Man these balance changes coming out next week. I wonder who's getting the nerf bat?
Man these balance changes coming out next week. I wonder who's getting the nerf bat?
Man these balance changes coming out next week. I wonder who's getting the nerf bat?
More hopkick nerfing i betPrevious nerfs didnt stop Claudio and Shaheen players to use it nonstop lol
I like Tekken Revolution a lot but it disconnects so much after Round 1 that there's no point in playing it :/
It isn't nearly this bad in TTT2 online, or really anything else I've played online. I don't get it
And Tekken doesn't need people walking out them because of DLC. MK and SF can work with that due to large audiences.
Harada leaves and not much really changes for Namco as a whole like Kojima will and pretty much has.
I remember when Shinji Mikami made the infamous statement that he'd cut off his own head if Resident Evil 4 ever went to a console other than Gamecube. Capcom didn't give a damn about their star employee's dignity and proceeded to port RE4 onto anything with a transistor inside. He had an identical position to Harada at Capcom where he was the executive producer of their most talented studio (at the time). I learned my lesson there, corporations are too strong![]()
Tekken in the late 90's throughout the 00's had an audience that dwarfed Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter combined. It's very possible for Tekken to regain that audience if they reach deep and make a sequel to the best of their ability the same way NRS tried.
It really was something looking at Ed Boon beaming with smiles and pride at the end of Combo Breaker for making a game that garnered the main event for an FGC major that simultaneously put on quite the show. It'd be nice to have the same stage for Tekken just once.
I think MikeBreezy's point was that without Kojima, Konami won't even make any console games. If Harada leaves, Namco is still going to make Tekken and the other projects for arcades and consoles. It's just going to be under a different leadership. Konami on the other hand is going to completely stop any Metal Gear game begin production on any console and is focusing only on Pachinko & Mobile games. That's the big difference between Kojima/Konami vs Harada/Namco relationships.
And on the second point if we're talking about profitable ventures, then there is a reason why Tecmo is in the healthiest position among all the 3D fighting games
DLC is probably the most cost effective way for companies to get rapid revenue... much to the expense of the consumer.
Real Talk...MKX is the closest you're gonna get to a Tekken game if you're looking for another fighter. All you're missing is sidesteps. DLC be damned play it.....or not lol
These companies are tryna make money so paid DLC, pre-orders etc. is pretty much a given from this point on and its a practice that you're either gonna accept begrudgingly, peacefully, or not buy the game at all.
And honestly the Arcade Release is doing more damage to the image of the game than we think it is. That's coloring the negative expectations and since it pretty much is an incomplete game, its getting people heated.
Huh? I would say DOA5, Virtua Fighter 5 and even SC5 are much closer to Tekken than MKX. MKX is more comparable to something like Street Fighter, Guilty Gear or Killer Instinct with it's two dimensional playing field.
Well its not gonna happen with Tekken 7 from the looks of things. Even the core fanbase is flippant about the game.
I'm saying Harada leaving won't change Namco as much as Kojima leaving Konami after MGSV will Konami.
DOA I'll give you that, fan service is the name of the game. MKX though I think you're selling it a bit short. The gore is a side aspect, they did so much more by redoing all the animations, redoing all the character designs, and implementing game changing mechanics involving the stamina effects. So many of those things contributed to MKX's blowup in popularity. MK was still exceptionally violent in the TTT1 -> T6 days but it was still a very shallow fanbase compared to now thanks to all the effort they put into the recent sequels.
I'm talking specifically about MKX and MK9.
There are 100's of gore porn video games out there along with Mortal Kombat. There's no way MK9 and MKX got the success they had simply because of it. Along with all that Mortal Kombat does a fantastic job of building their characters and setting that plays a huge role in the enjoyment people get from the series. All of this got amplified with MK9 and MKX because of how much effort NRS put towards re-animating their character, fleshing out & refreshing their character designs, and getting solid writers to involve them competently in the narrative.
I think today was just one of my good days. After the straight beatings i got yesterday i don't want to be too optimistic, ha ha. But thank you~
I like Tekken Revolution a lot but it disconnects so much after Round 1 that there's no point in playing it :/
It isn't nearly this bad in TTT2 online, or really anything else I've played online. I don't get it
I didn't mean to say MK was in any way had an upper hand to Tekken so I apologize if my posts came off that way. I'm just saying there is still some merit to Mortal Kombat's gameplay outside of the gore. UMK3 had legitimate mechanics for competitive players to take advantage of. Deadly Alliance had interesting stance changes involving weaponry. I skipped out on Deception and Armageddon but I guess like MK4 they were a bit of a mess.
But in the end, how each of us judge gameplay is subjective. What one person enjoys might not be the same for another. And just to add, Mortal Kombat 8 removed all the gore and only kept the blood to accommodate the inclusion of DC characters. So that does show there was something about the game people could latch on to outside the gore. Mortal Kombat games were equivalent to the Wrestilng Games I suppose. They weren't meant for the competitive gamer, but that doesn't mean I simply discard the gameplay as not being fun and declaring people's enjoyment of the series pre-MK9/MKX solely on the gore.
GrayFoxPL told me you beat the shit out of everyone after I left. Playing one round better than the other. I don't say you should be too optimistic, just be a little more confident in your gameplay.![]()
Since i just went something like 20-2 against Doomshine (ggs!) i think i can at least safely say my consistency could use some work >.o
But i'll just keep at it. Do think i'm improving so that's a good feeling.
