(Click for general game info.)
System requirements:

Latest drivers: (as at 21/12/2017)
Nvidia: 388.71
AMD: 17.12.2
Intel: Depends on your processor; download the driver update utility
GameGPU (Russian; launch build)
Tips and tricks:
Cap the framerate/potentially improve frametimes: Download RivaTuner Statistics Server, input your desired framerate limit in the "Framerate limit" box, and hit enter (the program comes bundled with MSI Afterburner and earlier versions of EVGA PrecisionX). Alternatively, those with an Nvidia GPU have the option of Nvidia Inspector, which can also be used to impose a framerate cap, either in a similar manner to RTSS or by way of forcing a different vsync interval (click the small tool icon to open the game profile section).
Note: Useful if you your system can't maintain, say, 60fps and you're sensitive to the wild fluctuations, or you're experiencing uneven frametimes. The greater window the engine has to render a given frame, if you're imposing a lower framerate than the game can otherwise provide, may also help in alleviating stuttering related to data streaming.
Stop the game from crashing after 15 minutes on touch-capable systems running Windows 10: Open the task manager, switch to the Services tab and disable TabletInputService. (Credit to SamaelShih @ Microsoft Answers via Green Wiggly here on GAF via breander.)
Disable double-buffer v-sync/remove 60fps cap: Open Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimPrefs.ini and set iVsyncpresentinterval to 0. Just be sure to cap the framerate to 60fps as the physics engine doesn't properly support higher framerates.
Fix wonky physics: As above, ensure the game is capped to 60fps as the physics engine doesn't properly support higher framerates.
Enable basic Steam Controller support: Untick "Controller" in the in-game settings menu. (Credit to Dr. Benton Quest.)
Skip the intro video: Open Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Skyrim.ini and add SIntroSequence=1 to the General section. (Credit to jony_m.)
Run the game in an ultra-wide resolution: Follow the instructions here. (Credit to jony_m.) Additionally, install this mod. (Credit to InAComaDial999 @ Nexus Mods via c0Zm1c.)
Fix unusually poor performance on G-Sync-capable systems: Open Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimPrefs.ini and set iVsyncpresentinterval to 0. (Credit to ^ One-Up ^ @ Steam Community via jorimt.)
Note: Once again, the game's physics engine doesn't properly support framerates above 60fps, so be sure to either change your refresh rate to 60Hz or use RTSS to impose as 60fps cap.
Fix poor performance/start-up issues on laptops: Use the AMD/Nvidia control panel to force a preference for your system's dedicated GPU. Serato's website, of all places, has a visual guide on how to do this (ignore the opening Intel section). (Credit to Eusis.)
Reduce the level of black crush: Open Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Skyrim.ini and add fGlobalContrastBoost=-0.2 to the Display section. You can adjust the value to your liking; just be sure it's negative as otherwise you'll be exacerbating the issue. (Credit to Kaffeemann.)

Graphics settings:

Aspect ratio: Self-explanatory
Resolution: Self-explanatory
Anti-aliasing: Off; FXAA; TAA

Shadow quality: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Shadow distance: Medium; High; Ultra
Decal quantity: None; Medium; High
Godrays quality: Off; Low; Medium; High

Distant object detail: Low; Medium; High; Ultra
Object detail fade: Low; Medium; High