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We will all be dead from Blu-ray exposure anyhow.

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Sony: "Next gen starts at the end of this year, but fuck it, let's launch TLoU2, Ghost of Tushima and FF7 remake this year, for all of the PS4 owners"
Microsoft "We have no exclusives to offer right now, but check back later for more promises of games coming soon, we promise"
See OP, anyone can shit post.
I thought you were ban.
What does that have to do with a future system that hasn't released yet? People said the same thing with the PS2.
It's how the company is run that is important, not the output, because the former affects the latter.
How do you know it’s a weaker console? ”rumors” on Twitter?....lolThe PS4 started out strong against a poorly thought-out, but also misunderstood Xbox One reveal. Specifically the policies were a major concern and Sony took advantage of the platter Microsoft handed them. But then E3 came and we saw the first glimpse of what I like to call 'Sunray Sony" why do I call them that? The rays of the Sun can be beautiful but if they increase in intensity it can become blinding or cause health issues of the skin, fooling you to your death.
That's what the PS4 has been going through since E3, where Sony quickly introduced paid online as quickly as possible and tried to bury it, but the crowd was not fooled and the cheers they were giving before turned into stumbled silence.
We saw Sony deny cross-play and only open up to a few select titles, lack of effort into Backwards Compatibility so they can charge you high prices for PSNOW, raising the prices of PSN+ in several countries, censorship, egotistical interviews with developers, closing down of studios that don't meet their new inflated criteria, acting like it's a privilege for you to buy their console.
To top it all off we have confirmed rumors that report on the speculation that the PS5 will be releasing with weak specifications and assuming you will buy it because they think you don't have a choice. They are so far up their ass that they believe that you will buy the weaker console just because you should be honored to even have a console to buy in the first place.
This leads me to believe that Sunray Sony, or arrogant Sony for the masses, has returned and will need another slap in the face to get in line.
I'd assume the man who ran PlayStation Europe would know more about the redundancy in that region than we're privy to here in the GP. Plus it's not as if those people were just tossed out into the cold, they were offered interviews with other sections of PS Europe.
As for Shawn's departure... the man is almost 60, I'm sure he'd like to do something else before retirement. And if his frequent tweets are anything to go by, there doesn't exactly seem to be bad blood there.
What? If Don said it like Phil did there wouldn't be a viral video. There's nothing to toss at Phil, Don got shit on because of his attitude and how he articulated the statement.
Yes, I'm sure Jim Ryan, the guy who ran SIE Europe, WANTED that division to become "irrelevant". I'm SURE that's true and not conspiratorial BS.According to rumors and articles that came at the time, it's all tied together, there was power struggle between PS North America and Europe, we saw a bit of that in the past with Paris Games Week (the event handled by Sony Europe) snatching potential PSX game reveals (the last one in particular was very disappointing) even for US developed first party titles like Ghost of Tsushima.
It's possible Layden was the one who wanted to keep the european division relevant, with these two big changes and Jim Ryan being the new president, it does seem like now it's all handled in US so perhaps no more Paris Games Week and we'll see what else. If that means Sony taking for granted that they will dominate in Europe no matter what, that would be a huge mistake, i hope it's not the case.
Also yes i did expect Shawn Layden to retire or leave eventually, the way they did it, all of a sudden and without a tweet from Shawn himself, it felt like the kind of announcement when you're fired but the company doesn't want to say that out loud.
Compare that with Reggie's retirement for instance which was planned well in advance, we knew who was going to be his successor, they made a video about it, etc, or even Kimishima's retirement, they said Furukawa was instructed for that job for the past 2-3 years.
Yes, I'm sure Jim Ryan, the guy who ran SIE Europe, WANTED that division to become "irrelevant". I'm SURE that's true and not conspiratorial BS.
And? The man retired, the man has no bad blood with the company, not sure what the problem is. People need to stop looking for reasons to be upset.
What amuses ME is how Mike Ybarra's been rather vocal about how things at MS have not changed as much as people think they have before essentially backtracking, yet people are still obsessing over the Layden departure.
Also yeah the Ps3 struggled at first...and yet it managed to recover, ended up selling fairly well and actually outsold the 360 by the end of the gen.
How do you know it’s a weaker console? ”rumors” on Twitter?
If anything your post are always good for a laugh.
So you don't care what BS you are fed just as long as it's worded well enough?
Demographics will likely be different too. Playstation players interested in non-AAA Japanese, smaller or indie games moved to computers and Switch. Sony demonstrated they don't care for that audience as much. But neither did Microsoft. Their PC focus looks more as a secondary alternative to xbox.
It will be a battle with Microsoft for the AAA dominance. Unless they (Xbox) can secure a big exclusive deal pouring hundreds of millions (eg 6 months GTA6) I don't see any difference with current gen. Count also Google Stadia. Google can waste more than Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo combined if they want.
Demographics will likely be different too. Playstation players interested in non-AAA Japanese, smaller or indie games moved to computers and Switch. Sony demonstrated they don't care for that audience as much. But neither did Microsoft. Their PC focus looks more as a secondary alternative to xbox.
