The main man and all around great guy of DestinyGAF, DrDrizzay, just died.
The main man and all around great guy of DestinyGAF, DrDrizzay, just died.
Welcome nigga,
Another one for the "Niggaz in Japan" section of BCT. *blessed*
I won't believe it until I see an announcement.
Rip drizzay.
Watch the get down.
Surprised I'm not banned. I know I'm being watched.
Stranger Things fuck that show after 3 episodes
The Get Down fuck that shit after 1 episode, after episode 2 reverse that, untuck it, totes watchable
Yeah just moved here recently, and it's been an adventure already. I'm now wondering whether I should learn to trim my own hair or risk going to a local barber and I don't live anywhere near Tokyo.
Surprised I'm not banned. I know I'm being watched.
The main man and all around great guy of DestinyGAF, DrDrizzay, just died.
Yeah just moved here recently, and it's been an adventure already. I'm now wondering whether I should learn to trim my own hair or risk going to a local barber and I don't live anywhere near Tokyo.
You BCT, you always watched.
Shit everyones watched in here
He was the real MVP fyre. Idk if I have your PSN btw. Gonna need it for RoIThe main man and all around great guy of DestinyGAF, DrDrizzay, just died.
You BCT, you always watched.
Shit everyones watched in here
Throw good punches and even the cops high five youRip drizzay.
Watch the get down.
Surprised I'm not banned. I know I'm being watched.
Fucking hell someone signed his Memorial Guest Book under the name Evilore is a faggot
I'd ask what's wrong with people but I already know.
They have clippers on Amazon Japan.
You don't want to pay Tokyo barber prices mayne
Yeah, but you know how Shy is so nice and kind? If you get caught snitching on the BCT or pulling a Jado, Shy takes you out for a nice car ride, as sweet as you've ever seen him, and suddenly you find yourself taken to the woods like Silvio took Adriana to the woods in the Sopranos. As long as you don't betray the BCT, you'll never have to meet -
Shy, the Enforcer.
They have clippers on Amazon Japan.
You don't want to pay Tokyo barber prices mayne
Are there even barbers that can cut black people hair in Japan?
Cleaned up that mess of slayven style typing
Wasn't expecting someone to get salty over Mario showing up during the closing ceremonies to the Olympic games.
You'd think I'd stop being surprised by the behavior of some posters on gaming side.
Wasn't expecting someone to get salty over Mario showing up during the closing ceremonies to the Olympic games.
You'd think I'd stop being surprised by the behavior of some posters on gaming side.
He the same dude who got mad from me not liking Sonic.
I make stupid look good, show sucks if I get 3-6 episodes in and it's bad. I.E. Breaking BadYou were better off making fun of you look stupid.
Wasn't expecting someone to get salty over Mario showing up during the closing ceremonies to the Olympic games.
You'd think I'd stop being surprised by the behavior of some posters on gaming side.
He the same dude who got mad from me not liking Sonic.
Few and far between but they exsist
Lol that age old rhetoric that companies could be using resources for something else as if an organization can only focus on one thing at a time.
I make stupid look good, show sucks if I get 3-6 episodes in and it's bad. I.E. Breaking Bad
That thread has gone from actually about Tinder, to dick sizes, to racism, back to Tinder, to objectification of men/women, to Cindi spewing flames, to grinding culture.
What the hell
That thread was fucking jokes Cindi.
You should make a sequel stating that Chrono Trigger was never good
The main man and all around great guy of DestinyGAF, DrDrizzay, just died.
So young justice season 3 might be coming to Netflix.
I wouldn't wish Tokyo ANYTHING prices on anyone.
Wait: New Nigga where you at? You near Osaka? They might hook you up.LOLTho your own clippers are still the best way to go
Why is "White Lives Matter" trending on twitter? Did I miss fuckery? (I ain't clicking on that tag without warning)
That thread was fucking jokes Cindi.
You should make a sequel stating that Chrono Trigger was never good
What the hell indeed.
I almost want to read it but I know better.
Is there a greatest hits collection of posts tho?
I'm waiting for Cindi to play old N64 Rareware games and make a thread saying how Banjo-Kazooie was never good. Then I can get some PTSD.
You BCT, you always watched.
Shit everyones watched in here
There goes my green card.
Yeah, but you know how Shy is so nice and kind? If you get caught snitching on the BCT or pulling a Jado, Shy takes you out for a nice car ride, as sweet as you've ever seen him, and suddenly you find yourself taken to the woods like Silvio took Adriana to the woods in the Sopranos. As long as you don't betray the BCT, you'll never have to meet -
Shy, the Enforcer.
Fucking lol.when Shy says "this will hurt me more than it'll hurt you," he really means it
Good night, Fam.Gnite, persons..
That thread was fucking jokes Cindi.
You should make a sequel stating that Chrono Trigger was never good
Banjo was aight. Crash Bandicoot on the other hand? I've always been a hater