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The Mandalorian |OT| I Have Spoken

This is two meh episodes in a row for me. I guess that was Gus Fring at the end?

After episode 1 it kinda got more meh each episode. Having said that i have scheduled work from home days every Friday until the season is over....
I have to agree the last 2 episodes have really felt like filler, but filler episodes when there are only 8 episodes in total and right at the start seems a bad sign. I also felt like the lady who owned the spaceship bay was a terrible actor.


Caught up on the 2 newest eps over the weekend. It's sad that the show is only 5 episodes in and they're already running into tired ass cliches and running out of things to do. The entire story after the first episode feels exactly like a video game story, quests and rewards included.

Also, Gina Carano is super hot but one of the worst actresses I've seen. My automated voicemail message has more character.


All this talk of "filler" episodes... This is what the show is, don't you get it? It's like the 70's Hulk show, individual stories that are linked by the two main characters. There is no filler. You are always learning more about the Mandalorian, the world and how things are after Jedi. That's it, and it's great because of it.

Keep the mystery, keep it open. Enjoy spending time in this cool era of Star Wars. It's one of the few shows where I have no idea where it's going. Considering it's Disney it's a miracle this made it out. Expect season 2 to be way more generic. For me, I'd love it if season 2 just continued on with Mando and Baby Yoda having other adventures.


The show reminds me of old Saturday morning cartoons. It's just basic. Nothing wrong with that of course. Have to remember it's geared for kids.


How many times would Mando be dead if it wasn't for his incredible armor and friends bailing him out? For a "badass" his continued incompetence is starting to wear on me. I don't mind vulnerability but damn this guy is at least 1/3 buffoon.


Pretty decent episode, still felt fillerish but at least there was bountying. Don't like the camera work and editing during melee combat.
I'm guessing the last 2-3 episodes will return to a serialised style of story telling.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
The episodes are still too short to tell good stories. Another 25-30 mins an episode would do wonders in setting up more involved plot lines. This episode, in particular, needed to set up A LOT more stuff to make it seem less...convenient.


I for one am glad the episodes are one offs and shorter.
It creates variety. It just makes small details more important.

The overall story isn’t going to give the story legs. Plus this is season 1. It will be a set up for future seasons.


I'm not entirely happy with it's episodic nature but I can forgive it for its first season. Nothing worse than having a serialized season 1 and then it gets cancelled.


I'm not entirely happy with it's episodic nature but I can forgive it for its first season. Nothing worse than having a serialized season 1 and then it gets cancelled.
Yeah that’s a good point. I think it also let’s each episode stand on its own.
Otherwise you get 10 years of build up and no pay off eg GoT

I think all of Filonis previous series followed this too. At least Clone Wars and Rebels
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Another episode of the Mandalorian getting beaten up and then he wins, with the ending being a bad guy gets shot before he does the thing.


Pretty good episode. Great action and nice to see other Star Wars aliens be prominent characters for once. We've seen Twilek characters with huge roles in spinoff media like Mission Vao in KOTOR or Asoka in Clone Wars, but not in live action. That horn guy was also pretty mean. And who knew Bill Burr could play a bad guy? Nice surprise. Great to see Mando show off how skilled he is for once compared to other guns for hire.

Episode 3 was still the best for me, but this one ranks as a close second.


That was so much better.

The big thing for me, is that The Mandalorian actually came off in the manner that people talk about him. He was intelligent, extremely capable, and most importantly, not bumbling around in key moments.

Throw in an interesting plot, mostly good side characters (Burr is a surprisingly good actor), and some awesome scenes, and this is easily the best episode of the season.

It’s also a template for the standards this show should be meeting.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I can undertand if this episode gets called “filler” but damn it was fun filler.

I can't, its like complaining that a Sherlock Holmes episode has him solving a mystery or a Power Rangers episode has them getting into a robot to fight a monster. Its like nigga thats the show. Thats the story. Bounty hunter takes jobs in exchange for payment. That is the show.

Glad you enjoyed it tho.


Good episode. When it started I was thinking wholly shit, this is going to be great, and it almost was.

Bill Burr was great. This episode had spot on humour, it was funny, some great action, really cool supporting characters. For me nothing beats episode 2 so far, but that's because Jawas are the best. Speaking of which - a little Easter egg - the black droids in the ship are the same as one of the droids outside the Sandcrawler in Star Wars.

Loved Richard Ayoade as the Droid. I think that same design was used as one of the bounty hunters after Mando at the end of episode 3. Really great looking, could've been in the original Star Wars.

My only complaint is the end part where the gang is split up and they're aimlessly wandering around the same corridor. There's was no energy to it, no urgency. It was good to see Mando fight and take them all out, but I think it could've been a bit quicker, more tense.

