I think they may buy Nexon, or to increase their investment on Epic and buy it because Fornite makes a ton of money, Unreal too and is going to be key for gaming and movies markets, and their western PC store has potential.
I don't see them interested on Take 2, specially via a hostile takeover. They always purchased people in a friendly way with win/win scenarios. I think that if someone buys Take 2 will be Microsoft.
Tencent makes more money from gaming than any other company in the world. And if I'm not wrong, in 2019 the whole Tencent corporation made $58B of revenue, $15B of net income and had $147B in assets. They don't need money from anyone else.
Why should the POTUS stop buying a publicly traded company that isn't a market leader?
Tencent owns Riot (League of Legends), Funcom, Digital Extremes, Spash Damage, 40% of Epic, 20% of Marvelous (who also owns the Data East IPs), and the 5% of Ubisoft, Activision Blizzard and Paradox, and invested in Platinum Games, Yagger or even Reddit. They already are pretty diversified beyond F2P/MMO and mobile.