I've had violence done unto me. I've heard a number of twits attempt to tar Bungie and their supposed "trend chasing" with Marathon. The purpose of this thread is to sweep those cretins back under the rock they crawled from, and to encourage conversation from those with an open mind.
The Extraction Shooter is gamings new "Mario 64 moment". A hack media outlet use this term on an Astro Bot Rescue Mission back in 2018. That milk is now chunky and black.
An Extraction Shooter is s a PvP RPG. The premise of the genre is building your characters power over a length of time. You do this buy "extracting" resources out of dangerous PvP centric lobbies that can in turn be crafted into better guns, gadgets, and ammo etc...
Here's the reason why it's gamings new Mario 64 moment...
The top 10 best selling Atari (console) games are Pacman, Space Invaders, Asteroids, Missile Command, Donkey Kong, River Raid, Adventure, Combat, Football, and Pitfall. 10/10 of those games are session based games. Each session is relatively short, and plays nearly identical to the last. The only "progression" we see is from the players skill level improving.
The top 10 best selling NES (console) games are Mario 3, Mario 2, Zelda, Tetris, Metroid, Punch Out, Final Fantasy, The Adventure of Link, Castlevania, and Kirby's Adventure. Only 6/10 of those game are session based games. Zelda, Final Fantasy, The Adventures of Link, and Kirby's Adventure have a save system that allowed for a longer gameplay narrative.
The top 10 best selling PlayStation games are Gran Turismo, Gran Turismo 2, FF VII, GTA, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken 3, FF VIII, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, and Crash Bandicoot 2. Only 1/10 of those games are session based games - Tekken 3. The trend is clear. We prefer long form narrative to session based games. Today, it's unheard of for a session based game to sell more than 10 million copies.
Here's the top 10 most popular multiplayer games of today...
Fortnite - Session based.
Roblox - Session based.
CSGO - Session based.
League of Legends - Session based.
Valorant - Session based.
Dota 2 - Session based.
Warzone - Session based.
PUBG - Session based.
World of Warcraft - Long form
FF XIV - Long form
Multiplayer is in the transition period we saw between early 1980s Atari and the mid 1990s PlayStation. It took about 15 years to shift from mostly session based single player games to mostly long form single player games.
The Extraction Shooter genre is the best positioned to take us into the new era of multiplayer for two reasons. First, how many PvP genres lend themselves to long form narrative? The Extraction genre and the Survival genre? The industry seems to be pouring significantly more resources into making Extraction Shooters at the moment (ARC Raiders, PUBG Black Budget, Marathon, Exoborne, Far Cry Extraction, Warzone DMZ 2.0 etc...). Secondly, the genre is ripe for popularity growth because the objective is not to kill opposing players. The objective is to extract. This means that people who are interested in collecting, puzzle solving, exploring, socializing, and building are more likely to find their place in the genre. Bungies Marathon seems best suited to take the genre forward because of their production value advantage as well as the fact that they're targeting different types of players by making unique character classes. Thief and Stealth for example, aren't likely to be frontline CoD esque run and gun character classes.
What say you? Marathon is videogames next Mario 64 moment?
The Extraction Shooter is gamings new "Mario 64 moment". A hack media outlet use this term on an Astro Bot Rescue Mission back in 2018. That milk is now chunky and black.
An Extraction Shooter is s a PvP RPG. The premise of the genre is building your characters power over a length of time. You do this buy "extracting" resources out of dangerous PvP centric lobbies that can in turn be crafted into better guns, gadgets, and ammo etc...
Here's the reason why it's gamings new Mario 64 moment...
The top 10 best selling Atari (console) games are Pacman, Space Invaders, Asteroids, Missile Command, Donkey Kong, River Raid, Adventure, Combat, Football, and Pitfall. 10/10 of those games are session based games. Each session is relatively short, and plays nearly identical to the last. The only "progression" we see is from the players skill level improving.
The top 10 best selling NES (console) games are Mario 3, Mario 2, Zelda, Tetris, Metroid, Punch Out, Final Fantasy, The Adventure of Link, Castlevania, and Kirby's Adventure. Only 6/10 of those game are session based games. Zelda, Final Fantasy, The Adventures of Link, and Kirby's Adventure have a save system that allowed for a longer gameplay narrative.
The top 10 best selling PlayStation games are Gran Turismo, Gran Turismo 2, FF VII, GTA, Metal Gear Solid, Tekken 3, FF VIII, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, and Crash Bandicoot 2. Only 1/10 of those games are session based games - Tekken 3. The trend is clear. We prefer long form narrative to session based games. Today, it's unheard of for a session based game to sell more than 10 million copies.

Here's the top 10 most popular multiplayer games of today...
Fortnite - Session based.
Roblox - Session based.
CSGO - Session based.
League of Legends - Session based.
Valorant - Session based.
Dota 2 - Session based.
Warzone - Session based.
PUBG - Session based.
World of Warcraft - Long form
FF XIV - Long form
Multiplayer is in the transition period we saw between early 1980s Atari and the mid 1990s PlayStation. It took about 15 years to shift from mostly session based single player games to mostly long form single player games.

The Extraction Shooter genre is the best positioned to take us into the new era of multiplayer for two reasons. First, how many PvP genres lend themselves to long form narrative? The Extraction genre and the Survival genre? The industry seems to be pouring significantly more resources into making Extraction Shooters at the moment (ARC Raiders, PUBG Black Budget, Marathon, Exoborne, Far Cry Extraction, Warzone DMZ 2.0 etc...). Secondly, the genre is ripe for popularity growth because the objective is not to kill opposing players. The objective is to extract. This means that people who are interested in collecting, puzzle solving, exploring, socializing, and building are more likely to find their place in the genre. Bungies Marathon seems best suited to take the genre forward because of their production value advantage as well as the fact that they're targeting different types of players by making unique character classes. Thief and Stealth for example, aren't likely to be frontline CoD esque run and gun character classes.
What say you? Marathon is videogames next Mario 64 moment?