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Thank You GAF For A Great E3 - Come Give Us Your Feedback


Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
Thank you everyone for making NeoGAF a great place to hang out during E3. We laughed, we cried, we all swooned over Final Fantasy VII Remake footage.

This E3, we implemented a new thread tagging system - and we wanted to get your feedback. Did the tagging system work well for you? Did it help you follow the individual conferences better / easier? Did it help you find the news you were looking for? Anything about the system that didn't work for you? Any bugs?

Several of you expressed interest in keeping this system in place year-round. We liked that idea, so we came up with several tags that we thought might be beneficial on all forums (Gaming, Off-Topic, and Politics):
  • |OT|
  • Social
  • Opinion
  • News
  • NSFW
  • Spoilers
And we also created a list of potential tags that we thought might be beneficial to the gaming forum specifically:
  • LTTP
  • Rumor
  • Analysis
  • Review
  • Retro
  • Trailer
  • Sales-Age
  • Deals
  • E-Sports
  • Game Dev
  • VR
What do you think? Is there anything we missed? Anything you would change? Sound off!

John Day

It worked wonders! For those of us who missed streams or were out of the loop but looming for info. I loved it personally. Thanks a lot guys, believe it or not, but for me, you made esperiencing E3 even more amazing!

I want to take this chance to invite everyone to the GAF discord, as the discussion was lively there too!

Again, thanks a lot guys for your dedication and work!

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
'Social' is for social media, right?

I could see 'rumor' and 'retro' be available outside of the gaming subforum too.
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I loved the new thread tagging feature.

I understand new thread for new news, but the splintering of FF7 threads made it hard to follow discussions, and I saw the same things being brought up in each of those threads. I’d prefer it we could at least keep one game/presentation’s topics to one thread in the future.


Gold Member
Yeah +1 for the tag system, it was so easy waking up and just clicking the conference tag and having an archive of the event, rather than searching through threads and relying on search terms. New tags looks good too - Devolver and PC were a little too close in colour for me but yeah, deffo want it to stick around


Thank you everyone for making NeoGAF a great place to hang out during E3. We laughed, we cried, we all swooned over Final Fantasy VII Remake footage.

This E3, we implemented a new thread tagging system - and we wanted to get your feedback. Did the tagging system work well for you? Did it help you follow the individual conferences better / easier? Did it help you find the news you were looking for? Anything about the system that didn't work for you? Any bugs?

Several of you expressed interest in keeping this system in place year-round. We liked that idea, so we came up with several tags that we thought might be beneficial on all forums (Gaming, Off-Topic, and Politics):
  • |OT|
  • Social
  • Opinion
  • News
  • NSFW
  • Spoilers
And we also created a list of potential tags that we thought might be beneficial to the gaming forum specifically:
  • LTTP
  • Rumor
  • Analysis
  • Review
  • Retro
  • Trailer
  • Sales-Age
  • Deals
  • E-Sports
  • Game Dev
  • VR
What do you think? Is there anything we missed? Anything you would change? Sound off!

Great :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

So there will be more cataloging, especially for news and rumors, I suppose.


I think the tags is a great idea. Its easier to scroll up to the thread youre interested in faster.
btw great work to all that made this E3 neat and tidy :messenger_ok:


Darkness no more
I mentioned in the other thread I wasn’t home for a lot of the conferences. Tags made following all the new stuff really easy. GAF E3 coverage was good last year and even better this year. All the news was posted right away.
At the next E3, we should get a very obviously stripper/cam girl to do like an in-stream presentation show (No nudity, just give her placards to show etc) while E3 reveals go down in the usual streamer video cam box on the lower left, that would be hilarious and add tremendous value.

For the sake of equality, we should have a second stream running with a male camboy doing the same.
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It worked great. Even though we had some fast-no-good-pants that creates threads with basically nothing, we still had tons of very informative E3 threads and discussion overall. These formats help alot with distiction, which makes easier to know which one to discuss or not.

