Are you one of those guys that has their tv on the vivid picture setting?Not even close, the lighting & shadowing is flat AF whenever you see characters in action (most obvious for me in the hospital), and during actual gameplay the model LODs for characters still makes them look like the same plasticine NPCs you see in every other game. Not ND's fault tbh, they went above & beyond crunching the life out of themselves making it look as good as can be but at the end of the day it's still a PS4 game with all the limitations that hardware brings. Compared to games on PC with RT, it's definitely generationally behind, the baked lighting just doesn't cut it anymore but the low-poly models are just as bad. A lot of people are impressed by how the game looks... in cinematics. In actual gameplay it's nothing special.
Now compare to this... c'mon bruh.
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