Professor Beef
Y'all know of any black gamers that have YouTube channels that does review content like PBG, the Completionist, and ProJared, preferably women?
Hiphopgamer is the only one who comes to mind.
Y'all know of any black gamers that have YouTube channels that does review content like PBG, the Completionist, and ProJared, preferably women?
What happened to Dave Rubin, used to watch on the young Turks and it seems this election shook all of them and he jumped on the real liberal dumbass train and joined the alt right .
Hiphopgamer is the only one who comes to mind.
If Black Bolt screamed with his lips closed would it blow his mouth open?
If Black Bolt screamed with his lips closed would it blow his mouth open?
If Black Bolt screamed with his lips closed would it blow his mouth open?
Imagine if Black Bolt made an hour long speech.
You know BB got verses, right?
I said once, and i'll say it again. Colin is a cunt.Yes. We do indeed live in this timeline. The next round of people controlling the herd of votes won't just be those cashing in for the alt-right. It'll be next social media talking heads, and they will get further than Milo and his lot ever did. On the back of this work being done today.
It's actually possible to break the bad food cycle
*gets wings*and nuggets
Yo any BCT peeps with a Switch add me up
My friend code is SW-1388-7527-3692
Yeah pretty much everybody in "games journalism" (I'm sorry this really isn't a thing you're all basically just marketing tools) is conservative or has a conservative bent. Pat from the best friends for instance is a piece of shit but he's a self aware piece of shit. Colin thinks he's God's gift.I said once, and i'll say it again. Colin is a cunt.
What made me laugh was one of the comments.
"This is fantastic. The lone non-liberal voice in games media getting the attention he deserves"
Are you fucking kidding me. with a very exceptions. The games media is nothing but White middle class libertarian males.
Lone non-liberal voice. Fuck off.
They're still using friend codes in 2017?
Yes. We do indeed live in this timeline. The next round of people controlling the herd of votes won't just be those cashing in for the alt-right. It'll be next social media talking heads, and they will get further than Milo and his lot ever did. On the back of this work being done today.
I don't know. These youtube folks don't have the steel or charm to be really out there, say what you want about Milo, but he only went away because his shit was something you can't really come back from. But these cats, you make a response video and they lose their fucking mind. Plus the old guard has a good 20-30 years left in it, and they shown recently they are done with the useful idiots.
Maybe I being hopeful but all the recent Russian stuff, FBI bullshit, Bernie bullshit, and wikileaks... has me thinking the alt right impact of the election was smaller than we thought.
But it is something to be worried about.
And it is Glenn Beck, dude hasn't been part of the cool kid's table in years. His site is tanking and the only thing he has left is Tomi Lahren.
What a time to be an omnivore. That bone pull though woo.
They honestly do not care.
At all.
The worst part is they forced us to reclaim our IDs, like, what was the point if we were rolling back to that anyway? LOL.
The true believers always end up going too far and become the loonies, it's the dudes that do it for the money that always get farther ahead. It would be interesting to follow if folks lives didn't depend on it.Colin is different from youtube people though. He's a little fire tested, but untrained. He's not about the dollars. He's looking for a mission. The cat has his family name tattooed in bold across his back.
Really absorb that for a moment. His nationalism was inevitable. His fixation with the fables around his name formed him before he knew a damned thing to set straight. People ask "why does he need to be so smug" all the time. The dude has the name of the most famous fictional literary villain in modern white history. He probably knew more about those writings than he did about his own siblings before he ever found gaming.
Dollar bet that Glen and others aren't looking hard for the next voices with a following to help continue the drivel that got us here to begin with. It was never the alt right that kicked the door in, it was the decades of propaganda finally used effectively by whoever grabbed it, against us. They are looking for people that others will follow.
Yeah, that was poetry watching that. I couldn't even process all of that meat, but I'd act like I could for a minute or two.
Nintendo still playing people for suckahs. At least they can't lock companies down with publishing lockdown bullshit anymore. The choice to be in their pocket is singular.
The "majority" of games media? Maybe I just don't keep up with the personalities anymore (I probably stopped keeping up after 1up shut down, only really know about a few other people outside the 1up alums in all the different places they're at now), but I thought most were just silent during GG out of fear of finding out how much of their audience is made up of that crowd.
Gamers in general are a fairly conservative lot, I find more and more. Sitting in the line for Zelda and you wouldn't believe the hateful shit they say out loud to other people. How proud they are of being racist as shiiiit.You right, they were in the middle of a fire but few dared to say anything.