I'm all for those tags. It will help the same fashion E3 did. Mainly the rumor ones, we had a lot of rumors lately.

Kudos to you and all those members who help in E3. Nice work guys.
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Would the mods be willing to open up title-editing capabilities?

The majority of old threads will be "left behind" over time since they do not have any tags to speak of. Allowing us to edit our own titles will help thread creators bring their threads forward into the wonderful new age of thread-tagging.
NeoGAF it's the best place to stay up to date and find different and interesting opinion. I agree with all those say that the tag system is really useful.
Thank you!!!
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Work really well I must say. I expect more tags feom future events like gamescon, PSX and more.


Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
the splintering of FF7 threads made it hard to follow discussions, and I saw the same things being brought up in each of those threads. I’d prefer it we could at least keep one game/presentation’s topics to one thread in the future.
This was more of a misunderstanding from multiple angles, and by the time we realized what had happened it was too late to merge the two threads in question. The first thread was originally about how the Final Fantasy concert was that evening, and how a trailer was rumored to be shown there. When the trailer was shown at the event and included a release date, another member made a new thread (new news = new thread) titled: "Final Fantasy VII Remake releases March 3, 2020 - New Trailer" which was valid.

However, the OP of concert announcement thread contacted another moderator and had them change the name of that thread title to "Final Fantasy VII Remake - A Symphonic Reunion trailer" which definitely caused confusion. Sorry about all that, in the future we'll try to coordinate these threads better and/or lock the speculation thread after the news is confirmed which is our usual modus operandi .


Several of you expressed interest in keeping this system in place year-round. We liked that idea, so we came up with several tags that we thought might be beneficial on all forums (Gaming, Off-Topic, and Politics):
  • |OT|
  • Social
  • Opinion
  • News
  • NSFW
  • Spoilers
And we also created a list of potential tags that we thought might be beneficial to the gaming forum specifically:
  • LTTP
  • Rumor
  • Analysis
  • Review
  • Retro
  • Trailer
  • Sales-Age
  • Deals
  • E-Sports
  • Game Dev
  • VR
What do you think? Is there anything we missed? Anything you would change? Sound off!

You should sticky this thread dude (page 2 when I found it)

I'm all for it.

I think you could maybe add RTTP or merge LTTP/RTTP?

(Late to the party, and return to the party)

Also, probably wise to have a 'tags usage' sticky explaining case scenarios

Talking of which I think the forum could benefit from a users guide of some sort in terms of features. and how to use them. (peoples inability to resize images, or post a sequence horizontally versus stacked kind of astounds me).
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I was seeing people doing necro bump while some E3 threads was created. Yeah, last posts from 2017 for example.


I've been thinking that tags was what was needed in this place for awhile. Glad to see that this may happen. Trailer tag is great but is it okay just to put a trailer , the name of the game , and that is all?
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We laughed, we cried, we all swooned over Final Fantasy VII Remake footage.

You're now my favorite staff member.

I think the list of tags are great. I'm glad you guys are really listening to the feedback. It's great to see the tags being implemented as I thought it was super helpful to see the categories for the games being talked about.

Maybe add Special Event for things that aren't E3 / PAX like events, but are warranted a thread?

Codes 208

It was a nice change if pace including my years of lurking. it was actually pretty cool to see official tags added to titles.

Plus im pretty sure this was eviLore’s doing but i got a kick out of the Praise the sun reaction.

It would be cool to have hype threadsagain though. Like a tag specifically for making hype train threads. (That way the community speculation threads arent dominated by “please add me too!!”)


You guys did a great job with the icons and keeping things organized. It's so nice to be back on NeoGaf for a drama free E3! (non gaming drama anyway)


I was worried it was going to create a lot of visual clutter, but during E3 I think it makes sense and worked pretty well since the colour coding was logical and things were sort of bunched together for the most part.

