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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Review Thread

What score do you think The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will get?

  • 0 -10%

    Votes: 7 2.7%
  • 10 -20%

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • 20-30%

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • 30-40%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40-50%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-60%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-70%

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • 70-80%

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • 80-85%

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • 85-90%

    Votes: 24 9.1%
  • 90-95%

    Votes: 101 38.3%
  • 95-100%

    Votes: 125 47.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Generally don't play my Switch in portable mode, but I'll be traveling over the weekend. I remember hating using the Joycons for BotW too.


Yeah - can’t say I disagree. It’s like an 8.5 in my book.

My first few hours have been marked by this rollercoaster of “There is nothing like the polish of a Nintendo game, this game is amazing” > “I really hated this mechanic in the original game and it’s just as bad here” > “This game is way too tedious, I’ve had enough” and back around over and over.

You always have to temper expectations with the launch of Nintendo games, the hype that surrounds them from gamers and journalists raised in the mushroom kingdom is unreal.
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yo awesome game. I'm loving it.

I made a airplane and crashed it into a tree lol. The crash killed an emu also.

Anyway no spoilers or nuthin pls but can I haz help with one thing?

When I craft stuff like rafts, it stays stuck together and I can't detach the parts. But when I try to craft weapons by like, attaching a rock to a stick, they do attach but when I pick them up they just come apart again instead of staying together as a weapon. Am I doing it wrong? Or do I need to wait until a later point in the game to be allowed to use ultrahand to craft weapons? The game even said u can attach a leaf to a stick to make a fan but when I attached them they just came apart when I picked it up...
So you use a different ability to make weapons, not ultrahands. I take it you haven't done all the 3 first shrines yet, once you do it'll be clearer.


Will Smith Run GIF by MOODMAN


One of the green rats
I mean some people have worst taste than others i don’t know what to say? 😂

But also I don’t get it.. you pirated the game for a week and been playing on an emulator??
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Might as well wait for Switch 2 at this point no?
Pointless living life like that because you could be dead within months.

Riky Riky - just buy a switch brother, you could flip it and get most of your money back after playing.

You’re UK based if I recall, keep an eye on hotukdeals, there was a blue Switch Lite on for £150 new earlier today but it’s sold out now.

I’ve spent the majority of my life with gaming as my favourite medium, and games like this don’t come along often. Fuck missing this.
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I'm actually kinda surprised it scored so well. Seeing game journalists stream the game today, so many of them were having a stroke trying to figure out rotating in Ultrahand lol. I don't get how you can play games for a living and be so inept at pretty simple mechanics.

Anyway, played about 7 hours today. Absolutely amazing experience, another classic on our hands.


I'm actually kinda surprised it scored so well. Seeing game journalists stream the game today, so many of them were having a stroke trying to figure out rotating in Ultrahand lol. I don't get how you can play games for a living and be so inept at pretty simple mechanics.

Anyway, played about 7 hours today. Absolutely amazing experience, another classic on our hands.
Game journalist are retarded but they know what actual competent people like too I suppose.


Gold Member
Somehow, my copy from Best Buy is supposed to arrive tomorrow, but it hasn't shipped yet. I guess FedEx is that fast. I bet it will arrive Sunday.

I was tempted to just get it at Target and return the other copy but the person running the electronics department was not around to unlock it.


The joy you feel playing this game is something you don’t get often. This game is special indeed. The first few hours were fun, can’t wait to explore the rest.

Also game looks awsome on my 65” OLED. These devs are on another level.
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Tears of Nintendo
Stop the tears and drop the persecution complex.
I don't care about the hate I'll get after posting this, but what I have to say must be said and I can't hold this back any longer.

But first things first:

Some (if not all) Nintendo fanboys may ask - Well, why have you played BOTW so much and hate TOTK then? 1) The fact that I've played BOTW for 230+ hours doesn't mean that I've enjoyed playing and loved it during these 230+ 2) I mostly played the game at work to kill time when I had nothing to do 3) I don't hate any game even if I don't like it, cuz I just don't like it, so don't try and use that "hate" word to make me look like a villain here, cuz I am not 4) If you can't destiguish constructive criticism from hate, that's not my problem 5) People don't have to love / like to have the right to criticise if they don't like something you love / like.

Now, with this out of the way...

