I think the costumes might be enough for him
I'm gonna start inviting more people to Discord. Expect random PMs.
Pleeeeeeeaaaasseee let me disable the CA in T7. If they let you disable blur, disabling this garbage CA should also be allowed.
Hei looks dope though.
Eh, I don't like Heihachi's new default. It's overdesigned like a lot of the new outfits.
High time for a change too.
Lucky Chloe needs a 2P costume so bad.
Lucky Chloe needs a 2P costume so bad. I'd love to see one for Katarina and maybe Josie too.
Except her 2P is going to be one of these.
Still hoping for that to be her 2p outfit.B-b-but..
Bought an arcade stick ages ago but have never really invested the time/effort into it. I've recently been getting the urge to finally try and learn it properly. Any recommended tutorials out there? I remember initially using a combo of TMMs and ATPs vids for pointers, but was wondering if there's any others worth watching.
If you're asking about how to hold the joystick specifically, just go with what's most comofortable for you. Everyone has their own preference that works best with them. There are tons of online tutorials talking about how to backdash cancel and such, it's something that you just have to practice again and again until you have the rhythm down.
If you're talking about tutorials and videos on how to play and improve at Tekken, I recommend videos that discuss the strategy and how to think while playing Tekken. There aren't enough of those IMO. Aris did a good introduction series with these:
Episode 1 , Q&A
Episode 2, Q&A
Episode 3, Q&A
One guy Original Gaming Bubsy has a very nice organized series of vids on improving yourself as a player:
Speedkicks also had a lot of golden stuff on his twitch channel about what should be going through your mind but I don't see many archived vids for it unfortunately.
On that Pokken
Pikachu Libre is the shit
There is a fucking chandelier in this game too![]()
Let me know if you wanna play some games. Though our connection with TTT2 was complete bonkers, I have hope this game's good netcode might salvage that.
Don't have faith in Wii U connection when we had terrible connection on TTT2. Been playing local but haven't tried it online yet.
Hope online ain't crazy. Seeing Max too salty at it
Alright - let me know if you ever wanna give it a shot.
Anywho, I know people like to think Tekken 7 music isn't all that great - but it has been really growing on me. Love this catchy moment.
What people?Anywho, I know people like to think Tekken 7 music isn't all that great
I like the intro music and the regular jungle outpost themes.
What people?
You mean us? The people who don't have the game?