MarkMan with the breakdowns lol
No Master Raven gameplay yet?
Haven't been able to punish Lucky Chloe's BT f+3+4,f+3+4 with d/f+1 at all in my testing.
If he commits to a button early, he has to do something quick to be able to combo afterwards. The later he does it, the more + frames he has on hit. For example, jump in 4 into d+2 will not combo. However a later jump in 4 (while landing) into d+2 will. If that makes sense. Otherwise you have to do jump in d/f+1,2 or jump in 1,2, etc.
2 is not mid, it is special mid (can't be low parried though), so there is no mixup between blocking 2 xx or d+3 xx. And since the update now, demon flips can always be hopkicked/hit on reaction.
WS+1? WS+1 is high though, it won't punish many things. That's why you don't see anyone using it as much. Also it has bad range. He does have great FC options though, like the aforementioned FC 1 cancel into tatsu or FC sweep/d+3 for mixups/pressure.
The teleport was much better in the older versions. Now if the player knows/they can scout it, Akuma is extremely punishable if the opponent is prepared.
I agree. On paper, he has great tools, but not amazing ones. I'd list him as solid mid/upper mid until someone breaks him down even more than they already have. My main gripe, as I've always mentioned, he is such a risk/reward character. If he hits (and has meter), he hits hard. Now he can't abuse things like he did before. Everything abusable that he had was normalized in a way where you can't abuse it (without taking a huge risk).
"You! - You! - EYAAAAH!"
"Speeed aaand WEEEEIIGGHHT!"
Bob flourishes in FR!
Bob match videos pouring in.
SuperCerealAlex _ said:I fucking despise that fat piece of trash. Such a talentless, spammy character. What was Harada thinking bringing back the most loathed character on the roster? Just watching him makes me angry. IMO, he truly has ruined the flow and hype for T7FR, because most of that hype was because people was hoping for a BOB FREE TEKKEN!!
I hate Bob, but damn... Xiaoyu looks so good in those colors
TMM was on Kuro Kuro again.
I noticed he does df+2 into electric by f,d,df motion and not f,n,df+2 and it still launches. At first I thought it was because he sidestepped right to make it easier but he did it from straight line too and worked.
Fuck, I never bothered with df+2, electric combo because my pad can't input that precise f,n,df, it's too hyper wonky, but if df+2 into "normal" f,d,df+2 works then damn I gotta practice this shit.
Hope it's not only for T7 like adding 1 frame leniency to this or smth.
In my experience, CH d/f+2 (since TTT1) into actual f,N,d,D/F+2 always worked.
Bad Habit (ff+3) fixed the hitbox so it will now hit Bryan on the ground.
In my worst nightmares i would not see myself sitting in practice mode and getting to know Bob as i should, completely neglected that atrocity in t6 and tag2 with high hopes for him not being in t7. How silly i was.
Damn, db3 is good as fuck huh
There was a time when I didn't worry about Bob at all. I wouldn't say he was free but I got my wins punishing him on instinct and I didn't know anything about him.
The more I educated myself on him the worse my fights became against him. Started fearing his every move. So frustration to no end.
I don't know what it is. Maybe ignorance truly is bliss.
Bob hate strong
I dare Namco to give Bob the Bruce or Raven treatment, but of course they wouldn't dare have a fat or old female character.
Why did everyone lie to me?!
Every goddam guide (even MM's, lol) notes that it's gotta be f,n,df+2 and nothing else.
That wouldn't change a thing if she was still Bob.
I don't hate Bob because of his appearance, I find it shallow and distasteful when ppl hate him because he's fat or smth.
When he was announced in T6 I was super hyped that we'd get Sammo Hung alongside Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee. Even his moveset was pretty up to par.
Everything was ruined because he was designed to play like an asshole. Ppl with laggy connections go online and b+2,2 all day because you can't do shit with the lag. His moves crush others with Bob only logic like shoryuken going under deathfist or df+4.
Spam d+1 because it hits always in any situation.
They could've fixed him in FR and make him honest character but what for if that's not the goal?
https://twitter.com/Flying_Wonkey/status/763043360420401152#T7FR Kazuya
He got a new b+2+3 / b+1+4 reversal with the same move name as Heihachi's. Leaves you with Ki charge.
Players made xiaoyu's skin tight pants in skin colour so she appeared nude like.
They removed the option to change colours of those pants in newest patch, haha.
If I remember right they removed grey as an option for Dragunov's uniform between T5DR and T6. I assume it was to avoid any Nazi connection, can't really think of any other reason.
In Tag2 I still fought nazi Xiaoyu teamed up with nazi someone, uniforms, swastikas made with emblems, everything. Fucked up.
*sees all the Bob hate.*
I guess its something I just will never understand :'(
Oh I don't doubt that, the decal system let's you create pretty much anything. Have you tried reporting people like that through PSN?
Well the swastikas actually predates the Nazi regime. In Asia it's usually used to represent peace and good luck.
Though given the rest out of that outfit....yeah that's probably meant to represent a Nazi. :/
Definitely the Nazi version, which is reversed and on it's axis when compared to the original Hindu version.
Well the swastikas actually predates the Nazi regime. In Asia it's usually used to represent peace and good luck.
Though given the rest out of that outfit....yeah that's probably meant to represent a Nazi. :/
Nah, I don't doubt that it's meant to be Nazi representation. I'm just saying that not all swatstika variation are meant to be associated with Hitler/Nazis, especially in Asian culture.