After playing the game for around 10 hours (230+ hours in BOTW), it's just baffling and stupendous to see all these 1000% biased and glowing 9s and 10s. It's the same exact game, with the same exact mechanics named differently, with the same exact problems and systems that plagued BOTW, with the same exact Korok seeds you need to collect in the same exact manner copy & pasted from BOTW. None of the stupid gimmicks for 8-9 year olds they've added on top of all that changing anything or making the game better, actually quite the opposite - they've made it even worse. All of the Shrines are back again and they're exact same as in BOTW minus new and stupid gimmicks, so none of the complaints about the actual and traditional dungeons was addressed in any way on purpose, they just copy & pasted dungeouns from BOTW, changed how they look, moved and changed things around for new gimmicks and thats it, so there's only 2 variations again - puzzles and combat, none of which are interesting or fun to do, just like in BOTW and rewords for doing them is exact same - HP and Stamina. Rewards for world exploration are just as boring and completely unrewarding, exciting etc. as in BOTW - stupid weapons which won't last long or a bunch of useless items.

And don't even get me started on stupid design and gameplay decisions. So you're walking around at the starting area, but at one point you need to go across a huge pool of water. Much better designed game which respects your time and sanity will offer you a boat, but what Nintendoes (?) - Uhm... well, how about you'll waste your effin' time while building stupid shit just to get across and use our stupid gimmicks and survival / craft elements we added to the game? Same goes for puzzle solving in shrines, environmental explorationg to get to some places and open useless chests with worthless loot, the list goes on. Why can't I simply have water, fire, bomb etc. arrows? Uhm... сuz we want you to use our stupid gimmicks and survival / craft elements. Why can't I use glider indefinitely like on other and better designed games? You guessed it.

What in the hell is in this game to prase and worthy of 9s and 10s, 7s and 8s even? Absolutely nothing imho. Are those floating islands added something meaningful to the game? No, they aren't. Maybe underground chasm? No, it didn't, cuz the rest of the game haven't changed one bit from BOTW and new changes, additions and boring chores made it even worse and much, much less exciting to play. At no point during these ~10 hours I felt like any of the issues I and other unbiased people had with BOTW was addressed at all. You still have to deal with stupid rain, you still need to waste a shit ton of time exploring, grinding and completing boring shrines to make the game less annoying, less of a chore and bore to play at every step you take cuz of stupid stamina system.

You still don't have any, and I mean ANY incentive to fight with groups of enemies in the game cuz you won't get anything meaningful out of it, not when it comes to loot, not when it comes to character progession, not when it comes to anything the game has to offer and it offers nothing interesting for your efforts. You won't fine handcrafted dungeound with interesting puzzles and shit thrown into the mix. You won't find interesting in any way combat encounters, cuz all of them are exact same unless you'll force youself to use stupid gimmicks for the sake of making the game more entertaining - which first and foremost developers must to, not you cuz you've payed for the game to offer you entertainment, not making you create it yourself, like you're some kind of 8 year old kid playing in the sandbox or at home playing with plasticine and making stupid shit.

All of the enemies in the world are just there to be there and occasionaly spice up the monotony, chore and boredom of the rest of the game, just like in BOTW. Oh, in case you missed them, all of the stupid cold and hot wheather systems are back as well, as if there was need for them in a Zelda game. Not even fast travel (which is thankfully available almost at the start of the game) fixing any issues this game has, which were meticulously copy & pasted from BOTW. It just buggles my mind that instead of making a more traditional and linear Zelda game similar to say best 2D ones but in 3D, they've opted for much less exciting chore and bore of a game twice already and.,.. why in the world it took them 6 goddamn years to do it? What is there in the game that justifies such a long development time with so little effort to make the game better all while not addressing numerous issues people had with BOTW? It's just BOTW 1.5 with few new gimmicks, floating islands and underground chasm. I can't for the life of me call TOTK a sequel cuz it's 100% not doing what sequels should do - improve what was in the first game, fix issues and problems people had and make the second game way better.

