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The best and most practical life advice you've encountered

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1. Children complete you as a human
2. Always wear comfortable shoes, function over form said the wise man.
3. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.

Escape Goat

Doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity. Dad paraphrased Einstein but it helped me analyze a lot of mistakes I'd made in school and life. Different circumstances but always the same mistake. Gotta find out the real, underlying problem and take steps to change it.


These kind of threads always end up with a lot of advice that contradicts other things that have been posted and usually defeats the entire purpose of the thread, I think.

Not necessarily. I think its good to have as much opinions as possible so that people can experiment with them to see what works and what doesn't. We're not all alike.

Something that may be insignificant to you can be the greatest thing for another.

Might as well throw my two cents in:

- Workout physically, mentally, and spiritually
- Surround yourself with good, supportive people while cutting out those that aren't
- Letting things go. Most things in life aren't worth getting angry and frustrated over


Jealous Bastard
"Let it go."

yes, absolutely.

also, everything from david foster wallace's commencement speech.

. . . the so-called real world will not discourage you from operating on your default settings, because the so-called real world of men and money and power hums merrily along in a pool of fear and anger and frustration and craving and worship of self. Our own present culture has harnessed these forces in ways that have yielded extraordinary wealth and comfort and personal freedom. The freedom all to be lords of our tiny skull-sized kingdoms, alone at the centre of all creation. This kind of freedom has much to recommend it. But of course there are all different kinds of freedom, and the kind that is most precious you will not hear much talk about much in the great outside world of wanting and achieving.... The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day.


This is specifically about my work as a Game Designer, but it's the most valueable advice I've ever gotten:

There are always dozens of options, and none of them are right or wrong. You just got to know why you chose the option you chose.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Never buy shoes for a woman, if you do she'll walk away form you.


‘’Do what you like, people will still talk.’’

My grandmother always had this (in Dutch) on the wall in the bathroom, only when I got older I knew what it meant.

And it means that no matter what you do, people will always gossip about you, so do what you like instead of worrying what people might say when you do a certain thing.

Neo C.

"Rich people are rich because they spend less than they get [as income]"
Ferdinand Piëch.

I read this advice only few years ago, but that's what I do my whole life.


Lot's of advise is boiling down to "No BS".

Don't occupy your time with other's or your own BS. Never gossip, never self-pitty, never let yourself get dragged into stupid fights, never get side tracked by attention whores and in general people that drain others for their own gain.


The path to any goal is a series of experiments. Treat every failure as a chance to learn something new or reinforce an old lesson. Ask yourself useful questions like "What can I do differently?" rather than "What's wrong with me?"
If you show up for a date with a girl like this, make sure you come prepared.


Ok, seriously?
2 1 page worth of posts and no one?


"Pain or damage don't end the world. Or despair or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man... and give some back."


Ok, seriously?
2 1 page worth of posts and no one?

Raccoon's are standard on dates, how else would you perform a raccoon nose dive?

Get shit written down, always document your work and the shit people want.
Work to live, not live to work. Unless you work for your passion.
"Lefty loosey, righty tighty" is definitely some A+ life advice that has come in handy a bunch of times

That and the cliche "Treat people the way you'd like to be treated" is pretty solid
Good article.

I stongly believe that holding grudges is one of the most psycologically destructive things you can do to yourself. Never hold anything against anyone, never seek revenge, always forgive.
There are

lazy workers
Busy workers
Smart workers
Stupid workers

Everyone is a combination of one of the first two and one of the last two.

The best combination are the lazy smart workers. You want to surround yourself with them. They will do the job and do it right so no one ever bugs them again.

Stupid lazy workers have their place too, even though they tend to be unreliable. They can do menial tasks without getting in the way

The smart busy workers are OK. They can be trusted with busy work but they tend to create drama and more work where their is none.

Stupid busy workers are the worst though. They almost always create more work and drama and not only get what you assign them wrong but will go out of their way to create things to get wrong. The two three kinds of people can be managed if you know how, but you can't manage stupid/busy workers. Try to get them off your team ASAP.

This is great, thanks for that.
In life regrets are unavoidable...but you do get to choose them.

Towards the end of your life when your thinking back do you want to be thinking "I wish I had done that" or do you want to have a little half smile thinking "Oh, I shouldn`t have done THAT"

Just following this has lead me to a level of success and happiness in life I didn`t think was possible when I was younger.

Also when faced with a choice, pick the one that will lead to the better story after. Nobody likes going for a beer with someone who doesn`t have any good storey`s.


I'm generally a happy person about 80% of the time, but I know a few people who shrug off every bad thing that happens to them. I find them to be disingenuous. Like, happy 100% of the time. Anger/unhappiness are genuine healthy emotions and should be expressed as such.
How about the people who go through life with 'no regrets'. Really? No regrets, like at all? What about the times you were shitty to someone else, or caused them physical or emotional harm? Or when you didn't take the opportunity to help someone who needed it?

I mean, I get the general idea. You can't change the past, and there's no point wallowing over things you haven't done and the chances you didn't take. But the point of making mistakes is learning from them so you don't fuck up again in the future. Having "no regrets" whatsoever seems like wilful blindness; and when your mistakes have hurt someone else (and everyone has hurt someone else, at some point in their lives), almost sociopathic.

Edit: this isn't in response to captmorgans' post, above. I hadn't read it. I don't think his point is opposed to mine.
-Body is mind.
-Remove yourself from people/groups that make you miserable, if at all possible.

And the best advice, which applies to potentially hundreds of situations:

-Fake it till you make it.


I posted this last week but anyways:

"Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill

Favorite quote ever.
What I learned from Rick Ross:

"Sleep is for the poor"
"Being dead broke is the root of all evil"

I love you Rick Ross, so inspirational.


If you spend 30 years trying to apologize for who you are to people, maybe those people need to spend the next 30 apologizing for not accepting you.
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