Good games. I watched a little of Aris' tutorial before we played and tried to make use of some of the points he mentioned. Feng seems like a rather easy character and he has some great low pokes and low launchers. I still haven't taken any time to study Dragunov. I went through his move list and practiced his combos, nothing else yet. Learning new characters is really exhausting

I totally forgot about the 2~1 bound after db+4. I always tried to hit WS+1 and wondered if I timed it wrong. I'll hit practice mode a little more before trying them again.
Your Paul killed me today. I can't deal with his 50/50 mixup at close range. And his shredders always get me. I played some ranking before playing against you and some Paul player ruined my promotion to Berserker with Leo. Xiaoyu's promo to Warrior wasn't too far away either, but I played him twice and lost again :/
If there's too much to remember for Steve I'll tell you 2 things that might already be enough:
d+2,1,f+3. Spam that shit at close range. You have so many options after that, especially if you cancel the duck into a FC. You do Wildman cancel combos, so that shouldn't be a big deal either^^
You rarely go into Flicker in the open. Do that. So many options to choose from, all of them safe, FLK 1,u+1 is neutral on block and gives KND on hit. If you noticed, I often do a sidestep right after that and shoot a Shoryuken. Works surprisingly often
Something that a lot of people fall for: When my oppenent is on the floor, I often do a f+3,1 with Steve. Many people try do a getup 3 after that and get low-parried. 60% of the time, it works every time.