Unconfirmed Member
HahahaKuroyume said:![]()
HahahaKuroyume said:![]()
dem said:So now we have pictures of olimario nude..
You didn't miss much.I <3 Katamari said:Um.. WHAT.
Kevtones said:Did he get a value or a giga pak in the trade?
Damn, this is a major scandal here.Lost Fragment said:Somebody posted them on 4chan :lol
Her MySpace said:2)Photography. I love taking pictures and looking at pictures
Mike Works said:
I <3 Katamari said:So, would it be bannable to use the censored-with-Oli's-face pictures as avatars or no?
If not, I wanna start a club.
:lol :lol :lol perfectMike Works said:
:lol :lolMike Works said:
EviLore said:As always the OA folk go too far (xanga etc.).
robojimbo said:I'd like to know how he's planning to break the news. Maybe he could just ignore it. You never know, she may never use the internet again in her life.
He's already posted.Jack Mehoffer said:can we get a statement from oli? you know he's reading this shit.
Two things:Tenacious-V said:Yeah, I really don't feel bad for Oli. I say good luck to him in trying to solve this shit... But seriously, he does all these wierd things behind her back. Trades pics of her, has never really shown that he really cared about her, other than using her as some online trophy girl. Personally I believe it's about damn time that all this came back to him. I mean, he brought this on himself when he took those damn pics and sent em to some stranger.. She seems way to good for him. And now with this all out in the open, and pic links posted on a site her family looks at.... This will most likely hurt her and affect her life much more than Oli just getting dumped or some shit like that.
It's early in the morning, but it might be wise to phone Christie Elaine now before some forum-goer does. Or before she checks her myspace PMs.Polari said:Looks like he might be beaten to the punch. :lol
Jack Mehoffer said:can we get a statement from oli? you know he's reading this shit.
Socreges said:Two things:
He has never really show that he really cared about her.... huh?
What if she consented? Then they both made a huge mistake and will both pay for it.
Of course, if she didnt, which I dont think she did, this is going to cause huuuuuge ruptures throughout Friendswood.*
* :lol
HAWTRed Scarlet said:Supposedly, he said that she agreed. Who knows.
But if she didn't, and she is in college and some guys at the school go to her xanga page, then she's in for a hard time possibly. If she did not know, who knows if she'd stay with him (haven't they been going out for a long time or are engaged or something?) after this gets out where she lives.
If she didn't know, then I really feel bad for her.
If she did, then I don't feel too bad; it could have happened any time then and to believe it would never, ever happen is unrealistic nowadays.
:lol Where is this from?Kuroyume said:![]()
fart said:as much as i would enjoy seeing gary's house of cards come falling down, the xanga is going too far. the whole point of this is that intimate pictures of her taken in confidence should be distributed with her and only with her consent. if gary pulled this shit without her consent, she should know and be given the chance to react appropriately, but that doesn't mean we as a group should distribute the pictures for her. if she wants them getting to her friends, she should have the right to do that herself.
Wafflecopter said:This has gone too far.
fart said:well, that's a bit of idealism, anyways. i fully realize that people will do what they do, and gary's house of cards will most likely collapse on him.
it's just sad that the girl is most likely going to go down with him.
Quellex said:This is ridiculousy hilarious.
Kevtones said:and she'll probably have all kinds of trust issues for the rest of her life.