I want it set after Voyager not because of technology but because:
1) I don't want to see stories where we fight Klingons and Romulans for the 1000th time.
I don't think the romulans have been used that often (the cardassians have seen more action in the franchise for example) but I generally agree with you although the time frame of the series doesn't matter here. A series set in the TOS time frame doesn't have to use klingons or romulans and a series set post Voyager isn't a guarantee that they won't be used as antagonists.
2) I want the TOS pandering to stop and have them elevate TNG to that status while the cast is still around and alive. TOS was unique and new for its time but it's also cheesy 60s shit outside of the movies and it's time to move on.
I think part of the reason they're concentrating on the TOS era at the moment is because the TNG era fizzled out with declining ratings on the tv side and Insurrection and Nemesis at the theatres while the TOS movies did pretty well and ended their run during what was arguably the franchises height of popuarity with TNG in its fifth season.
TOS is fondly remembered, it didn't end on a bad note and the time period is actually largely unexplored, we know very little about it.
And btw TNG is cheesy 80s shit.

Each show clearly shows when it was made. 25 years from now people will probably look at Discovery, roll their eyes and complain that it's so 2010s.
3) I want to see something new and want them to experiment rather which is harder to do when you confine yourself in several ways so as to not break continuity.
They're not very confined, think about it, what do we know about ten years before TOS? The Enterprise is currently under command of Pike and Spock serves as science officer ... that's it.
Sure, we know Earth, Vulcan, Romulus etc. won't blow up and Sarek cannot die in Discovery but other than that? They have free reign.