Bias towards Nintendo (and Zelda) in gaming "ass licking journalism" is seriously getting out of hand with constant and completely unjustified prase for games that absolutely not worth it and not worth the scores they were given. It just goes to show that any professionalism and fair unbiased assessment of all of the aspects of said games are not even a thing when it comes to Nintendo and Zelda games in particular. Imho, 100% biased people who's giving Zelda (and frankly Nintendo games as a whole) games 9s and 10s must not be given review codes and must not work in gaming press, cuz their 100% biased scores and opinions do not reflect the reality and absolutely not indicative of quality of Nintendo's games and products, in comparison to the rest of the industry. Yes, pretty much all reviews are subjective, but when it comes to Nintendo they are 100% biased to ward the company and their games, hense you can only find 100% unbiased opinions and criticism only on Youtube or when someone like me will decide to say how things really are. The same can be said about any other company and its products with similar 100% bias, so it's not just Nintendo.

People must have access to 100% unbiased opinions, but instead what we have now is anything but that when it comes to Nintendo. Moreover, all those biased 9/10, 10/10, OMG GOTY! oppinions worth absolutely nothing in the first place, cuz all of them get devalued as soon as Nintendo people will have access to the new one game cuz Nintendo knows that they will always give them nothing but constant prase and zero criticism, cuz it is the only way to get games for free and far early than everyone else. It saddens me to no end that to get actual reviews worth watching / reading, you have to go to Youtube or websites like GFINITY, which has the one and only TOTK review worth reading.

And with that, I've no intention to argue with anyone cuz I know that I won't get meaningful and 100% unbiased discussion when it comes to Nintendo here. I've said what I wanted to say about TOTK and that's the end of it. If you like it, more power to ya, but I will always say how it is cuz that's the kind of man I am and always were with 0 bias towards any company etc.
I don't care about the hate I'll get after posting this, but what I have to say must be said and I can't hold this back any longer.

But first things first:

Some (if not all) Nintendo fanboys may ask - Well, why have you played BOTW so much and hate TOTK then? 1) The fact that I've played BOTW for 230+ hours doesn't mean that I've enjoyed playing and loved it during these 230+ 2) I mostly played the game at work to kill time when I had nothing to do 3) I don't hate any game even if I don't like it, cuz I just don't like it, so don't try and use that "hate" word to make me look like a villain here, cuz I am not 4) If you can't destiguish constructive criticism from hate, that's not my problem 5) People don't have to love / like to have the right to criticise if they don't like something you love / like.

Now, with this out of the way...

After playing the game for around 10 hours (230+ hours in BOTW), it's just baffling and stupendous to see all these 1000% biased and glowing 9s and 10s. It's the same exact game, with the same exact mechanics named differently, with the same exact problems and systems that plagued BOTW, with the same exact Korok seeds you need to collect in the same exact manner copy & pasted from BOTW. None of the stupid gimmicks for 8-9 year olds they've added on top of all that changing anything or making the game better, actually quite the opposite - they've made it even worse. All of the Shrines are back again and they're exact same as in BOTW minus new and stupid gimmicks, so none of the complaints about the actual and traditional dungeons was addressed in any way on purpose, they just copy & pasted dungeouns from BOTW, changed how they look, moved and changed things around for new gimmicks and thats it, so there's only 2 variations again - puzzles and combat, none of which are interesting or fun to do, just like in BOTW and rewords for doing them is exact same - HP and Stamina. Rewards for world exploration are just as boring and completely unrewarding, exciting etc. as in BOTW - stupid weapons which won't last long or a bunch of useless items.

And don't even get me started on stupid design and gameplay decisions. So you're walking around at the starting area, but at one point you need to go across a huge pool of water. Much better designed game which respects your time and sanity will offer you a boat, but what Nintendoes (?) - Uhm... well, how about you'll waste your effin' time while building stupid shit just to get across and use our stupid gimmicks and survival / craft elements we added to the game? Same goes for puzzle solving in shrines, environmental explorationg to get to some places and open useless chests with worthless loot, the list goes on. Why can't I simply have water, fire, bomb etc. arrows? Uhm... сuz we want you to use our stupid gimmicks and survival / craft elements. Why can't I use glider indefinitely like on other and better designed games? You guessed it.

