twinturbo2 said:
So, yeah, I'm thinking about a job in the games industry. I really can't program, but I can write stories, articles and memos very well. And of course, I've been playing video games for 18 of my 23.5 years. Could I get a job in the video game industry? If so, where? Any good places to look at besides Gamasutra? Help me here, I'm at a crossroads...
At this point, based on that post, not likely. You haven't even really demonstrated what you want to do, really. You mention stories, articles, memos, all of which is writing. Your probably not going to be able to get an entry level position as a writer in the game industry, you'll have to prove your chops else where first, whether it's outside the industry writing for other stuff, or inside working on something besides writing. Additionally, if you don't live in/near a "hub" it's even harder to get a job without some experience.
-COOLIO- said:
from what ive seen, computer science is your best shot
the negative is that eeeevvverryone in computer science wants to get into games
Simply not true.
Kipz said:
I'm finishing high school this year and doing comp sci majoring in game development and software engineering. Any tips for the road ahead?
Some very important advice is to figure out what kind of studio you want to work for huge, big, small, tiny, corporate, indy, etc....
The skills required to get a job at EA differ greatly from the skills to get a job at blizzard/id which again differs greatly from the skills needed to get a job at a casual games company. The bigger the company the more specialised you have to be. Figure out if that's what you want. Do you want to only work on one narrow aspect of the game for an entire project or do you like moving around and doing different kinds of things? If you're as ADD as me you might like the more dynamic roles that come with being at a smaller company.
Ryder said:
On a similar note, any Comp Sci undergrads have any advice for internships at game dev companies? I'm looking to start throwing my resume out there for an internship for the following summer and was wondering what to expect.
Good luck to you. I find the industry general has it's head up its ass regarded internships as in, they never have them. That doesn't mean you shouldn't look, just be prepared for a difficult search.
My biggest advice to anyone is to remember that there are more jobs out there than just top technology, cutting edge, AAA, multi-million dollar games. I'm working on a 2D kids game atm and enjoy myself quite a bit. You have to do a little extra work to keep in touch with technology when you're working on stuff that, but you rarely have the ridiculous crunch nonsense that plagues other areas of the industry. Or, rather, it's mostly self-imposed crunch because we want our product to be the best it can. As opposed to having to work ridiuclous hours because some douche in a suit can't schedule for crap.
If your reaction to that sentiment is that you would NEVER want to work on such things and only want the cool/glamours stuff...well maybe this isn't for you
