What is The Division?
It’s a third-person, cover-based shooter; it’s an RPG with loot; it’s a seamless multiplayer experience that encourages cooperative play, but lets you play solo, too. It’s a PvP-enabled game with an interesting twist that can put you in some morally questionable situations.
What are Dark Zones?
The Dark Zone is the PvP-enabled area populated with enemies and other players. The reason it’s PvP-enabled and not strictly labeled as a PvP zone is pretty simple: you ultimately make the choice whether to engage in PvP or not. As you probably have seen by now, most squads in the Dark Zone are there because they want to get some of the better loot in the game. At any given time, other players can either help them get that loot, or they can try to take it from them. Choosing the latter means that you’ve gone rogue, and will be designated as such to other agents – who are then free to kill you without going rogue themselves.
There is a rarity based loot system within the game. Loot can be found when enemies are killed or in many locations all over New York City. However not all enemies will drop loot when killed. Tougher characters will usually drop better loot. Loot ranking is as follows:
White - Worn
Green - Standard
Blue - Specialized
Purple - Superior
Orange - High-End
The higher the rarity the better the damage and other stats.
The Beta:
The Division is throwing its doors wide open next week with an open beta that will let everyone explore its devastated New York ahead of the game's launch. Whether you're a veteran of the closed beta or this is your first time stepping into an Agent's shoes, you'll be able to jump into the open beta from February 19-21 on PS4, PC and Xbox One. Also, Xbox One players can get started a day early with exclusive 24-hour early access beginning on February 18, but players on all platforms can preload the beta starting February 16.
What's New in the Open Beta?
The development team has closed many of the PC cheating vunerabilities discovered during the closed beta, and has resolutions identified for the remaining PC cheating issues, which will be included in time for launch on March 8. The developers will also closely monitor the open beta for any new issues, and address them accordingly.
If this isn't your first time playing The Division, there are extra incentives to come back, starting with a new story mission that wasn't in the closed beta. Also, everyone who participates in the open beta gets access to a special in-game reward that will be unlocked when the full game is released for Xbox One, PS4, and PC on March 8.
Want to know what you'll be up against before then? From Rikers Island escapees and roving Rioters to the flamethrower-equipped Cleaners and the highly-trained Last Man Battalion, there's no shortage of factions looking to take control of the city on their own terms. Be sure to check out the new trailer (above) to see what these groups are all about.

Social Media:

Follow their Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram keep up to date on the status of the Beta.


Door Closing:

Still there.


Q: Any patch notes?
A: Here you go: http://www.gamezone.com/news/here-a...for-the-division-s-upcoming-open-beta-3433427
Q: What is the Tom Clancy’s The Division Beta?
A: The Tom Clancy’s The Division Beta is your chance to test and experience a pre-release version of the game before it launches. Plus, it serves as an important opportunity to make sure that the game is balanced and that the servers are tested to pave the way for a smooth launch. The beta will not be a full version of the game, and will only function during specific time frames.
Q: When is the Beta?
A: Xbox One players will have 24 hour early access to The Division Beta, starting on February 18. The beta will start on February 19th for PS4 and PC players.
Q: How do I access the Beta?
A: The Open Beta is free and open to everyone. You don't need a code to enter, simply go to your platform shop, download and play:
XBOX ONE: Go to Games and search for Tom Clancy's The Division Open Beta
PS4: Go to the Playstation Store and search for Tom Clancy's The Division Open Beta
PC: Launch the Uplay PC client, click on the “GAMES” tab and at the top of page select “Free Games”. The Division will be available in the list shown.
Q: What time does the Beta start at?
A: The Beta for Xbox One users will start on Thursday, Feb 18 - 10am CET | 4am EST | 1am PST. The Beta for PC/PS4 users will start on Friday, Feb 19 - 1pm CET | 7am EST | 4am PST.
Q: When does the Beta end?
A: Monday, Feb 22 1pm CET | 7am EST | 4am PST
Q: Will I receive anything for participating in the beta?
A: Data gathered during the beta along with the feedback you provide us about our game is extremely important to the success and stability of the final retail release of Tom Clancy’s The Division. As a thank-you for participating in the beta, you may be eligible to receive special in-game rewards that can be unlocked in the full release of the game! More details about this will be revealed at a later date. Follow @thedivisiongame on Twitter to stay informed about these opportunities.
Q: Do I need an Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation®Plus membership to participate in the beta?
A: Xbox One and PlayStation®4 system owners will not need an Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation®Plus membership to access and play the beta. However, there are some game modes that require such accounts. More details on this will be released in the future.
Q: What is the maximum level?
A: There are two seperate ranks in The Division, your main rank and dark zone rank. Max main rank is 30, and the max dark zone rank is 99. For this Beta it is limited to 8 and 12, respectively.
Q: How large is the Beta file size?
A: The Beta will come out to ~27GB.
Q: What are the PC requirements for The Division?
A: http://blog.ubi.com/the-division-pc-specs-revealed/
Q: Will I keep my progression and gear from the Beta?
A: No, nothing will be transferred/carried over from Beta to final release.
Q: Will I be able to pre-load?
A: Yes, you can pre-load/download right now!
Q: Can I upload videos to Youtube, Livestream or post screenshots?
A: Yes you can, there is no NDA for the Beta.
Q: Is there a skill calculator?
A: Yes there is, here you go.
Q: Will I need to redownload the beta if I have the Closed Beta installed?
A: No, you'll be able to download a small update (~1.6GB) and be set to play in the Open Beta.
Q: Has my character from Closed Beta been wiped?
A: Yes, you must start all over again.
Q: When does the full version of The Division come out?
A: March 8th.
Thanks to Grief.exe for helping me with the original thread while banished in the shadow realm; and thanks to no1dead for creating most of the banners and providing feedback. Special thanks to /r/division for creating the various infographics and skill trees.