I hope that "phewww" was because this interview is shit.
I hope that "phewww" was because this interview is shit.
I hope that "phewww" was because this interview is shit.
The entire Trump family is full of fraudulent nutjobs.
"everyone loves The Wire but don't understand police corruption" comedian Kenny DeForest
I actually agree, they're all pretty fun but they ain't fucking Shakespeare. I enjoy them, same way I enjoy literally any movie in outerspace, I'm a spaceship nerd. TFA is by far my hands down favorite because the leads are vastly better actors than Hamil and Fisher ever were.
Heh. Okay. Nice job pulling context and making it look extreme.
For everyone else, the video has actual objectives for BLM. Among other interesting things. Some are so quick to lump things in with "conspiracy" when they get a little uncomfortable.
Pulling context my ass, the whole interview is like that, a bunch of hotep believing black people came from the moon bullshit, with anti LGBT and anti feminist messages sprinkled in. That's just as much as I wanted to bother typing out word for word to get my point across.
People confuse enjoyable with good. A lot of good things are enjoyable, a lot of enjoyable things are good. But some times the streams don't cross.
I love the Critters movies, I will ride for them till the end of time. But are they good? Hell no, they are enjoyable.
Whiplash is a good movie, but i found it boring as hell. As I do 99 percent of oscarbait.
I love the Critters movies, I will ride for them till the end of time. But are they good? Hell no, they are enjoyable.
Don't let the seeds of Yakub tell you how your earholes are supposed to be shaped. The original Asiatic black man had slits for ear holes so you could hear behind you!Did he mention how black women shouldn't get periods? I love Hotep biology
The entire Trump family is full of fraudulent nutjobs.
new xXx trailer tomorrow.
I love the Critters movies, I will ride for them till the end of time. But are they good? Hell no, they are enjoyable.
Not at bad as the Puppetmaster films.This is how I will remember you now..lol. Fucking Critters..it's like every sequel just got worse and worse.
Not at bad as the Puppetmaster films.
They went from murderous toys to superheroes fighting the nazis
I was kinda of a sucker for Gremlins and Leprechaun.
Gremlins I fucks with. Leprechaun can go chill with them Puppet Master sequels in the bin..
Come on, now. The first Leprechaun wasn't terrible. It wasn't GREMLINS, but it wasn't terrible.
Ghostbusters was probably enjoyable. I don't give a fuck, mostly, to try and parse this shit out. I had fun watching it.
WOAH. let's not get carried away now. ��And real talk none of the Star Wars movies are that good. Haven't seem TFA, so I hold judgement.
Leave my OG alone, y'all! Be mad at them folks and leave the movie out of it, or I'll chase you fuckers down!
Gotta grab that hd version..love that show.
Yeps to these three.It's a rental for me. Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange and Rogue One are on my list for the rest of the year..unless I'm dragged, and I don't drag easy.
WOAH. let's not get carried away now. ��
Yeps to these three.
Ghostbusters was probably enjoyable. I don't give a fuck, mostly, to try and parse this shit out. I had fun watching it.
It's a rental for me. Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange and Rogue One are on my list for the rest of the year..unless I'm dragged, and I don't drag easy.
It's a rental for me. Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange and Rogue One are on my list for the rest of the year..unless I'm dragged, and I don't drag easy.
It's a rental for me. Suicide Squad, Doctor Strange and Rogue One are on my list for the rest of the year..unless I'm dragged, and I don't drag easy.
Gonna be hard to justify avoiding these
Won't check out much less outside tbh
Curious bout Moana but i'll wait for Malyse's review
Can I just be honest, in a moment of complete pettiness?
I am sitting in my livingroom seriously so happy for Michelle Obama right now.
She has spent the last 8 years seeing her husband picked apart. Her daughters picked apart. And herself picked apart, only guilty of being an intelligent black woman married to the first black president.
And she gets to wake up in the morning to the news that the wife of her biggest detractor is being publicly dragged for stealing HER words.
An amazing gift.
You're lucky I'm so far away cause I'd drag ya...
Quiet, you!
I'd drag you... I'd even pay.
I'd win. So praise the distance sir, praise it
How do you feel about the downplaying from the cable news outlets? Particularly left leaning ones?
This is very unCanadian of you..be nice!
What is there to feel? It's the one thing I agree with both Trump and Sanders on. Our national media is despicable garbage. Not a single redeeming thing about cable news. Completely shameful.
I find myself retreating more and more to independent/local news sources.
Hey I called you sir
Agreed. Pretty much been on the same trip. This Trump and "both sides" stuff has been quite mind numbing. Curious if this will just be a non issue by lunch tomorrow..wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.
Can I just be honest, in a moment of complete pettiness?
I am sitting in my livingroom seriously so happy for Michelle Obama right now.
She has spent the last 8 years seeing her husband picked apart. Her daughters picked apart. And herself picked apart, only guilty of being an intelligent black woman married to the first black president.
And she gets to wake up in the morning to the news that the wife of her biggest detractor is being publicly dragged for stealing HER words.
An amazing gift.
What is there to feel? It's the one thing I agree with both Trump and Sanders on. Our national media is despicable garbage. Not a single redeeming thing about cable news. Completely shameful.
I find myself retreating more and more to independent/local news sources.
Pulling context my ass, the whole interview is like that, a bunch of hotep believing black people came from the moon bullshit, with anti LGBT and anti feminist messages sprinkled in. That's just as much as I wanted to bother typing out word for word to get my point across.
Man, I like pulling people's chains but I hate joking around or making jokes. Because inevitably people assume I'm always joking even when I'm serious, and then they decide I'm a moron. But if I don't joke people tell me I'm too serious or I'm boring. Can't win.
That might be fun, but I think I'd just end up jumping from one negative reaction to another. Or look crazy. I might just have to figure out which one is less bad and stick with it: stupid or boring.Roll the dice. Flip the switch on/off at random. Keep them fools guessing!
I can't look at that right now. I just can't. Apparently she left Twitter? Fuck the people that went after her. I hope maggots fuck their brains. In fact, think of the worst thing that could happen to someone you would never repeat, and I hope that happens to them.Checking these tweets at Leslie
Checking these tweets at Leslie
Checking these tweets at Leslie