5 million YouTube viewers? Jesus, I generally like Hilldawg but fuck she always throws in something to make her seem cool/relateable to millennials and it always is so transparent.

5 million YouTube viewers? Jesus, I generally like Hilldawg but fuck she always throws in something to make her seem cool/relateable to millennials and it always is so transparent.
I laughed at that, too.5 million YouTube viewers? Jesus, I generally like Hilldawg but fuck she always throws in something to make her seem cool/relateable to millennials and it always is so transparent.
O'Malley snubbed again. HAHA.
5 million YouTube viewers? Jesus, I generally like Hilldawg but fuck she always throws in something to make her seem cool/relateable to millennials and it always is so transparent.
I like to imagine there's a guy with a tuba offscreen playing that note over and over
To O'Malley: how do you explain Sanders having more supporters in this room than you do in total?O'Malley snubbed again. HAHA.
Clinton trying to speak for the young people. My sides.
If O'Malley doesn't interrupt, he won't get any speaking time at all.
This is what I don't understand.
Yeah, Bern has a huge issue with harping on the same thing every time, but money and corruption in politics literally supersedes every other problem because how are you going to fix anything with a broken system, and that's his entire point.
But yes, he needs to point out specifics in WHY and HOW, not just what's wrong.
So we'll be subsidizing banks instead of eliminating the middle-man. Yeah, that's always the cheapest, most effective way.No, she's always agreed on Obama's plan to offer free community college.
Her 4 year college plan is for debt free college.
I like to imagine there's a guy with a tuba offscreen playing that note over and over
No. She has been for CC being free. Bernie wants 4-year free.
What? Did I miss something?
Probably because they have demographics working against them on a national level. SuperPACs absolutely influence local and congressional elections where republicans DOMINATE. Not to mention gerrymandering ..Considering that super PACs have completely failed in deciding the Republican election this cycle, this makes even less sense.
It's a bit clear yeah. I am waiting on wallstreet donations yet.
I though Hillary wanted work-study programs, not flat out free.
This music should become the theme song for whoever wins the election this year.
Bernie needs to go beyond the revolution and millionaires and billionaires.
Plot it dude. Give us a clear idea of what your plan for a revolution is.
I though Hillary wanted work-study programs, not flat out free.
I though Hillary wanted work-study programs, not flat out free.
I see it too, but I have a feeling people are just going to claim we're conspiracy theorists for seeing it.So far I see the moderators arguing/debating Sanders every time he replies. I see Hillary giving vague answers, and won't get challenge by the moderators, and I see O'Malley completely shut down by the moderators. No wonder why the DNC schedule these debates on weekends before holidays.
So far I see the moderators arguing/debating Sanders every time he replies. I see Hillary giving vague answers, and won't get challenge by the moderators, and I see O'Malley completely shut down by the moderators. No wonder why the DNC schedule these debates on weekends before holidays.
Sanders is dodging some questions with a logical fallacy. He keeps talking about pharmacies and multibillion corporations even when it's not part of the topic.
It burns! Oh wait, they varied it a little tiny bit.Here comes the Hold music again...
Man, it's so Mind-Numbing, I'm starting to like Trump's hair.
Hasn't a lot of the statistical research said that the impact of Citizen's United has been way overblown? Not that it's a good thing by any means, just that it's not the boogeyman it's made out to be.