Men get really angry abut this DC vs Marvel stuff.
It doesn't matter, guys. None of this matters.

Men get really angry abut this DC vs Marvel stuff.
It doesn't matter, guys. None of this matters.
Men get really angry abut this DC vs Marvel stuff.
It doesn't matter, guys. None of this matters.
Especially when Monsterverse is betterMen get really angry abut this DC vs Marvel stuff.
It doesn't matter, guys. None of this matters.
Yep...Men get really angry abut this DC vs Marvel stuff.
It doesn't matter, guys. None of this matters.
Your ad hominem is showing, that's for sure.What's amzing LionPride is that out of every article you could have posted talking about the trailer, this is the one you picked. There's another shitty article on Polygon, how you post that one too.
Your bias is always showing.
I'll drink to that.
Fool I got it sent to me and decided to post.What's amzing LionPride is that out of every article you could have posted talking about the trailer, this is the one you picked. There's another shitty article on Polygon, how you post that one too.
Your bias is always showing.
I really like how he looks like he was made with Snapchat filters.
I'll drink to that.
Fool I got it sent to me and decided to post.
You big mad or little mad?
Something it took Marvel a few slight duds (IM2, Thor the darkening) to get that it's not always just about the jokes and the money shot.It could be argued that aiming your films at a demographic prone to nutting in their pants at the slightest provocation is part of the problem.
Watchmen is beautiful if you can get over the difference in colors compared to the comicsCan't a man just unabashedly love to desaturate and blue the shit out of everything?
I don't search for these articles or even go to sites that post about em except GAF because it really doesn't matter to me.I don't mind you posting one way or another, but like I said in my first post, I wish it was original.
The article is just listing the same things everyone has said a thousand times over. Not enough color, not fun, dark and bleak, blah blah blah.
Find an article that says something new about the DC universe, and then I'll be super impressed.
Here's the same shot, Snyderized.
Men get really angry about this DC vs Marvel stuff.
It doesn't matter, guys. None of this matters.
I don't mind you posting one way or another, but like I said in my first post, I wish it was original.
The article is just listing the same things everyone has said a thousand times over. Not enough color, not fun, dark and bleak, blah blah blah.
Find an article that says something new about the DC universe, and then I'll be super impressed.
"Does your provoked discomfort please me or does it please me greatly"?What the fuck is "big mad" or "little mad"?
It's green + gold, looks ok!The Justice League's outfits are pretty bad. Would it have killed them to add some green or orange to Aquaman's outfit? And Cyborg looks awful, but there's no reason why they couldn't have used the visually interesting white plating he has in the comics and animation.
Lol, it's not even like I have a bias."Does your provoked discomfort please me or does it please me greatly"?
Why do they need to do what the MCU is already doing? Why do people want MORE of the same? Why is it so bad to have different options? We already have 15(?) MCU movies with more on the way. What's so terrible about a handful of comic book movies that do something different?
The only comics Snyder have read are Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns...
It looks like a guy in a Batman suit in his neighbor's yard at 3AM on the third Tuesday of the month.I hope every single frame in JL looks like like 2 am during a heavy storm.
Civil War's big scene was an overcast day at the airport, and its climax was set in a dim bunker in Siberia. Very tired of these "I alone have nailed down the one thing holding DC back!" thinkpieces.
WTF is this shit? It's full of humor and non existencialism, do people really want every movie to be Guardians of the Galaxy? Disgusting. This is just clickbait.
Because comic books are all about being bright and colorful. Desaturating all of the color seems to be missing the point. Especially the fuckin Justice League of America.
Some faithfulness to the source material would be appreciated.
Men get really angry about this DC vs Marvel stuff.
It doesn't matter, guys. None of this matters.
I'll drink to that.
Did you read that I didn't exactly agree with the article? Probably not.I don't know OP.
"Dress as a bat, I dig it."
So not so grim-dark.
Why is it that every time the discussion turns to "bu-bu-but Marvel!" rather than defending the DCEU on its own merits?
Did you read that I didn't exactly agree with the article? Probably not.
Shot by Larry Fong, no less. Snyder's go-to DP.
The new Spider-Man looks like complete ass.
And Justice League is gonna be dope. Are people gonna complain about the new Blade Runner being too blue? Give me a fucking break lmao.
We've come to an age where we can't just enjoy the movies they put out anymore.
Shot by Larry Fong, no less. Snyder's go-to DP.
An article can slam DC by citing Marvel's work, but DC / fans aren't allowed to critique Marvel?Why is it that every time the discussion turns to "bu-bu-but Marvel!" rather than defending the DCEU on its own merits?
I watched Kong last weekend. I....I might have liked Godzilla 2014 a little better.
Still, I just want a modern Kong vs Godzilla movie.
What an awful complaint. The movie looks fucking stunning. BvS despite its problems looked amazing and should've been nominated for best cinematography. Man Of Steel had multiple action scenes including the finale set during the day. The grey cloudy look at the end of the fight is the result of the destruction from the world engine. Nearly all of BvS's scenes were set at night because nearly all of the action scenes in the movie were Batman fighting things and Batman doesnt usually fight during the day.Honestly, Zack: Would it kill you to turn on a light sometimes?
I used to think Hillary and the GSW took the biggest Ls of 2016, but the more I think about it, the DC diehards deserve to be in that category.
They waited 3yrs after MoS to get a new movie. 3yrs of nothing but anger and jealousy as they watched Marvel collect Ws. I mean, Marvel was out here making C-listers like GotG (with a talking tree and raccoon) a household name and almost a $750M franchise, while they waited.
After 3yrs of waiting, BvS was supposed to be the movie they could thump their chest over.