What in the hell is in this game to prase and worthy of 9s and 10s, 7s and 8s even? Absolutely nothing imho. Are those floating islands added something meaningful to the game? No, they aren't. Maybe underground chasm? No, it didn't, cuz the rest of the game haven't changed one bit from BOTW and new changes, additions and boring chores made it even worse and much, much less exciting to play. At no point during these ~10 hours I felt like any of the issues I and other unbiased people had with BOTW was addressed at all. You still have to deal with stupid rain, you still need to waste a shit ton of time exploring, grinding and completing boring shrines to make the game less annoying, less of a chore and bore to play at every step you take cuz of stupid stamina system.

You still don't have any, and I mean ANY incentive to fight with groups of enemies in the game cuz you won't get anything meaningful out of it, not when it comes to loot, not when it comes to character progession, not when it comes to anything the game has to offer and it offers nothing interesting for your efforts. You won't fine handcrafted dungeound with interesting puzzles and shit thrown into the mix. You won't find interesting in any way combat encounters, cuz all of them are exact same unless you'll force youself to use stupid gimmicks for the sake of making the game more entertaining - which first and foremost developers must to, not you cuz you've payed for the game to offer you entertainment, not making you create it yourself, like you're some kind of 8 year old kid playing in the sandbox or at home playing with plasticine and making stupid shit.

All of the enemies in the world are just there to be there and occasionaly spice up the monotony, chore and boredom of the rest of the game, just like in BOTW. Oh, in case you missed them, all of the stupid cold and hot wheather systems are back as well, as if there was need for them in a Zelda game. Not even fast travel (which is thankfully available almost at the start of the game) fixing any issues this game has, which were meticulously copy & pasted from BOTW. It just buggles my mind that instead of making a more traditional and linear Zelda game similar to say best 2D ones but in 3D, they've opted for much less exciting chore and bore of a game twice already and.,.. why in the world it took them 6 goddamn years to do it? What is there in the game that justifies such a long development time with so little effort to make the game better all while not addressing numerous issues people had with BOTW? It's just BOTW 1.5 with few new gimmicks, floating islands and underground chasm. I can't for the life of me call TOTK a sequel cuz it's 100% not doing what sequels should do - improve what was in the first game, fix issues and problems people had and make the second game way better.

Bias towards Nintendo (and Zelda) in gaming "ass licking journalism" is seriously getting out of hand with constant and completely unjustified prase for games that absolutely not worth it and not worth the scores they were given. It just goes to show that any professionalism and fair unbiased assessment of all of the aspects of said games are not even a thing when it comes to Nintendo and Zelda games in particular. Imho, 100% biased people who's giving Zelda (and frankly Nintendo games as a whole) games 9s and 10s must not be given review codes and must not work in gaming press, cuz their 100% biased scores and opinions do not reflect the reality and absolutely not indicative of quality of Nintendo's games and products, in comparison to the rest of the industry. Yes, pretty much all reviews are subjective, but when it comes to Nintendo they are 100% biased to ward the company and their games, hense you can only find 100% unbiased opinions and criticism only on Youtube or when someone like me will decide to say how things really are. The same can be said about any other company and its products with similar 100% bias, so it's not just Nintendo.

People must have access to 100% unbiased opinions, but instead what we have now is anything but that when it comes to Nintendo. Moreover, all those biased 9/10, 10/10, OMG GOTY! oppinions worth absolutely nothing in the first place, cuz all of them get devalued as soon as Nintendo people will have access to the new one game cuz Nintendo knows that they will always give them nothing but constant prase and zero criticism, cuz it is the only way to get games for free and far early than everyone else. It saddens me to no end that to get actual reviews worth watching / reading, you have to go to Youtube or websites like GFINITY, which has the one and only TOTK review worth reading.

And with that, I've no intention to argue with anyone cuz I know that I won't get meaningful and 100% unbiased discussion when it comes to Nintendo here. I've said what I wanted to say about TOTK and that's the end of it. If you like it, more power to ya, but I will always say how it is cuz that's the kind of man I am and always were with 0 bias towards any company etc.
edit.. we have the "Tears of the kingdom" right here.. probably a bit of snot too.
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I don't care about the hate I'll get after posting this, but what I have to say must be said and I can't hold this back any longer.

