I knew he sounded familiar! That's awesome.
Anyone know where this sits in the series timeline? Is it another take on DR1 or does it come after DR3?
I do not believe this is Ned Luke..
I knew he sounded familiar! That's awesome.
Anyone know where this sits in the series timeline? Is it another take on DR1 or does it come after DR3?
I knew he sounded familiar! That's awesome.
Anyone know where this sits in the series timeline? Is it another take on DR1 or does it come after DR3?
I knew he sounded familiar! That's awesome.
Anyone know where this sits in the series timeline? Is it another take on DR1 or does it come after DR3?
I knew he sounded familiar! That's awesome.
Anyone know where this sits in the series timeline? Is it another take on DR1 or does it come after DR3?
I haven't really been following the game...
zombies don't seem very threatening anymore?
Is it just me or does this game look really slow and clunky? The animations just seem so sluggish, and it seems to really mess with the flow of gameplay. DR1 in comparison looks quick and smooth. Also, tonally and aesthetically this game looks like a fucking mess.
This was painful to watch.
Frank's like a Sonic Boom character.
The first 5 minutes sounds like they forgot to record the sound and then just adlibbed on top of the video
Whats wrong with Franks model
Whats up with the loading times
Zombies look like a minor inconvenience in this game.
Zombie ai and limited animations on the same level as Warriors game gee this looks terrible
Fuck the Fans: The Game
Getting rid of everything that made DR a beautifully well realized time management simulator and just making a shitty Dynasty Warriors game is a real downer, but not terribly surprising after DR3.
Expect people to come in to this topic going "Well, I never liked the timer, or the survivors, or managing health, so fuck all those things! I'm happy an entire franchise lost it's identity in order to appeal to me and my low standards!"
R.I.P. Dead Rising Franchise :/
Is this really Dead Rising?![]()
Seriously, people. Go play Dead Rising 3. How can people have this reaction to this game when DR3 has been on the market for 3 years.
It was the best selling version, why would they go back to the formula of the versions that sold less? Especially when most of those attributes from the old games made the games not very fun.
Seriously, people. Go play Dead Rising 3. How can people have this reaction to this game when DR3 has been on the market for 3 years.
It was the best selling version, why would they go back to the formula of the versions that sold less? Especially when most of those attributes from the old games made the games not very fun.
why does he sound like michael from gta5
Seriously, people. Go play Dead Rising 3. How can people have this reaction to this game when DR3 has been on the market for 3 years.
It was the best selling version, why would they go back to the formula of the versions that sold less? Especially when most of those attributes from the old games made the games not very fun.
This character-assassination of Frank West just twists the knife, though.
Shitty Dynasty Warriors game.
This character-assassination of Frank West just twists the knife, though.
Seriously, people. Go play Dead Rising 3. How can people have this reaction to this game when DR3 has been on the market for 3 years.
It was the best selling version...
Seriously, people. Go play Dead Rising 3.
How can people have this reaction to this game when DR3 has been on the market for 3 years.
It was the best selling version, why would they go back to the formula of the versions that sold less?
this game will review well and people will be pissed
SuperÑ;223425331 said:
this game will review well and people will be pissed
Because they're being patronizing jackasses with the marketing. DR3 was marketed as a departure, a game for the "CoD gamers". They're doing the same thing here but trying to tell fans that it's a return to the roots of the series despite it having nothing to do with the original games other than the name of the game. Therefore it shouldn't exactly be surprising that people are pissed off.
Awesome? well if he was the character from gtv it would be, but he is supposed to be Frank West..
I'll be pissed because it literally has nothing left in common with the Dead Rising series.
The zombies were always fodder, but at least in DR1 and 2 they were more intimidating and it was possible to die or at least get fucked up pretty badly if you got cocky, now it's just hammer X until they are all dead. They pose zero threat, none whatsoever.
The gameplay also seemsto lack any agency.
All of this is subjective.
Apparently there was a petition to get Frank's original voice actor for this game.
Why Capcom Vancouver didn't get him, I have no idea.
Maybe to shills or someone being willfully obtuse, but anyone with eyes can see this game is nothing like the original game despite the window dressing.
"gta v sold a billion copies, maybe if we jack the vo our game will too!"
Fuck the Fans: The Game
Getting rid of everything that made DR a beautifully well realized time management simulator and just making a shitty Dynasty Warriors game is a real downer, but not terribly surprising after DR3.
Expect people to come in to this topic going "Well, I never liked the timer, or the survivors, or managing health, so fuck all those things! I'm happy an entire franchise lost it's identity in order to appeal to me and my low standards!"
Yes I disagree so I must be a shill. Show me where they said this will be just like the original game. The same studio has done the last 4 Dead Rising games and each was an evolution of the last.
Maybe to shills or someone being willfully obtuse, but anyone with eyes can see this game is nothing like the original game despite the window dressing.
"gta v sold a billion copies, maybe if we jack the vo our game will too!"
There is literally nothing subjective about the marketing being full of shit. Saying so is so absurdly ridiculous that it reads as something that would come out of either a shills mouth or someone being willfully obtuse. I don't think you're a shill, or I would have said so. I do think you are being willfully obtuse, though.
Also, capcom van only singlehandidly made DR3. Capcom Japan made DR1, and development was shared on DR2.
There is literally nothing subjective about the marketing being full of shit. Saying so is so absurdly ridiculous that it reads as something that would come out of either a shills mouth or someone being willfully obtuse. I don't think you're a shill, or I would have said so. I do think you are being willfully obtuse, though.
Also, capcom van only singlehandidly made DR3. Capcom Japan made DR1, and development was shared on DR2.
Did they say it would be like the original game? I don't believe they did.
Then you aren't paying attention. Every bit of marketing they've done they can't stop shouting at fans how much they love them and how much like the older games this is. It's so patently absurd I can't help but feel the devs have never even played the first game.
That really has nothing to do with what I'm saying, but okay?is it inconceivable to you that someone could like DR1/2 but also be excited about DR4 and like that they are using the setting of the original game in marketing?
AFAIK Capcom Vancouver made DR2, OTR, DR3 and this game. Inafune had some input on DR2 but Vancouver did all of the development.
And again, I'm just not seeing the egregious marketing that would lead someone to believe that DR4 reverts things to how they were in the original game. I'm sincerely asking where they implied this as it's entirely possible I missed it but I haven't seen anything like that.
That really has nothing to do with what I'm saying, but okay?.
All the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking zombie series return,
Were they something other than that is previous DR games? Unless it was a huge horde pushing them down and jumping through was the best course of action.