I do worry that introducing too many of these into the forums will create that visual clutter. It was nice to be able to see groupings of related colour coded news during E3, which stood out from untagged threads obviously. Colour codings for things such as those listed in the OP would sort of be chosen at random, and potentially clash with E3 tags again next year. I guess maybe if all of them were just one colour it might work. I don't know, just some thoughts. I like the thread tag functionality but I also love how clean Gaf looks.
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I was seeing people doing necro bump while some E3 threads was created. Yeah, last posts from 2017 for example.

It would be good if any thread untouched for 6 months gets revived get's a 'Necro' Tag or some kind of user prompt so people don't get sucked into those things unless they are relevant (once in a blue moon a necro is legitimate, but rarely)

Plus im pretty sure this was eviLore’s doing but i got a kick out of the Praise the sun reaction.

That was really a bit of serendipity TBH.. A while back I proposed a Praise the Sun Emoji as a reaction as both something a bit more gaming related and more an expression of joy/excitement versus like/love in as a suggestion. Having done a few designs for the T-Shirt competition I was feeling a bit creative so I worked one up and posted it on the Discord for feedback a few hours before E3 kicked off, everyone seemed to love it, and I was thinking it would get implemented down the line, but EviLore EviLore thought it was great and pushed it out, and Palliasso Palliasso followed it up with updated some of the other reactions at the same time. Here are a few of the low res designs as well as the final form: -


It was a fun day
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Gold Member
Great E3 coverage. I look forward to next year.

p.s. I'd be interested in Sales Age in particular. It sucks that we have to go to Reee for that.
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I really liked the colored tags like a green "E3 Microsoft" one for the MS view and discussion thread. Those made finding the relevant threads a pleasure.


Could we get a thread for console/controller etc mockups? Like fan made ones or supposed leaks? That way people aren't saying that someone's mockup isn't a leak of the official one and spreading misinformation, since a new generation is upcoming?


Gold Member
I liked the E3 tags. But I wouldn’t want them all year around as then they won’t stand out.

Overall, fantastic E3, well done. Community behaved well and activity was high, as were spirits.
Several of you expressed interest in keeping this system in place year-round. We liked that idea, so we came up with several tags that we thought might be beneficial on all forums (Gaming, Off-Topic, and Politics):
  • |OT|
  • Social
  • Opinion
  • News
  • NSFW
  • Spoilers
And we also created a list of potential tags that we thought might be beneficial to the gaming forum specifically:
  • LTTP
  • Rumor
  • Analysis
  • Review
  • Retro
  • Trailer
  • Sales-Age
  • Deals
  • E-Sports
  • Game Dev
  • VR
What do you think? Is there anything we missed? Anything you would change? Sound off!

Tags are a good idea. May I suggest adding a "drama" or "controversy" tag in order to let people know that they are entering a hot issue topic. Judging from the comments, some do not enjoy that kind of content, so they can chose for themselves to stay away from it.


Is there a way to make the search result by the latest posted and not random? It’ll be very helpful especially for threads creators

Whenever I search for something the threads that pops under each other are nowhere close in date of creation


Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
Is there a set date the tags will go live?

We are still evaluating the final list and getting all the color combinations put together. It'll take some time, but it's coming. Stay tuned.

Is there a way to make the search result by the latest posted and not random? It’ll be very helpful especially for threads creators

Whenever I search for something the threads that pops under each other are nowhere close in date of creation
You can edit this on your preferences page: https://www.neogaf.com/account/preferences under the heading "search options". You can also manually select to search by date or relevance in the advanced search form.
We are still evaluating the final list and getting all the color combinations put together. It'll take some time, but it's coming. Stay tuned.

You can edit this on your preferences page: https://www.neogaf.com/account/preferences under the heading "search options". You can also manually select to search by date or relevance in the advanced search form.

Have you given any consideration to a GOLD tag, perhaps with a slight glistening animation, to replace the current post highlight system? I'm not sure if that would even work, though.
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