just kidding. GAF has a lot of great Tekken players.
Jun/Kunimitsu is such a great team though. You'd get far with them.
You can even nickname them TEAM NON-CANON because they only appear in non-canon games now.
Beginner level tournaments are an idea I have definitely thought about. The problem being that figuring out who can participate and who can't is ultimately impossible. Good, because I have moved the tournaments to Saturdays at 6PM Eastern, so no more excuses. you definitely have been supporting the game for a long time. One suggestion I have is to make closed tournaments to newer players to reward them for levelling up rather than paying Mak/PL each weekI would participate but I'm busy on Thursday evenings.
About chipp damage, I never liked it to be honest. One thing I wouldn't mind seeing implemented is something akin to Guilty Gear's R.I.S.C. system.
You should really hit up Rami because it always seems like he's up for games in TTT2. He is also someone who doesn't want TTT2 to die after seeing the lack of innovation in T7. The two guys I know who are the most conrsistent are Rami and Sam in the Montreal scene. I'm sure you can get some local games with them. I definitely will try to make the 3 hour journey to Rami's place for another session sometime but not within these next 5 weeks because of Ramadan.
Why is the TEKKEN Project making garbage like Summer lesson ? For...VR ?
Does that have anything to do with that Team's expertise ?