The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak | Review Thread


Biggest Trails Stan
Patch? They're releasing the PC version as a patch to the old version, not a full new release?

Sacha Baron Cohen Yes GIF by Amazon Prime Video
Picking up my copy on the way home from work today. Blue Dragon will have to be put on hold.

I recently picked up physical copies of Zero and Azure (pretty much the final retail copies available in the Toronto area). I made the mistake of playing a bit of Zero just to see what it's like, and now I want to play that as well.


Annnnd on queue. And the replies to that are just as pathetic. The thread has deteriorated so much that it might close.

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Annnnd on queue. And the replies to that are just as pathetic. The thread has deteriorated so much that it might close.

I was at work where neogaf is blocked, but resetera isn’t, so I took a peek earlier today. I can’t believe how badly some of these people try to see something to hate.


One of the green rats
I'll play it when I get home from my business trip. I actually really like the last one as an old schoolish straight forward jrpg.


I was at work where neogaf is blocked, but resetera isn’t, so I took a peek earlier today. I can’t believe how badly some of these people try to see something to hate.
Someone at your job actively and manually blocked this site and kept a green light for the purple site? Wow... Who do they think we are in here?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Annnnd on queue. And the replies to that are just as pathetic. The thread has deteriorated so much that it might close.

Holy shit, what a bunch of losers.


Biggest Trails Stan
I was at work where neogaf is blocked, but resetera isn’t, so I took a peek earlier today. I can’t believe how badly some of these people try to see something to hate.

I avoid that site like the plague

Not surprised they are already complaining about sexism and the age of a Fictional Teenage Girl

Not real, it's fiction

I wouldn't care but the fact that they successfully changed the game industry for the worst is why I keep tabs on them
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Anyone playing yet? How's the visuals/performance on PS5? The demo being the PS4 version had pretty poor image quality and I was hoping for 4k60 on this.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This game's prologue chapter is pretty meaty. Getting used to the dynamic battle system.

Also, don't know who the VA for Van is but he sure is trying his best to sound like Troy Baker.
Apparently PS5 runs at 4K with no antialiasing and performance tanks constantly. Poorly optimized.
I am playing the PS5 version. It's absolutely solid 60fps during the game, except for the occasional micro stutter for some reason during cutscene transitions, like when it shows a train coming in, etc (maybe due to asset loading?)

Where do people even come up with this FUD? And why repeat it if you have no idea of the truth?


To give you an accurate reply, it looks far better than PS4, and it runs at 60fps 100% of the time when I have control of the character. Cutscenes/transitions have occasional stutter when panning shots.
Ok, I can live with some issues during cutscenes and special attacks if it's stable during actual gameplay, thanks!
It seems that the game runs at 50-60fps depending on the area, but is 60 where it counts. This game really wants VRR. It's a shame that it will never be implemented. It would make the game feel flawless.

edit: I enabled "use VRR in unsupported games" in the PS5 settings and now the game does run flawlessly. I travelled around to a few areas that ran slow before and now they are completely smooth.

I'm also really tired of JRPG developers only using stereo audio.

I booted up the PS4 demo just to compare to PS5 and it's "fine". If all you have is PS4, you wouldn't even know the difference. It's soft, due to lower resolution, and the aliasing is pretty rough on floor tile patterns and such. Even the PS5 has aliasing in staircases, etc, but isn't nearly as bad, since everything is a sharp 4K.

PS4 also has formal "loading" screens, while PS5 simply shows tips that you can only read halfway before the scene loads. I don't understand why so few companies add an "OK" button prompt if they are going to show tips. Nioh handled this perfectly. Hell, even Ys VIII did it better by allowing you to disable the tips, and read them at any time in the menu.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
edit: I enabled "use VRR in unsupported games" in the PS5 settings and now the game does run flawlessly. I travelled around to a few areas that ran slow before and now they are completely smooth.

You should have it enabled at all times anyway, I don't think there's any perceptible disadvantage of leaving it on.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I think I tried it once with Elden Ring and it didn't help, so I turned it off.

Elden Ring is a special kind of unoptimized mess lol. On PS5, the VRR for 60hz games only works between 48 to 60 FPS. If it goes below 48, VRR does nothing. Elden Ring goes below that extremely frequently.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
My brother got me a Gamestop gift card for Christmas. So I go to Gamestop, they dont have it in stock. Just ordered enough for the preorders. So why have a brick and mortar store if you don’t have any stock for a day-1 release? Ok whatever its a low budget niche JRPG I will order online instead.

So I order from gamestop online on my phone. Freezes at checkout. I order on my laptop. Freezes at checkout. Try another browser. Freezes at checkout.

So I order from Amazon. Fuck it. Thanks for reading my blog and hope Gamestop goes out of business (and the workers get jobs at better places).
My brother got me a Gamestop gift card for Christmas. So I go to Gamestop, they dont have it in stock. Just ordered enough for the preorders. So why have a brick and mortar store if you don’t have any stock for a day-1 release? Ok whatever its a low budget niche JRPG I will order online instead.
I posted my beef with this a while ago. I think it was Sand Land. The store received a grand total of three copies, all preorders. They were able to get one for me a day later, but the clerk said it that was a rare occurrence. GameStop doesn't seem to be in the business of selling games. They take preorders up to five days before release, and that's it. No stock for walk-ins. It's absurd.

Grandblue Fantasy was the same way. Zero stock copies on release day. Luckily, I have an independently owned shop in town. I buy everything from them when I use cash, but GameStop for trade-in credit (due to their generous promotions).


Uh I think thats less SJW and more talking about how the character is literally androgynous lol.

It's actually pretty accurate to the original Japanese dialogue. Van mentions -kun and -chan there and that he isn't sure which to use for Quatre. For people that don't know, -kun and -chan are honorifics that are added to names. The former is more masculine and used more so with boys while the later is feminine and used more with girls. It's not strict and can be used in a variety of ways but the masculine and feminine parts are pretty ingrained with it. So Van thinking about which one to use for Quatre is really him wondering about if he's a girl or a boy.

The original line, pulled from Trails in the Database, is:



A more direct translation would be something like:


-kun or -chan... I was just thinking about how I should call you.

That line doesn't really work well in English since the average person is pretty unlikely to know what Japanese honorifics mean on their own. You could argue all Trails fans are weeb ass motherfuckers but alas, they need to make it approachable to general audiences. You could go with "Ms. or Mr." which would match the honorific part and get the nuance of how Van is thinking about calling Quatre. However, it isn't in character for Van, since he's not that formal, nor does it flow with the rest of the conversation. Going straight to "Are you a girl or boy" is too blunt and wouldn't work either.

So the way they translated works really well even if it doesn't use an equivalent honorific. It keeps the part where Van is uncertain about Quatre specifically through how to refer to him which is the core part of the line. It also works and is kind of funny because Quatre right after goes "Isn't it obvious? I'm a dude."
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