Ggs man. Today was quite surprising for me. Things worked the way I imagined them, which is a rarity for me. I even tried some harder combos with Lee or Steve. And throw breaking also worked really well.
Genki is a friend of mine. A very good player in my opinion. I also tried to invite Ice_Beam (Ice_Lili), but he kept being thrown out of the lobby (and maybe that was for the best, because we wouldn't have been able to play anymore if he stayed

I have to work on Paul. Can't deal with him at all. Whenever you fire up those shredders or hit me with a death fist my heart cries bitter tears. And that demo man...
Totally forgot that you played Asuka. You should use that counter grab now and then though. Never limit yourself. There are some clever ways to use it.
Yeah I keep hitting Asuka's b+2,1 in juggles by mistake because that's how Jun does it. My memory get's really bad and confusing. I must spend some time in practice mode to remember the moveset.
Btw you guys really fall for Asuka's sweeps and stuff, but it's really easy to avoid.
I was watching you guys and wondering why are you guys standing while I was doing her db+4 stuff.
The db+4(4,4,4) sweep loop is low and and the extension is either high(3) or another low(4) or low, high(1+4 white heron/3ring circus). So by crouching after first db+4 you are basically safe and can at least d+1 her not mentioning launch punish with certain things.
It's really difficult for Asuka to throw out a mid after db+4 sweeps. She can hold D after db+4 to recover crouching then do slow ws+3 launcher or try to cc after db+4 and go for a mid like 1+2 etc. But it takes pretty long so to get hit really have to be frozen or something. Really don't worry that after db+4 she'll suddenly shoot a super fast mid launcher because she can't. Her standing mids are solid, but if you see db+4 or 1+4 take it as an opportunity to get in by low blocking.
As for Paul it's all about spacing him out. People get hit by shredders because it's like a double hopkick, most often they avoid the first kick just to get hit by the second. So little more patience is needed to "wait out" the 2 kicks, then punish, always punish, even with simple 1,2. Also after good backdash and little sidestep and the uf+3,4 shredders and deathfist are nullified. Notice that Paul doesn't have any super lows to fight you at a distance. qcf+1+2 the long reaching hand sweep takes like 32 frames to land 34 with execution. It's ridiculous. The demo man or just bone breaker d+4,2 is great but notice that the range is not there. I must be really close to trip you. If you are a step back the d+4 will hit your legs just a bit but the rest is normally blockable because it's not a natural combo. There's this trick Paul players are doing: If you are knocked down at the wall and are getting up, Paul will sidestep or stay at a distance where d+4(of d+4,2,1+2) will whiff so that the mids of demo man will hit and wall splat. One thing is that people expect a demo man and know it starts with a low and the second is that when they see start of d+4 they mechanically start blocking low. It's a trap.
It can be done in the open but you don't wanna opponent to move a lot since it needs the right distance or else Paul is just whiffing moves waiting to get punished. So again, distance.
Notice something: deathfist does the ridiculous damage only if it hits deep. If you get hit by the end of the fist, the damage is nothing scary, you can take it. Stay at a distance.
Paul player mindset to hit a deathfist? "He's gonna dash forward right...about....NOW! QCF+2!"
Notice something else: Every character has wr+3 that is like +9 and you gotta guess everything that's coming next since it's free offense. Paul doesn't have that. He has running shredders(same move as ff+3,4) that are -16 on block. If I guess that you'll block it I can do one of 3 extensions: 4 a slow safe high kick with good damage. df+4 a slow mid kick with shitty damage that is -14 on block or a d+4 a slow high crushing low kick with worst damage and is -17 on block and -6 on hit. After blocking fff+3,4 just mash jabs and you'll punish, either ch or normal. Even if someone goes for the shitty low and you get hit you are at +6 and in his face. I always go for high 4 because it is safe and will ch people that are late on punish. But it's a duckable high. Also if I don't guess right and go for fff+3,4 launch I'm -16 and likely dead. It's shit. Really. Most of the time Pauls will just run forward and go for a deathfist, qcf+1, f+1+2, or d+4,2,1+2 as their "running attacks" lol.