EricHasNoPull said:
Yes you are right, most media, critics, & guilds did praise Avatar, and I bet you none of those media, critics, & guilds contributed to this thread with their whining and bitching about Avatar losing to The Hurt Locker. Now if you didn't chose to read my words with your prejudice love and defense for Avatar, I wouldn't need to explain to you the above two sentences do I ?
I didn't take your profound words for Abbadduh or however you mispelled it out of context. My "negative emotions"

lol ) were regarding your incorrect post, not Avatar losing which could have been expected.
You mistakenly assumed that the majority of Gaffers like Avatar because we like videogames, which is a silly thing to compare considering the love Avatar gets outside the gaming world. I'm sorry if you didn't understand that.
EricHasNoPull said:
Which takes me back to my point of I am tired of these (mostly gaming) Avatards in this thread, just blindingly following a box office hit like sheep because in many words or less, it is a movie with "great graphics"
If gaming Avatards are following a box office hit like sheep because it has great graphics, then why exactly did others like it as well? Hmm....
Further, it appears that many Avatards enjoyed THL as well. Would that be because it plays like a videogame too? Hmm...
EricHasNoPull said:
(I can tell you now that The Hurt Locker did much better critically than Avatar, but unlike you I don't want to get off topic)
Was there a time I said that Avatar got more critical acclaim? Hmm....
I think most people , including THL producers, would prefer critical acclaim, recognition, & profits rather than instead of profits. I think Cameron probably slept well last night.:lol
Let me know if I took your comments out of context again.