Perfect! And im not even joking...Joel doesn’t kill the doctor, the last of us 2 doesn’t happen! Time travel changed the time line!
I don't think you understand much like how Jaffe and even Jason saying this week, its safe to do it, not a lot of money will go into it and it will be a guarantee success with the show coming out as well. Its going to have low overhead and high profits, especially everyone will want to play as Joel again.Do we really need a remake...?
I mean a remaster ok why not, but a remake...
So yeah hum just upgrade it to TLOU2 engine... having a hard time thinking of anything else as I really don't get why they are making a remake... waste of ressources...
I dunno; you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.As read byIntentionalPun , it makes since that they'll prepare their engine for PS5, exploring all the tech around it, while making money instead of wasted R&D. So in that sense it doesn't hurt. Would buy it myself as never played it except once since 2014.
The HBO series is coming next year so they probably want to release this near that.
I dunno; you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.
It will take them years to make TLOU3 and they are very early in the production if they are even making it. I wouldn't be suprised if their next game was a new IP. Sony probably wants to release something with the series so a remake is easy to do. It could be made by a smaller team.But they could either do a third game or a new story in the same universe. I'd rather than then a remake that has already has a remaster.
I wouldn't worry about them using the actors from the TV series. They will probably use the character models seen in TLOU2.I swear to God, if it turns out to be true ...
What an idiotic thing to do.
90% of what is good with the game is related to the acting/performance
Even if they only swap character models, it will be like seeing differenct actors portraying those same characters that we love.
Imagine having Brando in The Godfather digitally replaced by another actor. Same lines, same voice, acting, but different face, would still be pretty fucking weird.
Not saying that it would be worse, just different. But is it really necessary?
Why everyone thinks they're gonna use TLOU 2 graphics? If they're going to make a remake wouldn't they make it with the tech availy (PS5)? It would be so weird to announce a remake for the PS4 to be honest.There was the leak about The Last of Us remake. Let's assume that its true and they are making it. What you would like to see in the remake? Should they use The Last of Us 2 gameplay and add dogs or should it be close to the original? I hope they use things from TLOU2 but the cutscenes shouldn't be changed much. They need to keep the original voice acting. I'm not sure if a remake is needed but I admit that it would be cool to see the cutscenes with TLOU2 graphics
They will probably use the character models we saw in TLOU2:
Difference face? Dafuq. Why do you think they would change their faces?I swear to God, if it turns out to be true ...
What an idiotic thing to do.
90% of what is good with the game is related to the acting/performance
Even if they only swap character models, it will be like seeing differenct actors portraying those same characters that we love.
Imagine having Brando in The Godfather digitally replaced by another actor. Same lines, same voice, acting, but different face, would still be pretty fucking weird.
Not saying that it would be worse, just different. But is it really necessary?
They will probably make it look like TLOU2 remaster(I'm sure its coming) and release them together. It would make sense that they would want them to look exactly the same.Why everyone thinks they're gonna use TLOU 2 graphics? If they're going to make a remake wouldn't they make it with the tech availy (PS5)? It would be so weird to announce a remake for the PS4 to be honest.
I don't think they would do it but Insomniac did it with Spider-Man remastered.Difference face? Dafuq. Why do you think they would change their faces?
My initial thoughts were the same but I think it'd be nice to get the original with the updated gameplay systems.Do we really need a remake...?
I mean a remaster ok why not, but a remake...
So yeah hum just upgrade it to TLOU2 engine... having a hard time thinking of anything else as I really don't get why they are making a remake... waste of ressources...
#infectedlivesmatter moreBLM signs and more purple hair.
Perfect if you are a resetera posterI'd replace Joel with Abby and replace Ellie with Lev.
I mean we’ve heard in every leak about the game the reason it’s happening. A new studio wanted to prove themselves. Naughty dog didn’t have anything to do really and wanted to wind down with a remake which doubles as a way to keep on more staff rather than downsizing.I question if this rumor is actually real.
Why remake a PS3 game that had a PS4 remaster that runs on the PS5?
IMO, remaking the game is waste of resources. The PS4 remaster is perfectly fine and the game doesn't need a remake.
I mean why would anyone care lmao. Pedro pascal is dope and it’s not like Joel is iconic for being white.Make Joel and Tommy latino like in the tv series /s
Try to make Joel and Ellie extremely unlikeable.