The show is going to tell a story he created.
So yeah, there would be no show without him. They are literally using HIS WORK. There's no way he should not be credited.
Also, should JK not get credits on Hogwarts Legacy because she didnt make the game?
Honestly your logic is bullshit.
Scrolling through the messages ITT that say Straley had nothing to do with this show and therefore shouldn't be credited - none of you seem to get what this is about.
I mean, yeah, sure, Bruce Straley wasn't working on this show so he shouldn't be credited as its creator. Fair enough.
He was the co-creator of the original video game, and the show's first episode lifts the story and entire lines of dialogue, and often even specific shots pretty much verbatim from that game, with only some minor changes that were made either to provide additional context, or in lieu of video game action scenes. Okay, if Straley still wasn't credited anywhere, technically it would still be fair game, although a bit dickish at this point.
But the biggest fuck you to Straley here is the fact that Neil Druckmann credited HIMSELF as the sole writer on the original story in the specific credit that mentions the source material:
Now THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is where Bruce Straley should've been credited. And I totally get why he got so mad about this shit.
If the video game industry had guilds for their creators, artists, and other talent, kinda like they do in the movie industry, then this wouldn't even be allowed to happen.
Is that wrong?
Even in the game Bruce is credited as Game Director and Neil is credited as Writer.

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