They are taking the absolute piss with this game. No namco, Im not traveling halfway across the EU to play this game to give feedback. Just give us a fucking release date. Even if its 2017.
Lol wrap it up boys and play KOFXIV
Lol wrap it up boys and play KOFXIV
It was 700-800 viewers. 1300 when they lied about the announcement.
Someone noted Pokken had 29 000, SFV 16 000.
When did Tag2 had so low views? Even when everybody said it was dead?
From what Murray said to Aris I gather they are planning to reveal characters on console release, but anything before that is kinda sketchy.
Other thing that he said only PS4 version was announced(doesn't mean it's exclusive).
Markman was kinda mocking the game for lack of new moves, thing I'm pointing out since forever. "I'm just here to test TWO new moves", "Nina has only one new move..." things like that. When Aries asked Murray about the Nina thing, Murray got startled, couldn't get out of it. "She should have like 3, I don't have my computer now..." Lol yeah. Better work on some of new moves and I mean new, not stolen from other characters or cut from parts of old strings.
Interesting thing Murray said when Aris jokingly asked if Murray is the real boss and Harada is the sidekick. Murray said when he worked his way up and started to mean something in Tekken team, a lot of Tekken's design/ideas came from Murray actually. That Murray had a project plan done, Harada signed it and it was a go.
I really want to know what where those ideas, which ones, and were they the good ones.
If it's the shitty characters post T5 I'm starting to blame Murray instead Harada ;P.
Also what was that about: "I'm coming back home(after work).I'm loving my car and my something hot wife." He said something like that out of the blue, I didn't get it at all, but it was hilarious.
Edit:Tomorrow Aris is gonna do an interview with Harada and Murray with supposedly tough questions. I don't believe the "tough" part, but we'll see.
Lol wrap it up boys and play KOFXIV
How did you and boutdown do at the tournie? How are you guys enjoying FR this year? Did either of you guys get the chance to try out FatedR?
We should play Tekken 7 now? Really?
How did you and boutdown do at the tournie? How are you guys enjoying FR this year? Did either of you guys get the chance to try out FatedR?
Pretty sure Mike was on stream.
Yo, I just woke up. So what was the major announcement?
Yo, I just woke up. So what was the major announcement?
Lots of money for anyone that lives in the US that wants to travel to a bunch of tournaments/conventions and win a T7.0 tournie there.
And it's only open for people in South America and North America. Europeans and Asians are not allowed to enter.
Fucking assholes, all of them.
And MarkMan still thinks his trolling is funny? "It's a great time to be a Tekken fan"?
"Now is the time to play Tekken and forward your impressions to Tekken team" (before game's development ends) ?
Does he really think this shit was, is or ever will be funny? Really it's a great time? We should play Tekken 7 now? Really?
You're good guy Sayah, but don't expect them to cater to us. We put them where they are now, but we are last of the last to them. We mean dog shit to them.
Besides they can't get interest of anyone anymore. First they effectively shat on die-hard fans to get "fresh blood". Now even those newcomers stop giving a shit. Don't tell me 800 viewers is a normal thing for hyped up "upcoming" "AAA" fighting game. Don't tell me it was the same for MK or SFV pre release showings, because it wasn't.
They are playing this game wrong. I don't think anybody ever won commercially with: "pissing everyone off" - tactics.
I also think it's time everyone came to terms with the fact that the console version will come out at the absolute earliest around this time when the snow melts in 2017, no earlier.
I think everyone should direct the fury more towards Namco than MarkMan. The poor guy is just making the most out of the hand he's dealt. And besides he did warn everyone on this thread that nothing console related will be talked about until after the Arcade release.
I also think it's time everyone came to terms with the fact that the console version will come out at the absolute earliest around this time when the snow melts in 2017, no earlier.
I don't think that liar bifuteki took this: "Major announcement", "Maybe new character" straight from his own ass but probably someone else.
I just wish the TTT2 servers didn't suck. Take all the time you want, but at least let me play the game I own!