It is funny the same people that say keep politics out of games are cheering Colin for being brave for speaking on his politics.
Gamers in general are a fairly conservative lot, I find more and more. Sitting in the line for Zelda and you wouldn't believe the hateful shit they say out loud to other people. How proud they are of being racist as shiiiit.
Gamers in general are a fairly conservative lot, I find more and more. Sitting in the line for Zelda and you wouldn't believe the hateful shit they say out loud to other people. How proud they are of being racist as shiiiit.
Ordering delivery from a street vendor using Uber. I feel so white
Gamers in general are a fairly conservative lot, I find more and more. Sitting in the line for Zelda and you wouldn't believe the hateful shit they say out loud to other people. How proud they are of being racist as shiiiit.
It's a insular hobby that for decades catered to white male power fantasies. Not shocking there.
I wonder do gamers vote? i imagine the bloc is worse than the usual 18-25 cross section.
do what now? the uber driver is doing delivery for the street vendor? you called the vendor and they sent you an uber? how does this work? explain the ways of 21st century technologically advanced whiteness.
No nodo what now? the uber driver is doing delivery for the street vendor? you called the vendor and they sent you an uber? how does this work? explain the ways of 21st century technologically advanced whiteness.
Take games out of the equation and what do you got?
What perplexes me is that (and we do it in here too) people make allowances for " what people are into". Like a fucking hobby that keeps people locked behind doors and alone is supposed to expand their world view somehow?
There are absolutely great people that we should recognize for being such that are behind doors. But we're talking about people that just can't talk to other people, and somehow praising them for their interest, like they were a creative force.
We give exceptions to hapless consumers. How can we expect better from them?
Dawg, i don't let them line me up with a razor at the barbershop.I think the most insane shit I learned is that this dude takes a straight razor and shaves his anus, in a mirror.
I am shook.
I hope he lets her go.
or they should have that conversation "I demand you shave your ass. Because I do, with a blade and a mirror. I just hike my leg up..."
I was wondering why you were talking about this. Didn't think it would come back to buttholes thoDawg, i don't let them line me up with a razor at the barbershop.
I get nervous just from this movie 20 years ago. Fuck out of here with that shit near my butt hole.
Feel like we should be wearing Kufis having this conversation.
I just assumed you were in your tank top with nothing else.
I know I am.
Yo Slay, I hear that (Comic Spoilers I guess)Is this stupid as it sounds?Magneto is joining up with Hydra in Secret Empire.
Also, best Dr. Doom Story Arc?
How many Gafs posts are made each day from a person that has a piss bottle somewhere near them?
Bet it is double what you would think
Not talking about folks with catheters either.
Got me hungry as fuckAnd this is fuicking attractive.
Done.Yo any BCT peeps with a Switch add me up
My friend code is SW-1388-7527-3692
Things extra nasty today
How many Gafs posts are made each day from a person that has a piss bottle somewhere near them?
Bet it is double what you would think
Not talking about folks with catheters either.
Feel like we should be wearing Kufis having this conversation.
Shots fired.I mean, there's Numb.... outside of that I don't want to do the math.
the thing is pretty compressed and would take some effort extracting it. Like, kids in these little individual cells, believing all the people they're in anonymous contact with are in some ways like them. they soak up everything around them, culture, politics, what their peers and authority figures say, do and think. So they end up being perfect indicators of their local societies, like how they grew up, what their parents believe, etc.
and at some point there was a feedback loop from all the latent background racism. people used to think that everyone online was white and male. Then as that impression changed, 'most' people online were white males, and everyone else was a target of opportunity for anonymous racism or sexism.Then as 'everyone' got online, the racism didn't disappear. It recognized its reflection in so many different faces and created social groups around those views and other things. so you got games, politics, cartoons, art, technology, all with a side of racism. Or like an unspoken racist core, where racism is allowed under the guise of "freedom", but there tend to be a large focus on control structure in these groups, so the only real freedoms allowed are the freedoms to be racist.
It is almost like it should have been expected. You didn't clean your chittlins, so now your whole dinner table smells like shit. That's America. instead of dealing with racism, the folks in charge just made it invisible like a 3 year old would. By covering their eyes. Don't "see" it, it doesn't "exist".
I'm calling Shy on youI mean, there's Numb.... outside of that I don't want to do the math.
I'm calling Shy on you
Using my only wish