Rean no Kiseki
So I've been meaning to write about this topic for quite some time and i feel it's something worth discussing.
" At least the Japanese still make games not movies!"
" Japan doesn't fill it's games with loot boxes and other ahady practices"
" No game company in Japan is worse than EA or Ubisoft"
" Censorship is killing Japanese games! "
" The west doesn't care about Japanese games because their don't make FPS/TPS movie games with shiny graphics!"
Etc, you see stuff like this all over gaming boards and forums, Neogaf is no exception.
To study this complex we need to go back to 2008-09.
The Xbox 360 is king and Call of Duty Modern Warfare is smashing the sales charts.
American and western games are dominating the conversation, nobody talked about JRPGs anymore now everything is TESIV: Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid came and won some GOTYs but it wasn't really seen as a big or in the same league as Gears of War or Uncharted 2, everyone mocked it's long cutscenes, dialogue and that's it's 5 hours of gameplay with 5 hours of cutscenes.
Resident Evil 5 was criticized for not being able to shoot and Move at the same time, some gamers were saying Dead Space was superior.
Over in Japan Keiji Inafune was at Capcom saying the age of Japanese dominance of the gaming market is coming to an end and that they need to outsource some of their IPs to western developers to survive!
At the time the Nintendo Wii was dominating the sales but not on the software side of things, Japan was in love with the NDS and PSP, and since it was far cheaper to develop for them than any of the HD consoles most of Japan Studios chose to focus on the handheld space instead.
The financial crisis hit Japanese videogame companies hard and no one was willing to take any big risks.
Meanwhile Phil Fish an indie "dev" who just released yet another 2d game with shitty pixel art, said the "Japanese games just suck" when asked about his opinion by a Japanese man.
Around this time people on gaming boards started to get annoyed with to these attacks on beloved Japanese franchises and a growing sentiment started growing around this culture of every Japanese game is good but the western gaming media outlets just keep shooting them down.
" Why was Skyrim 2011 GOTY? Dark Souls is way better!"
For a while i shared this sentiment since i was a JRPG fan and the PS3 had so few of them around that time i bought/tried every JRPG i could find, which lead to shitty experiences with games from Idea Factory the Kings of horrible games who for some reason people still give money to!
Of course this situation turned around and Japanese companies finally found their footing in HD development and things are way better now then they ever were 10 years ago.
Why do i bring this up now? Because some people still hold this mentality of Japanese games good(Deep gameplay, gameplay 1st!,waifus) Western games bad(movie games, appeal to casuals and and are shallow, ugly women).
If you criticize a Japanese games now adays you'll be accused of not "getting it" and to go back to your "movie" and "pew pew" games.
This victim complex is still around even with various Japanese games are successful both critically and commercially, god help you if you critiuqe one of the sacred cows of their e.g (Yakuza, Fire Emblem, any From Software game).
Needless to say this stance doesn't help Japanese games succeed or help them to reach a bigger audiencebby addressing some lingring design decision that needs to be change e.g (Better netcode and online in general from Nintendo/Capcom, etc).
So what are your thoughts on this matter? Do you see it as a problem or don't even think it's worth mentioning? I know some of my points seems disjointed but I've been writing this for a few days now and on my phone no less! So it might not come out exactly as i envisioned it, but i hope my point got across to you.
" At least the Japanese still make games not movies!"
" Japan doesn't fill it's games with loot boxes and other ahady practices"
" No game company in Japan is worse than EA or Ubisoft"
" Censorship is killing Japanese games! "
" The west doesn't care about Japanese games because their don't make FPS/TPS movie games with shiny graphics!"
Etc, you see stuff like this all over gaming boards and forums, Neogaf is no exception.
To study this complex we need to go back to 2008-09.
The Xbox 360 is king and Call of Duty Modern Warfare is smashing the sales charts.
American and western games are dominating the conversation, nobody talked about JRPGs anymore now everything is TESIV: Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid came and won some GOTYs but it wasn't really seen as a big or in the same league as Gears of War or Uncharted 2, everyone mocked it's long cutscenes, dialogue and that's it's 5 hours of gameplay with 5 hours of cutscenes.
Resident Evil 5 was criticized for not being able to shoot and Move at the same time, some gamers were saying Dead Space was superior.
Over in Japan Keiji Inafune was at Capcom saying the age of Japanese dominance of the gaming market is coming to an end and that they need to outsource some of their IPs to western developers to survive!

Inafune Calls Time of Death for Japanese Game Industry
producer Keiji Inafune who had some harsh words for his peers.

The financial crisis hit Japanese videogame companies hard and no one was willing to take any big risks.
Meanwhile Phil Fish an indie "dev" who just released yet another 2d game with shitty pixel art, said the "Japanese games just suck" when asked about his opinion by a Japanese man.

Fez creator Phil Fish declares: modern Japanese games "just suck"
Outspoken Fez creator Phil Fish has declared: modern Japanese games "just suck".

" Why was Skyrim 2011 GOTY? Dark Souls is way better!"
For a while i shared this sentiment since i was a JRPG fan and the PS3 had so few of them around that time i bought/tried every JRPG i could find, which lead to shitty experiences with games from Idea Factory the Kings of horrible games who for some reason people still give money to!
Of course this situation turned around and Japanese companies finally found their footing in HD development and things are way better now then they ever were 10 years ago.
Why do i bring this up now? Because some people still hold this mentality of Japanese games good(Deep gameplay, gameplay 1st!,waifus) Western games bad(movie games, appeal to casuals and and are shallow, ugly women).
If you criticize a Japanese games now adays you'll be accused of not "getting it" and to go back to your "movie" and "pew pew" games.
This victim complex is still around even with various Japanese games are successful both critically and commercially, god help you if you critiuqe one of the sacred cows of their e.g (Yakuza, Fire Emblem, any From Software game).
Needless to say this stance doesn't help Japanese games succeed or help them to reach a bigger audiencebby addressing some lingring design decision that needs to be change e.g (Better netcode and online in general from Nintendo/Capcom, etc).
So what are your thoughts on this matter? Do you see it as a problem or don't even think it's worth mentioning? I know some of my points seems disjointed but I've been writing this for a few days now and on my phone no less! So it might not come out exactly as i envisioned it, but i hope my point got across to you.