When playing DR after Revo yesterday I noticed they overhauled sorta Asuka's costume.
She somehow became CM Punk, or maybe Phil Brooks took from Tekken.
Similar boots and star placements on costume. Lol
Nah my bad, she always had the stars, I thought she didn't in DR. This is what happens when I have no sleep.
But still, both her and CM Punk have similar fight attire.
It seems like some people just don't like Sasuke... or anime in general...
Receiving hate mails is pretty funny. The only reason I write a message myself is when someone rage quits. So there's this guy who plays a Warrior Feng/Drag team, and he's terrible with them. I beat him with Xiaoyu alone in the first round and gave him a Perfect in the second. In the third round, he rage quits. I write a message saying that what he did was pretty pathetic, nothing more...
He replies by saying that the only pathetic thing was my name and that weaboos and Xiaoyu players do not deserve to finish a match. He then tells me that that's the most embarassing thing he's seen Online and he wouldn't be surprised if I watched My Little Pony, too. I should go shave my neckbeard, take a shower (because judging by my name it must have been a while) and asked if I also had a fedora.
I love Tekken Online![]()
Replying to hate mails is pretty fun though^^Never bother someone scummy enough to rage quit with messages. They will just troll with replies.
My fav is when someone rage quits and then proceeds to send insults in languages i don't undertand in caps.
I usually just tell people to calm down if they send me too many hatemails and then block themReplying to hate mails is pretty fun though^^
Anyone else who has some funny messages to share?
I must be alone when it comes to that, I don't even bother responding and move on.
I must be alone when it comes to that, I don't even bother responding and move on.
For the PS3, I know that if the auto-fill/auto-complete configuration was enabled, you can pretty much craft hate messages pretty easily, since all the hate words (and strings) appear in the cache...I just always assumed that was it since no way in heck anyone can be that fast with a virtual keyboard.I usually just tell people to calm down if they send me too many hatemails and then block them
Not funny but i fought a guy a while back who sent me some hardcore messages after every match we played. The worst thing was that it was clutch each time.
No idea where people find the time and energy to be mad at someone they fought online once or twice.
So what you're trying to say is that Asuka reps Chicago?
I just really don't feel comfortable with Bruce, so I don't know if I should do Josie, when I feel that Law is just my style.
Maybe more practice with Bruce will do it for me.
PS: To those interested. Yoshimitsu's suit were created in Dr Bosconovitch's laboratory. Officially designed by freelance artist Kenichirou Yoshimura.
Wonkey's Twitter. I think he translated some text from Harada. I'll give a link when I am on the computer.Where'd you hear that?
Wonkey's Twitter. I think he translated some text from Harada. I'll give a link when I am on the computer.
Can't take pictures from the PS3 right now, so here's some screenshots from the PSN app. Only his replies are displayed though
I have been winning an absurd amount of games with "Two Move Bruce" Online lately. Seriously, just Bruce, 2 moves and people lose, sometimes very badly.
For the PS3, I know that if the auto-fill/auto-complete configuration was enabled, you can pretty much craft hate messages pretty easily, since all the hate words (and strings) appear in the cache...I just always assumed that was it since no way in heck anyone can be that fast with a virtual keyboard.
lmao @ these messages.
Ahahaha. That is a lot of salt. Good job.
Could be Kazumi. And still nothing about that girl at the top right of the sticker sheet.
d4 and b2?
We started running a biweekly online tournament with some of the best Finnish players around.
It'll start in about an hour and a half (19 UTC+2) at http://twitch.tv/biiruken and the commentary is in English. We're practicing with this and tryimg to get our local scene activated. This'll be our third.
Cool, I'll try to watch during work downtime. Did you guys hear from Killerdoll at all if he's still interested in Tekken? That guy was pretty impressive to start playing in Tekken 6 and reach a level in the game where he could prevail against JDCR in an AKing mirror money match. And it's strange considering how both of his characters AKing and Marduk got massive improvements in TTT2 lol.
I hope it is Kazumi just to get it out of the way. Kazumi, Jack-7 and that JayCee girl. And then Lei Wulong and Nina Williams.![]()
We're playing right now, what's your PSN again?
You'd be surprised how fraudulent I am. I win because of my characters.
Wonkey posted this.
I never played Tekken 1 but dayyyyyum at damage. 5 second rounds ahoy.
I don't think age is the only thing having to do with people having never played Tekken 1.Yup the damage in T1 and T2 is insane, and it makes me feel old when I see Tekken fans say they didn't play T1.
My friend talked with Helpme and he said that :
Moi : How is Tekken 7? Better than you thoughts?
Help_Me !! : Movement is improve. But Sidestep is weak
Moi : Like Tekken 6?
Help_Me !! : More. And side Step has delayed when we First moving. I think like 3~4frame.
It doesn't work to guard like When devil use b f 212, Left side Step guard. No working always hit
Moi : Green Arcade have only Tekken 7 cabinets? or are there still some players playing TTT2?
Help_Me !! : Green still play ttt2. T7 too expensive, more than Japan
Moi : i reallly don't know if i will play this game
Help_Me !! : I think you don't like this game.
Moi : oh, you think so?
Help_Me !! : Because we don't like this game. Haha
Moi : Really ? Why?
Help_Me !! : Jdcr was demoted 13dan, vs someone Random player. He crash cabinet.
Moi : hahaha he should be very angry
Help_Me !! : One of best move of Jdcr doesn't work. Sidestep guard. Haha. Ah I go to bed.
I don't think age is the only thing having to do with people having never played Tekken 1.