But first things first:

Some (if not all) Nintendo fanboys may ask - Well, why have you played BOTW so much and hate TOTK then? 1) The fact that I've played BOTW for 230+ hours doesn't mean that I've enjoyed playing and loved it during these 230+ 2) I mostly played the game at work to kill time when I had nothing to do 3) I don't hate any game even if I don't like it, cuz I just don't like it, so don't try and use that "hate" word to make me look like a villain here, cuz I am not 4) If you can't destiguish constructive criticism from hate, that's not my problem 5) People don't have to love / like to have the right to criticise if they don't like something you love / like.

Now, with this out of the way...

After playing the game for around 10 hours (230+ hours in BOTW), it's just baffling and stupendous to see all these 1000% biased and glowing 9s and 10s. It's the same exact game, with the same exact mechanics named differently, with the same exact problems and systems that plagued BOTW, with the same exact Korok seeds you need to collect in the same exact manner copy & pasted from BOTW. None of the stupid gimmicks for 8-9 year olds they've added on top of all that changing anything or making the game better, actually quite the opposite - they've made it even worse. All of the Shrines are back again and they're exact same as in BOTW minus new and stupid gimmicks, so none of the complaints about the actual and traditional dungeons was addressed in any way on purpose, they just copy & pasted dungeouns from BOTW, changed how they look, moved and changed things around for new gimmicks and thats it, so there's only 2 variations again - puzzles and combat, none of which are interesting or fun to do, just like in BOTW and rewords for doing them is exact same - HP and Stamina. Rewards for world exploration are just as boring and completely unrewarding, exciting etc. as in BOTW - stupid weapons which won't last long or a bunch of useless items.

And don't even get me started on stupid design and gameplay decisions. So you're walking around at the starting area, but at one point you need to go across a huge pool of water. Much better designed game which respects your time and sanity will offer you a boat, but what Nintendoes (?) - Uhm... well, how about you'll waste your effin' time while building stupid shit just to get across and use our stupid gimmicks and survival / craft elements we added to the game? Same goes for puzzle solving in shrines, environmental explorationg to get to some places and open useless chests with worthless loot, the list goes on. Why can't I simply have water, fire, bomb etc. arrows? Uhm... сuz we want you to use our stupid gimmicks and survival / craft elements. Why can't I use glider indefinitely like on other and better designed games? You guessed it.

What in the hell is in this game to prase and worthy of 9s and 10s, 7s and 8s even? Absolutely nothing imho. Are those floating islands added something meaningful to the game? No, they aren't. Maybe underground chasm? No, it didn't, cuz the rest of the game haven't changed one bit from BOTW and new changes, additions and boring chores made it even worse and much, much less exciting to play. At no point during these ~10 hours I felt like any of the issues I and other unbiased people had with BOTW was addressed at all. You still have to deal with stupid rain, you still need to waste a shit ton of time exploring, grinding and completing boring shrines to make the game less annoying, less of a chore and bore to play at every step you take cuz of stupid stamina system.

You still don't have any, and I mean ANY incentive to fight with groups of enemies in the game cuz you won't get anything meaningful out of it, not when it comes to loot, not when it comes to character progession, not when it comes to anything the game has to offer and it offers nothing interesting for your efforts. You won't fine handcrafted dungeound with interesting puzzles and shit thrown into the mix. You won't find interesting in any way combat encounters, cuz all of them are exact same unless you'll force youself to use stupid gimmicks for the sake of making the game more entertaining - which first and foremost developers must to, not you cuz you've payed for the game to offer you entertainment, not making you create it yourself, like you're some kind of 8 year old kid playing in the sandbox or at home playing with plasticine and making stupid shit.

All of the enemies in the world are just there to be there and occasionaly spice up the monotony, chore and boredom of the rest of the game, just like in BOTW. Oh, in case you missed them, all of the stupid cold and hot wheather systems are back as well, as if there was need for them in a Zelda game. Not even fast travel (which is thankfully available almost at the start of the game) fixing any issues this game has, which were meticulously copy & pasted from BOTW. It just buggles my mind that instead of making a more traditional and linear Zelda game similar to say best 2D ones but in 3D, they've opted for much less exciting chore and bore of a game twice already and.,.. why in the world it took them 6 goddamn years to do it? What is there in the game that justifies such a long development time with so little effort to make the game better all while not addressing numerous issues people had with BOTW? It's just BOTW 1.5 with few new gimmicks, floating islands and underground chasm. I can't for the life of me call TOTK a sequel cuz it's 100% not doing what sequels should do - improve what was in the first game, fix issues and problems people had and make the second game way better.

