Thanks for the Raven advice, GrayFoxPL.
Very, very nice. You stay calm in every situation and manage to turn things around even if your situation seems helpless.
I go into sleep mode for some reason

Here's the video, road to Pugilist. It's still processing so it's not in HD yet. EDIT: It's HD now
When rank is on the line my entire playstyle changes, not to mention that I don't have a main team anymore. Going back to Forest/Slim Bob is bizarre, I feel very restricted using Forest Law, I don't think there's any breathing room in my playstyle without DSS.
Very, very nice. You stay calm in every situation and manage to turn things around even if your situation seems helpless.
Good going man.
People go in awaken state when rank is involved lol.
I go into sleep mode for some reason
Thank you. There's going to be a lot of opportunities to post this picSorry for the delay