Tekken in the late 90's throughout the 00's had an audience that dwarfed Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter combined. It's very possible for Tekken to regain that audience if they reach deep and make a sequel to the best of their ability the same way NRS tried.
I know a lot of people rag on MK but I feel like Tekken could take a page out of MK's book. I haven't played X yet but MK games are usually packed with content, and the story/characterization is quite well-realized. Tekken feels a bit stagnant since 5, which was over a decade ago.
Dude the only thing MK does better than Tekken is story mode. Mk doesn't even have halfway decent netcode or even color customization.
Don't get me wrong Tekken is my favorite fighting game franchise, but aesthetically, it looks pretty stagnant since 5. I would at least like the look of the game to evolve.
So if you were in charge of Tekken 7's marketing, how would you market it?
I don't have any issues with TR. Just a lot of people quitting the game since you don't get punished for it.
Why are you not in charge of marketing?^^I would build a story through the release of trailers. Every character reveal trailer would be cinematic and give you an idea of the characters personality, their goals, and what their story is going to be about. CG video for each character introduced. Make it feel important. Make it so that any Tekken fan who played any version of the game feels like they have to see how it all ends. Making people invested in the characters is key. Also every character would have 2 default costumes. One "Classic" costume and one "New" costume. All or the CG art and promotion would be of the new costumes but you would see the old costumes in the gameplay of trailers so you could reassure fans that if they don't like the new outfit, the old classic one is there for them to enjoy.
Tekken is not evolving it's devolving. We're not talking about aesthetics here, I thought we were talking about the game itself and the content in it. Outside of story mode, Tekken has more features and better features than Mk.
My point has always been it's marketing which has hurt the Tekken brand, nothing gameplay wise. I'm a firm believer in that the average gamer doesn't give two shits about how deep or easy it is to play Tekken because they are never going to invest that kind of time in it to begin with.
I also want to point out something that pretty much no one here would know but me. Tekken 6 despite being far more financially successful than Tag 2 and an easier game brought in absolutely no new players into the Tekken scene. The only new Tekken player from the T6 era was Renikon. Everyone else was from the DR era or before. Tag 2 brought in waaaaayyy more new players. In fact so many of the players in tournaments today are players where Tag 2 is their first competitive Tekken.
Think about that. Tag 2 is the hardest game in the entire series to learn yet it drew in so many new players. It's just more proof that like I've been saying, dumbing down the game itself will not bring in new players, marketing will.
I also want to point out something that pretty much no one here would know but me. Tekken 6 despite being far more financially successful than Tag 2 and an easier game brought in absolutely no new players into the Tekken scene. The only new Tekken player from the T6 era was Renikon. Everyone else was from the DR era or before. Tag 2 brought in waaaaayyy more new players. In fact so many of the players in tournaments today are players where Tag 2 is their first competitive Tekken.
Think about that. Tag 2 is the hardest game in the entire series to learn yet it drew in so many new players. It's just more proof that like I've been saying, dumbing down the game itself will not bring in new players, marketing will.
Tag 2 wasn't marketed well either. I'd say scene growth for the game is attributed to better netcode and social media/Twitch. Everybody knows everybody now.
I played VF5 and SCV semi-competitively and competitively respectively, they are their own beasts. MK literally plays like a 2D Tekken most of the time. Even the oki system is like Tekken Pre-7.
-Lots of other fighting game releases that same year (i.e. SCV, SFXTK, VF5:FS, BlazBlue, P4A, etc.).
Tag 2 wasn't marketed well either. I'd say scene growth for the game is attributed to better netcode and social media/Twitch. Everybody knows everybody now.
Dude the only thing MK does better than Tekken is story mode. Mk doesn't even have halfway decent netcode or even color customization.
I also think another reason MKX is increasing in popularity because aesthetically, not only does it change more, but it's probably more pleasing to most causals gamer's eyes. For example, a lot of people prefers Scorpion's sinister look over an anime fighter or cute girl in a 2D/3D or Mortal Kombat's dark and morbid atmosphere/environments.
Marketing doesn't even have to be so elaborate. It's pretty simple in my eyes: just make a game that compels people to play. The social media hype that follows will carry it forward. There is only so much the marketing team at namco can do to when the game looks almost identical to a game they can pick up for free on the PSstore.
I do think you're forgetting two extremely important things that MK absolutely destroyed Tekken 7 in: presentation and discovery. Every character got brand new outfits, new moves all across the board, not a single grab, super/x-ray, or fatality recycled from the previous game taking advantage of all the new technology the game offered. And secondly, MKX gave everyone so much room to explore and discover strategies which is one of the most enjoyable aspects of fighting games in general. It is incredibly refreshing to experience a brand new game where legacy skills don't apply.
.We're not talking about aesthetics here, I thought we were talking about the game itself and the content in it.
Kinda wonder how they all sold in comparison to each other.
I think maybe sales order goes like this:
SFXTK > TTT2 > SCV > DoA5 > P4A > Blazblue > VF5FS
Just my guess lol
I think aesthetics should definitely count as content. All those assets NRS had to develop is brand new content to explore in the game. But if you feel presentation shouldn't count, that's fair, at least consider the element of discovery Mortal Kombat offers.
Kane uploaded 1080p 60FPS vids on his channel and the game is definitely looking amazing.
I don't know. I think TTT2 did pretty good marketing. Read my old post.
It just didn't sell as well for a variety of reasons:
-General decline in Tekken popularity
-DoA5 released the same month
-Lots of other fighting game releases that same year (i.e. SCV, SFXTK, VF5:FS, BlazBlue, P4A, etc.).
-End of console lifecycle