Bias towards Nintendo (and Zelda) in gaming "ass licking journalism" is seriously getting out of hand with constant and completely unjustified prase for games that absolutely not worth it and not worth the scores they were given. It just goes to show that any professionalism and fair unbiased assessment of all of the aspects of said games are not even a thing when it comes to Nintendo and Zelda games in particular. Imho, 100% biased people who's giving Zelda (and frankly Nintendo games as a whole) games 9s and 10s must not be given review codes and must not work in gaming press, cuz their 100% biased scores and opinions do not reflect the reality and absolutely not indicative of quality of Nintendo's games and products, in comparison to the rest of the industry. Yes, pretty much all reviews are subjective, but when it comes to Nintendo they are 100% biased to ward the company and their games, hense you can only find 100% unbiased opinions and criticism only on Youtube or when someone like me will decide to say how things really are. The same can be said about any other company and its products with similar 100% bias, so it's not just Nintendo.

People must have access to 100% unbiased opinions, but instead what we have now is anything but that when it comes to Nintendo. Moreover, all those biased 9/10, 10/10, OMG GOTY! oppinions worth absolutely nothing in the first place, cuz all of them get devalued as soon as Nintendo people will have access to the new one game cuz Nintendo knows that they will always give them nothing but constant prase and zero criticism, cuz it is the only way to get games for free and far early than everyone else. It saddens me to no end that to get actual reviews worth watching / reading, you have to go to Youtube or websites like GFINITY, which has the one and only TOTK review worth reading.

And with that, I've no intention to argue with anyone cuz I know that I won't get meaningful and 100% unbiased discussion when it comes to Nintendo here. I've said what I wanted to say about TOTK and that's the end of it. If you like it, more power to ya, but I will always say how it is cuz that's the kind of man I am and always were with 0 bias towards any company etc.
gonna cry tobey maguire GIF


I don't care about the hate I'll get after posting this, but what I have to say must be said and I can't hold this back any longer.

But first things first:

Some (if not all) Nintendo fanboys may ask - Well, why have you played BOTW so much and hate TOTK then? 1) The fact that I've played BOTW for 230+ hours doesn't mean that I've enjoyed playing and loved it during these 230+ 2) I mostly played the game at work to kill time when I had nothing to do 3) I don't hate any game even if I don't like it, cuz I just don't like it, so don't try and use that "hate" word to make me look like a villain here, cuz I am not 4) If you can't destiguish constructive criticism from hate, that's not my problem 5) People don't have to love / like to have the right to criticise if they don't like something you love / like.

Now, with this out of the way...

After playing the game for around 10 hours (230+ hours in BOTW), it's just baffling and stupendous to see all these 1000% biased and glowing 9s and 10s. It's the same exact game, with the same exact mechanics named differently, with the same exact problems and systems that plagued BOTW, with the same exact Korok seeds you need to collect in the same exact manner copy & pasted from BOTW. None of the stupid gimmicks for 8-9 year olds they've added on top of all that changing anything or making the game better, actually quite the opposite - they've made it even worse. All of the Shrines are back again and they're exact same as in BOTW minus new and stupid gimmicks, so none of the complaints about the actual and traditional dungeons was addressed in any way on purpose, they just copy & pasted dungeouns from BOTW, changed how they look, moved and changed things around for new gimmicks and thats it, so there's only 2 variations again - puzzles and combat, none of which are interesting or fun to do, just like in BOTW and rewords for doing them is exact same - HP and Stamina. Rewards for world exploration are just as boring and completely unrewarding, exciting etc. as in BOTW - stupid weapons which won't last long or a bunch of useless items.

And don't even get me started on stupid design and gameplay decisions. So you're walking around at the starting area, but at one point you need to go across a huge pool of water. Much better designed game which respects your time and sanity will offer you a boat, but what Nintendoes (?) - Uhm... well, how about you'll waste your effin' time while building stupid shit just to get across and use our stupid gimmicks and survival / craft elements we added to the game? Same goes for puzzle solving in shrines, environmental explorationg to get to some places and open useless chests with worthless loot, the list goes on. Why can't I simply have water, fire, bomb etc. arrows? Uhm... сuz we want you to use our stupid gimmicks and survival / craft elements. Why can't I use glider indefinitely like on other and better designed games? You guessed it.

