I played the original on Xbox 360 (almost 100%; didn't finish all of the Combat Challenges) and the remaster on Xbox One X (100%) and didn't notice any negatives. I'm not saying they aren't there; only that I didn't notice them. The remasters are regularly on sale for very cheap.I've been thinking about replaying Asylum. Not sure whether to play the remaster or OG though.
Wasn't the stealth very similar to gotham? They both have stealth takedowns, moving from an high point to another, gadget to distract, gadget to stun etc.Spiderman's biggest issue was a lack of depth in stealth. It just existed in name only
That game was always the step-child of the series, even before it came out. Partially because gamers are dumb and put too much stock in the name of the development studio that's attached to the game (You could've swapped Rocksteady's entire team with the WB team and the idiots would've still had the same complaints based on the studio names alone) and in the voice talent, but also because some versions apparently were glitchy at launch.It's odd how Arkham Origins never got an updated version like the 2 others. Different developer yes, but under the same banner still and in collaboration.
Knight with 80% less Batmobile would be the perfect super-hero game.
Only if it had 100% more Tank Girl.