Harada saying Tekken's always been like this - and there are less arcade games in today's market so that's why people are not used to waiting like before anymore.
Also, "Don't pay attention to what other regions are doing."
Thanks. That makes me feel a lot better. Really, thanks a lot.
My excitement for Tekken is just dying. I can't be excited for it anymore. They really don't know how to cater to their fanbase and want to suck the arcades dry instead. This game got revealed at freakin EVO 2014 and will be an official main EVO game for two straight freakin years despite nobody actually having access to it. It's absurdity as some cosmic level.
Fucking assholes, all of them.
And MarkMan still thinks his trolling is funny? "It's a great time to be a Tekken fan"?
"Now is the time to play Tekken and forward your impressions to Tekken team" (before game's development ends) ?
Does he really think this shit was, is or ever will be funny? Really it's a great time? We should play Tekken 7 now? Really?
Or we can do nothing.
I'm actually really tired. Anyone wondering why we're so negative? It's hard to support the series after being ignored for 2 years. It's hard to get excited for anything regarding the series, knowing that you won't be able to play it for another year. It's hard to get excited for any "major announcement" that ends up being a tournament that a dozen of people will enter. And it's hard to not get mad for being told to "get excited" and "stay tuned"... People are complaining about the lack of content in SFV. We're complaining about the lack of anything to play
I'm tired of TTT2. I've been playing this game for way too long. I need something fresh!
One good thing that's come from today is Murray saying he's seen T7 running on PS4 already. That's actually a bit different from what they've told us months ago. They said FR would release in arcade first and then they'll start on the console version but it seems they've already started on the console version which speeds up porting time from the arcade to PS4. Given it takes 3-4 months to port a big game to the console, I'm actually wondering if this is going to impact it's release hmm. Sayah's pic chart with the release date for the console version for T7 is thrown off since if they've started developing the PS4 version already then it could potentially release earlier than November 2016. I'm not getting my hopes up but something isn't matching up.
Aris is supposed to ask harder questions tomorrow so I look forward to them. I hope he asks them what they think about the console gamers waiting for the game. We just need more info on their development here.
I have high doubts the game will release before November 2016. And even November is being too optimistic because:
#1: Arcade operators have to be able to make profit off their purchase of new arcade machines.
#2: Wizard World Tour events are scheduled up to late October. There would be no point in having these if the game was going to release before then.
But as I said before, this tour is a complete waste of resources and only the very small minority that is competitively active enough to attend all 16 events will be enthused to go there. The casual fanbase (the majority) just wants a damn release date already. Anything that gets posted on Neogaf for Tekken 7 or on Tekken Facebook has half the people asking if it's releasing on consoles already or not. 99% of people do not care about these side events that showcase the game for a day.
As sad as this may sound, I don't think we'll have Tekken 7 console till after EVO 2017. Eeeesh. How could you even sell Tekken 7 for EVO 2017 if that turns out to be the case? I mean we got Pokken.............................................right?![]()
Accepting is release
Im trying to tell you guys. Staying up late for announcements and hyping yourselves up at this point in the game is just shooting yourself in the foot. Play other shit or just live life and not worry about the game.
Im trying to tell you guys. Staying up late for announcements and hyping yourselves up at this point in the game is just shooting yourself in the foot. Play other shit or just live life and not worry about the game.
Im trying to tell you guys. Staying up late for announcements and hyping yourselves up at this point in the game is just shooting yourself in the foot. Play other shit or just live life and not worry about the game.
Im trying to tell you guys. Staying up late for announcements and hyping yourselves up at this point in the game is just shooting yourself in the foot. Play other shit or just live life and not worry about the game.
Coming from a person who played FR![]()
Im trying to tell you guys. Staying up late for announcements and hyping yourselves up at this point in the game is just shooting yourself in the foot. Play other shit or just live life and not worry about the game.
Coming from a person who played FR![]()
Poongko has been hogging this Tekken 7 station for like an hour, he has like a 10 win streak. I almost beat him 2/3 but lost in the final round. Mike just played him and I recorded it.