It will be a battle with Microsoft for the AAA dominance. Unless they (Xbox) can secure a big exclusive deal pouring hundreds of millions (eg 6 months GTA6) I don't see any difference with current gen. Count also Google Stadia. Google can waste more than Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo combined if they want.
1. They've not been "arrogant". They've been a market leader. They're in the position to not have to "react" at this point and can be more calculating in what they do or don't do. Nothing they've said or done has been "arrogant".I'm not saying it's just this, in fairness it has been the past 2-3 years of Sony getting a little bit more arrogant or more accustomed with their position as leader: from the initial reluctance to cross-play to the lack of indie support they used to provide in their early PS4 years,... Time will tell if some of the recent changes will bring positive or negative response.
I don't like Jim Ryan for some of his previous statements, and the way Layden left the company WAS weird no matter how you want to see it, that's not how a president/CEO/whatever leaves, maybe it's nothing, i'm not here to condemn anyone.
The Microsoft part is irrelevant this case, but yes i do share Ybarra's concerns, there is a problem there too, and saying "it's all good now" doesn't fix anything.
I'm not saying it's just this, in fairness it has been the past 2-3 years of Sony getting a little bit more arrogant or more accustomed with their position as leader: from the initial reluctance to cross-play to the lack of indie support they used to provide in their early PS4 years,... Time will tell if some of the recent changes will bring positive or negative response.
I don't like Jim Ryan for some of his previous statements, and the way Layden left the company WAS weird no matter how you want to see it, that's not how a president/CEO/whatever leaves, maybe it's nothing, i'm not here to condemn anyone.
The Microsoft part is irrelevant this case, but yes i do share Ybarra's concerns, there is a problem there too, and saying "it's all good now" doesn't fix anything.
It would take a hell of a lot more than lower specs to make the PS5 "this gen's Xbox One". That's plain silly.It's too early to really tell but I have a feeling Sony will be doing the bare minimum and therefore will caught off guard.
If the leaked specs are true then PS5 will be this generations Xbox One. Next gen games will no doubt run at an acceptable standard but Xbox will be just ahead.
First Sony announced backwards compatibility then doesn't fully commit to it. They'll do the absolute minimum to get games running where as i think Microsoft will put some time into not only getting games running but improve performance.
Xbox could have 2 consoles out this year whereas it looks like we'll get just a PS5. Sure the PS5 could have a good balance between performance and cost but if Microsoft offer a cheaper option and a better performing option then that's not good for Sony.
Microsoft can afford to make a loss because they have better subscription uptake. Game pass is really good and they have a XBL/game pass bundled subscription. Sony has ps+ and ps now but PS Now is just not as good. You want both you need to maintain two separate subscriptions.
I'm not hating on Sony. I have a PS4 and have always used PlayStation. I just don't feel optimistic about PS5 right now. Anyway, I kinda want Microsoft to "win" because it'll keep Sony on their toes.
Honestly, I would love if sony would postpone those, polish them more, give it time and make them PS5 enhanced- This would be much better. I dont want to play on PS4 anymore. In 2020 it was released 7 YEARS ago!
So concentrating on AAA first-party games in conferences over indies is arrogant now? It's not like they aren't still getting all the indies on their platforms.
Why play video games when corporation team sports is so much more fun?OP reads like a post from Voost Kain. Always bringing up what happened in the past while conveniently ignoring what matters most, the price of the console and games to play. Do you guys even play video games?
You don't have the data to make this claim.
Also your post is pointless, it's how the company manages the perception and their behavior toward the consumer that determines the next products success, otherwise the PS3 would have never happened as it did using your reasoning.
I didn't say that, I said we have multiple sources confirming the speculations based on the rumor, but we do not have an accurate understanding if the confirmed speculation is true as we don't have confirmation of the PS4's actual specifications, yet.
You don't need to be a fanboy all the time, the reason why the Don video went viral was how he conducted himself in the interview, not the content. Same with Major Nelson and his off-switch comments. No one else at Microsoft had viral videos.
Microsoft just needs to choose better studios, they actually had tons of first party stuff this generation just most of them either were ok and didn't move the needle they were overhyped to, or in most cases, they didn't really do well despite many of them being decent to great games. The best FP games they released were in house stuff.
What did I just read?
The ps3 is the 7th highest selling console the xbox 360 being the 8th. That's according guniess book of records.
The funny thing is your trying to make out ps3 was distater when in reality it produced some amazing games and in the end sold well.
Sony: "Next gen starts at the end of this year, but fuck it, let's launch TLoU2, Ghost of Tushima and FF7 remake this year, for all of the PS4 owners"
Microsoft "We have no exclusives to offer right now, but check back later for more promises of games coming soon, we promise"
See OP, anyone can shit post.
No one knows the final 360 numbers other than Microsoft.
Also the PS3 being a disaster is not an opinion, but I also never brought it up, you did. Why are you acting like I said anything about the PS3 being a disaster jsut because I mentioned the fact we don't have final 360 numbers?
We'll probably get that at the Series X unveil.