John Marston
GAF's very own treasure goblin
I'm about 5 hours in and 90% of the QTEs are all about pushing your left stick up, down, left or right with an extremely lenient time window on default settings. Modified settings only make it easier.All the QTEs in this game are so fucking easy to compared to Dark Anthology or Until Dawn. They're going for the really minimalist almost movie-like quality. I am liking it but damn.
I had 2 "button mash A" moments on a trap and a zipline.
I appreciate the production value but this is 100% an "interactive" movie.
Back in the day I was more stressed playing "Sewer Shark" & "Night Trap" on Sega CD

This feels like the Devs caved in to slow idiots complaining during playtests and the Suits pushing to make this genre more accessible when it already was.