Did you let your gardener in the houseshit now it wants to rain
No, i leave the money in the mail boxDid you let your gardener in the house
This is a lunch box?I had the lunchbox
Man that shit would get you shot nowadays
A week ago, I had a dream where some dude took me and my brother to a bathroom, shit in a toilet and then made us eat it.
Since then, I've been trying the methods at r/luciddreaming so I can control my dreams.
Fuck being stuck in something like that again.
I just wanted you to date yourself
BLM officially owes me gas money, shutting down the major freeway leading me back home so I had to take a major detour across the James River Bridge... turns out they blocked Mercury Blvd too. So I take another detour down Warwick, to 664, up to 64, then back down the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel to my house.
At least nothing happened and police were putting up traffic cones to detour the automobiles and protect the protestors.
Just think if they had blocked off a concert that you were taking your mama to
Just think if they had blocked off a concert that you were taking your mama to
Talk shit about HBCUs and NAACP while being sponsored by Black CEOs.
Talk shit about HBCUs and NAACP while being sponsored by Black CEOs.
When speaking out of pocket goes wrong, but she wasn't hurt until the money stoppedTalk shit about HBCUs and NAACP while being sponsored by Black CEOs.
Yeah i remember that. Meth was real about that, you can see the emotion on his face
A visit to Morehouse College in Atlanta, in February, illustrated the campaigns tendency to fumble when it did try to reach black voters. And the problem was not limited to white members of the campaign staff.
Cathy Tyler, executive director for strategic communications at Morehouse College, told me that a black representative of the Sanders campaign was rude to her staff during the final hours of the rally that took place on campus. (The Sanders campaign also did not respond to a request to address this allegation.)
Tyler said the staffers behavior was so bad that she called campaign headquarters in Burlington to complain.
Ive done rallies with Vice President Joe Biden a few months before, so I know how to work with Secret Service and I know how to work with advance teams, she said. (Bernies) team? They were new to the game, I guess.
A series of last-minute changes to the program she and Glover had worked on for more than two months caused some chaos. Tyler said she wanted HBCU students to get ticketed first to enter the event. The campaign refused, she said, and the audience for the rally was mostly white.
It wasnt like you were at an HBCU, Tyler said of the mostly white audience at the rally. Once you got in that room, it could have been anyplace.
Moreover, Glover said, the campaign missed an opportunity to work with the black-owned business that was set to do the staging for the rally but, at the campaigns last-minute request, was switched out.
Glover told me, This was an opportunity at one of the most prestigious African-American colleges and universities in the country to really build a relationship with their black business community. Who knows what kinds of stories of Bernie Sanders they could have gone out and told, but we chopped it off before it had a chance to materialize. We left a bad taste in their mouths.
Wendy Williams love shitting on black folk she stayh getting into fights with black folks
She got into it with:
Whitney Houston
Judge Mathis
And it looks like Sanders didn't work too hard for that black vote. Here's some proof:
I feel so bad for Danny Glover. Here's the Morehouse okeydoke:
Wtf ABC hire someone to stop all these side wipes and quick cuts in your show The Catch
Could also mean your high beams are on lol. Fyre driving around blinding niggas
I can't with people right now; I've come close quite a few times saying some shit. Stopped myself but still.
The 90s making a strong comback.
Oh i did, could only make it through 6 out of 10 epsStop watching. You're encouraging this shit..
The 90s making a strong comback.
should I be downloading Pokemon Go
I wish it was the 90s. I really do.The 90s making a strong comback.
I've gotten to the point where I realise I am in a dream, but I woke up as soon as I tried to fly. Gotta take it slow, I guess.Damn, that's crazy. Have you managed lucid dreaming? That shit sounds cool as fuck.
And it looks like Sanders didn't work too hard for that black vote. Here's some proof:
I feel so bad for Danny Glover. Here's the Morehouse okeydoke:
That article about black people being cautioned against playing Pokemon GO is the Venn Diagram intersection.