But you know, these are nit picks. The tone of this show is so right for me, proper Star Wars "stuff" used in the right way to make new stories. Brilliant. I think the next episode is out in a couple of days, then there's a pause to make room for (yawn) Rise of Skywalker.
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The show reminds me of old Saturday morning cartoons. It's just basic. Nothing wrong with that of course. Have to remember it's geared for kids.

Reminds me of sliders.

Anyway solid episode bill did a great job. Sadly nothing to excited and frankly the show isn't going anywhere it seems as there is no bigger story going forwards. One downside of the episode extremely predictable on whats next.
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After 6 episodes, I'm starting to feel a little let down by The Mandalorian....

It's a very well produced show, mind you. Great effects, great soundtrack, baby Yoda is adorable, action is on point and everything else, but the actual plot and pacing is all over the place.

Story feels disjointed, episodes seem to not have anything to do with each other, there's very little connection. This reminds me of Gotham season 1 where most of its episodes were "Mistery of the week" style; in the case of The Mandalorian, it's "job of the week". It's not bad, but it makes every episode have less impact on the story, as most of what is shown has no real importance.

I feel like this show would be much better if it had larger story arcs and more characters to develop. Here's hoping that an eventual season 2 brings more to the story.
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Still written by an 8 year old kid.

The big droids... they EXPLODE just being slammed one on the other? Who designed them, Mr. Torgue?
Why double crossing Mando? There wasn't a payout to split, makes no sense to backstab him "just because".
Speaking of which, no one of Mando's old friends know his name?
The republic just destroyed a whole space base because a there was a tracking signal on it? "Oh look , a signal from that base. Let's kill everyone on it!" (also, I was hoping to see some more space combat, I liked it in the previous episode and I generally love it - there's never enough).

The droid just looked like a guy in a costume, it didn't look like a droid at all.
Bill Burr was great, but I can't just take him seriously. That's on me, though... he's good.
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Gold Member
For such a short run its strange to have 3 connected episodes followed by 3 one-offs.

Seems like the series arc only had enough story content for 4-5 episodes and they just needed to fill in the extra. Wonder if they were asked to make more episodes than envisioned or if this is a problem with the writing team.

Mando, Baby Yoda, Gina Carano and Bill Burr are good and all but the wheels came loose after episode 3. Hopefully they return to the plot in the next episode.


For such a short run its strange to have 3 connected episodes followed by 3 one-offs.

Seems like the series arc only had enough story content for 4-5 episodes and they just needed to fill in the extra. Wonder if they were asked to make more episodes than envisioned or if this is a problem with the writing team.

Mando, Baby Yoda, Gina Carano and Bill Burr are good and all but the wheels came loose after episode 3. Hopefully they return to the plot in the next episode.

If the series follows the Filoni style, the final two episodes will be a big two-parter.
I liked the latest episode.
The motley crew of scummy bounty hunters were visually interesting and they had some personality - a rarity in this show. I didnt think I'd like Bill Burrs character, but he did a good job. He played a credible lowlife. The Twilek girl was kinda sinister, which I liked. She reminds me a bit of Harley Quinn, a bit of a space vampire and a bit of an evil Asari. If she had more sex appeal, I'd have loved her.
The action was good. Watching Mando take down those droids was cool, as is knowing that the alien devil race seem to have some kind of fire immunity in the Star Wars universe. The X-Wings at the end was a nice touch too.
There was also some sense of urgency, when they were initially trying to escape the convict ship - like an impending doom. I havent felt any of anywhere else in the series so far.
Hope next weeks episode is of a similar quality.


Much better episode than the last one, felt a lot longer too even if it wasn't that much longer. I think they are relying a bit too much on his armor deflecting blaster shots, it's such an OP ability (doesn't even seem to have damage from that sniper shot on Tatooine). Also thought that the editing in the "predator" section could've been better.


ChatGPT 0.001
Episode 6 did what they needed to do (catching a bounty) at a certain point you'll notice the show is going through so many episodes and leading to no where.
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So how long will it takes before that starwars force is female chick will come out and make yoda transgender or female or lgbt activist.
I went into this expecting just a bounty hunter show, but I think the baby yoda reveal gave people the idea of some grander star wars narrative. I still expect that to come in, along with a wider reveal of Mando, but for now it is mostly a bounty hunting show.


Episode 6 wasn't bad. The whole story just feels like a Saturday morning cartoon writing.

I can't take mando serious anymore. Hes a little man in big armor that constantly stumbles. Then it's like the writers know they have to inject an action scene where he takes control to prevent him from being a complete joke.
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