What in the hell is in this game to prase and worthy of 9s and 10s, 7s and 8s even? Absolutely nothing imho. Are those floating islands added something meaningful to the game? No, they aren't. Maybe underground chasm? No, it didn't, cuz the rest of the game haven't changed one bit from BOTW and new changes, additions and boring chores made it even worse and much, much less exciting to play. At no point during these ~10 hours I felt like any of the issues I and other unbiased people had with BOTW was addressed at all. You still have to deal with stupid rain, you still need to waste a shit ton of time exploring, grinding and completing boring shrines to make the game less annoying, less of a chore and bore to play at every step you take cuz of stupid stamina system.

You still don't have any, and I mean ANY incentive to fight with groups of enemies in the game cuz you won't get anything meaningful out of it, not when it comes to loot, not when it comes to character progession, not when it comes to anything the game has to offer and it offers nothing interesting for your efforts. You won't fine handcrafted dungeound with interesting puzzles and shit thrown into the mix. You won't find interesting in any way combat encounters, cuz all of them are exact same unless you'll force youself to use stupid gimmicks for the sake of making the game more entertaining - which first and foremost developers must to, not you cuz you've payed for the game to offer you entertainment, not making you create it yourself, like you're some kind of 8 year old kid playing in the sandbox or at home playing with plasticine and making stupid shit.

All of the enemies in the world are just there to be there and occasionaly spice up the monotony, chore and boredom of the rest of the game, just like in BOTW. Oh, in case you missed them, all of the stupid cold and hot wheather systems are back as well, as if there was need for them in a Zelda game. Not even fast travel (which is thankfully available almost at the start of the game) fixing any issues this game has, which were meticulously copy & pasted from BOTW. It just buggles my mind that instead of making a more traditional and linear Zelda game similar to say best 2D ones but in 3D, they've opted for much less exciting chore and bore of a game twice already and.,.. why in the world it took them 6 goddamn years to do it? What is there in the game that justifies such a long development time with so little effort to make the game better all while not addressing numerous issues people had with BOTW? It's just BOTW 1.5 with few new gimmicks, floating islands and underground chasm. I can't for the life of me call TOTK a sequel cuz it's 100% not doing what sequels should do - improve what was in the first game, fix issues and problems people had and make the second game way better.

Bias towards Nintendo (and Zelda) in gaming "ass licking journalism" is seriously getting out of hand with constant and completely unjustified prase for games that absolutely not worth it and not worth the scores they were given. It just goes to show that any professionalism and fair unbiased assessment of all of the aspects of said games are not even a thing when it comes to Nintendo and Zelda games in particular. Imho, 100% biased people who's giving Zelda (and frankly Nintendo games as a whole) games 9s and 10s must not be given review codes and must not work in gaming press, cuz their 100% biased scores and opinions do not reflect the reality and absolutely not indicative of quality of Nintendo's games and products, in comparison to the rest of the industry. Yes, pretty much all reviews are subjective, but when it comes to Nintendo they are 100% biased to ward the company and their games, hense you can only find 100% unbiased opinions and criticism only on Youtube or when someone like me will decide to say how things really are. The same can be said about any other company and its products with similar 100% bias, so it's not just Nintendo.

People must have access to 100% unbiased opinions, but instead what we have now is anything but that when it comes to Nintendo. Moreover, all those biased 9/10, 10/10, OMG GOTY! oppinions worth absolutely nothing in the first place, cuz all of them get devalued as soon as Nintendo people will have access to the new one game cuz Nintendo knows that they will always give them nothing but constant prase and zero criticism, cuz it is the only way to get games for free and far early than everyone else. It saddens me to no end that to get actual reviews worth watching / reading, you have to go to Youtube or websites like GFINITY, which has the one and only TOTK review worth reading.

And with that, I've no intention to argue with anyone cuz I know that I won't get meaningful and 100% unbiased discussion when it comes to Nintendo here. I've said what I wanted to say about TOTK and that's the end of it. If you like it, more power to ya, but I will always say how it is cuz that's the kind of man I am and always were with 0 bias towards any company etc.
You should’ve made a thread instead. This is overkill for a post.
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