@GrayFoxPL: Thanks for the advice. I practiced Asuka some time ago. I know how to sidestep some of her strings, I know some of her frame data, but I just can't fight her. It's weird. It's like I forget everything I learned about her and just wait for her f2 or her counter grab. I have to go into practice mode some days and just learn everyone's characters.
My offense is garbage. I can't put pressure on my opponent. My backdash is okay, so I tend to overuse it. I don't use enough lows and rarely use throws (if I use them at all). I always fight the same way regardless of the character I fight against. My playstyle works pretty well against Mishimas, but I already know I'm fucked when someone uses Law, Eddy, Nina or Lei.
My defense is also pretty weak. I used to be able to block lows when my random ducking was still a thing, but now I get hit by every low there is in the game. When my opponent is aggressive with lows, I'm too afraid to attack and wait for the low to launch him, but I don't have the reflexes for that. I also lack character knowledge, so I don't even know what my opponent can do.
I'll try to punish your raw tags. And I also have to try and anticipate tag crash. It's a really easy way for an extra launch.
The thing with Jin's 1,2,3... I'm too afraid to anticipate anything, so I just wait for you to finish the string. I'm an idiot. That Steve setup is pretty cool though. I have to try that out.
I think I'll have to change my whole playstyle. Just throw out the things I usually do and strengthen the fundamentals.
Nah, nah, nah you are too hard on yourself. Your movement is great. Great backdash. Your defense is way better then mine at least. You can duck mid high strings I'd never even attempt like Kaz's df1,2 or Steve's f+2,1. Before I can think about doing anything the string is over. I just jab before anything happens and hope maybe it's a trade at least, lol. On a good day I block a hellsweep once.
You have crazy execution especially with Mishimas like Jin, Kaz, consistent electrics and on my eye you're already wavedashing with them. Same with Hwo and Steve and you get consistent 100+ damage combos.
I hit you off your sidesteps because I constantly tap forward or back and that makes character realign with opponent. It's not really on purpose but because of Mishimas. Every tap forward is a potential crouch dash move but it doesn't have to be. The buffer window after f,n, is pretty huge (I think Kaz has the longest but after ff,n, instead). You can tap forward "Let it go" wait for quite a while and react with what opponent is doing with either d,df move or anything else. So I'm just tapping.
Maybe sidewalk destroys this?
I never really got into sidewalking but I think I should. I forget it exist. I watched one Korean or Japanese Jun player basically sidewalking everyone and hitting her 2,1,4,3(I think) string in the side or on the back. No need for juggles, lol.
You gotta believe in yourself more Sasuke. If you are aggressive +mixing up I can rarely stop you. Like that day when I asked myself: "Am I playing the same guy?!".
Once you back off you give me time to think of stuff like: " Now I'm gonna try to hit him with 2 lows and attempt a mid" "Then 2 lows, mid, low and launcher".
One last thing: attempt every move your character has even the bad ones. It's because you know this move is bad and your opponent(presumably) knows that it's bad so you'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever do it.
Then you do it.
"He did it? Wtf?! Why?"
Like once per two, three, four matches attempt a bad move. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Example: You never do the last hit of Leo's ff+4,3,4 when first 2 are blocked because it's so bad right? I never seen you do it and I know for 100% you'll never finish it so I just attack after ff4,3 and don't think anything will stop me. Ever.
Same principle with Kazuya's strings. You whack opponent countless times with df+3 and do other stuff after that. Then beside that you start doing df+3,2 sometimes, preferably delayed, and other stuff after it. Then finally this one time you really need it do delayed df3,2,1 and get huge damage and free launch chance. After that opponent will have no idea what to expect. "df3,2,1 is launch punishable! This guy is crazy. *Ragequit"
If you want we can do practice matches instead of usual stuff. Could be fun and beneficial for us both!
I can even do OnlineAsuka*TM and spam b+3(on of my top 10 most hated moves in tag2), f+2 and reversals on frame disadvantage.
And once again believe in yourself more.
Btw the reason I won against your Xiaoyu lately is because I monotonously practiced Jin and DJ lately and figured out d+3+4 for both them will launch Xiaoyu anytime she's crouching, in phoenix or backturned and I think crushes her lows at the same time. And if first hit misses the second is still full launch. That move is -19 for Jin and -15 for DJ but against her it's priceless.
I don't know what's more frustrating, that fact that lost two promotion matches to laggy Mishimas+Bruce or the fact that I am forced to drive the crappy car to school today.
Oh well, at least Anna's a destroyer now.
On the other hand what amazing was seeing you
reversing deathfist with Anna at 2 bar connection as a final move of our final match

I was like:
Awesome stuff sir.