I'm sure I will.
Sharing the new characters renders and screenshots from Gematsu in this thread as well so we have all the important info in a single thread:
■ Characters (voiced by Kazuyuki Okitsu)
Kevin Graham
“You know what you’re doing right? You are, without a doubt, evil and a enemy of Zemuria.”

A traveling priest of the Septian Church, and Dominion No. 5 of the Gralsritter. He is also known as the “Thousand-Hand Guardian.” While he comes off as a softhearted, friendly young man at first glance, he has a strong dedication towards his mission, sometimes even carrying out ruthless judgments.
He used to call himself the “Heretic Hunter” and secretly punished those who were deemed unlawful by the Church. But after a certain incident, he looked back to his past and, together with the squire Ries, they decided to use their powers to “protect,” not punish.
The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki – Farewell O Zemuria, he seems to be on a mission from the Church and seems to be trying to get in contact with Rufus, a man who threw away his past…
Rufus Albarea (voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa)
“I can do it. Without hesitation. Why, I’m ‘inhuman’ after all.”

Former first Governor General of Crossbell and a man from the great aristocrat family of Duke Albarea of the Erebonian Empire.
He was imprisoned as a war
criminal after the GreatWwar, but two and a half years ago during the second Crossbell incident, an imposter pretending to be Rufus appeared, so he operated under as the masked knight C. After meeting Swin, Nadia, and Lapis, he has the opportunity to reevaluate his life.
Following the incident, Rufus threw away his past and took
action in secret with Lapis and company to watch over the future of Zemuria, while also being marked by his former enemy, the Central Intelligence Department of the Republic.
Lapis Rosenberg (voiced by Azumi Waki)
“It’s cute and elegant right? Rufus helped me choose it!”

An artificial intelligence of the technological singularity Elysium that inhabits an Rosenberg Studio-made orbal doll.
She has human-like susceptibility such as being fixated on giving things cute names and always trying to eat more, but also has tremendous processing capabilities as an artificial intelligence.
During a bizarre incident in the Republic, she had her artificial intelligence overwritten and used, but thanks to the Arkride Solutions Office, the Bracer Guild, Swin, and company, she managed to regain her original persona.
After this, she went to Ored with Rufus and transferred her artificial intelligence into a new body thanks to the technical prowess of Meister Jorg and Marduk Total Security Company.
Swin Abel (voiced by Gakuto Kajiwara)
“I’m here because I was able to face something… no, someone I hold dear like you.”

A former assassin who escaped the assassins organization Garden and wields a special set of dual blades that can combine and create “markings.”
While he may seem dry and rationalistic at first glance, under the surface he is not coldhearted, but a straightforward man of common sense. After escaping Garden with Nadia, they made an oath never to take anyone’s life again, and started a new life with Rufus and Lapis.
The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki – Farewell O Zemuria, he is sent off on a mission with Rufus, but runs into Kevin, who is targeting the assassins of Garden as part of his illegal hunting…
Nadia Rayne (voiced by
Manaka Iwami)
“This is normal for our leader. He might be similar to that ‘Oathbreaker’ person?”

A former assassin girl and Swin’s partner who uses her “Baron Bear,” a stuffed animal with special needs and hidden tools, as a weapon.
She is often found being lazy or fawning on Swin, but she is actually a realist with a cold and serious way of thinking.
She cares about her partner Swin more than anyone else, and secretly supports him by using her incredible calculation abilities to analyze information and prevent threats from others.
Perhaps due to her keen sense of threat detection, she is constantly suspicious of Kevin’s actions.
Elaine Auclair (voiced by Chiwa Saito)
“I can’t just let the Society have it their way. Regardless of what they’re trying to achieve “

An A-rank bracer known by the name “Beauty’s Blade” for her beauty and mastery of the sword.
She comes from a distinguished family that runs the confections manufacturer Quincy Company, but after graduating from high school, she overcame her family’s opposition and walked her own path to becoming a bracer. While still understanding their respective positions, she was able to gradually rebuild a relationship with Van, her childhood friend and former school sweetheart with whom she overcame various incidents that occurred in the Republic.
In the midst of this… Elaine comes catches wind that anti-immigration organizations around Zemuria are taking action in sync with the Republic’s Startaker Project, and starts her investigation as a bracer.
Rene Kincaid (voiced by Jun Fukuyama)
“It’s classified. You should know this as the head of Arkride Solutions Office.”

An aide and agent of the Central Intelligence Department. He handles a tremendous amount of work while also carrying out operations in the field. He resolutely performs his duties even against those in power, so even President Gramheart respects him.
He is like an older brother to Van and Elaine, and while being aware of their different positions, warmly watches over them.
However, as the Startaker Project enters its operations phase and the Central Intelligence Department focuses its resources on the plan, his position makes it more difficult to maintain the relationship he previously had.
■ Settings / Keywords
Raval Ward (10th Burrough)
A quiet residential district located on the hillside of the Republic capital city Edith.
While the terrain is somewhat hilly, it is popular amongst the wealthy for its great living conditions such as a park with views of the entire city and its relatively easily access to the Capital highway.
Agnes’ family home, the Gramheart residence, and her childhood friend Odette and Albert’s households are also in the area.
Chardin Ward (11th Burrough)
A district famous for sightseeing in the Republic capital city Edith.
It is popular amongst tourists abroad for its various facilities such as The Chardin, a grand theater in the main square that hosts various performances; the bookmaker Merida, who is also a factor of the Zenith-1 races’ popularity; and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art that houses many works by up and coming artists.