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The Top 25 Consoles of All Time by The Guardian

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I'd put these higher: PC Engine

Probably flip flip NES with Genesis



Dreamcast, ps1, SNES always.

PS2 was a wonderful system too. But in the end I played the Xbox more because of live and multiplatform game's ran way smoother.

That said. I've never been a big fan of the 360 or Xone.


I liked the old Xbox much more than the 360. And the PS2 more than that. I would also rank the Saturn much higher, it really is an excellent system if you dabble into obscure imports (and you should if you have one).

My top would probably be:

1. Playstation - The first one. I feel it slightly edges out the PS2. I have fonder memories of it. Playing Tekken, RR, RE2, GT, FFVII, MGS, Xenogears all first time is unmatched. PS2 improved on a lot of these, but PS1 introduced me.
2. Playstation 2 - the most succesful console of all time and it does have GT3, FFX, GTA 3, DMC, MGS2 which comes close to my PS1 experience.
3th place would be Genesis/Saturn/DC as my opinion on them changes on a daily basis. Dreamcast has peak creativity, Gen is my fave 16 bit and Saturn has so many hidden gems.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
1. Super Famicom/Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1990)

2. PlayStation 2 (2000)

3. Xbox 360 (2005)

25. 3DO (1993)
24. Atari Jaguar (1993)
23. Sega Master System (1985)
22. Intellivision (1979)
21. PC Engine (1987)
20. Sega Saturn (1994)
19. Colecovision (1982)
18. Magnavox Odyssey (1972)
17. SNK Neo Geo (1990)
16. Atari VCS/2600 (1977)
15. Nintendo GameCube (2001)
14. PlayStation 3 (2006)
13. Nintendo 64 (1996)
12. Xbox One (2013)
11. Xbox (2001)
10. Nintendo Wii (2006)
9. Sega Dreamcast (1998)
8. Nintendo Switch (2017)
7. PlayStation (1994)
6. Famicom/Nintendo Entertainment System (1983)
5. PlayStation 4 (2013)
4. Sega Mega Drive/Genesis (1988)
3. Xbox 360 (2005)
2. PlayStation 2 (2000)
1. Super Famicom/Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1990)

The 25 greatest video game consoles – ranked! (Link)

Can't say I agree, but it's a list!
Worst list ever.

Its imposible put Xbox 360 in top 10
What kinda annoys me the most is the cultural anonymity of the piece.

By which I mean you'd expect a list produced by a British site/writer to have some sort of flavor and perspective appropriate to its country of origin. But, nah, what we get is another recantation of the "mid-Atlantic" version of history that comes from the internet.

From a UK perspective SNES really wasn't that big of a deal. Megadrive and Playstation were far more impactful and significant. Its place on top of the list is not historically justified in any way, shape, or form.

Master System being so low shows where his loyalty lies. :LOL:

Dude was either rich to buy NES/SNES games or didn't live in the UK during thst time.
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Same mindset that out of nowhere a whole generation of then British kids claim to have grown up with the NES. The ones that did have a NES, didnt get one until the Ninja Turtles pack-in and only then becuse it was cheaper than the Megadrive and Amiga and price was all the parents cared about.

I don't think I knew a single person who had a NES. I knew a few SNES owners, though. Probably more than mega drive owners, tbh.

But really everyone seemed to have a spectrum or a C64, then later on the Amiga.

It didn't really seem to be until the PlayStation that consoles became more popular here.
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Gold Member
Reluctantly clicks on link to Woke Central News, AKA The Guardian, see that the author of said article is Keith Stuart, ex-EDGE staffer, reads no further....


In general a pretty solid list. Some systems i would shuffle arround but i completly agree with the #1


Xbox 360 in top 3? Okay, wouldn't be there for me but I can see how it could for some

But Xbox One over N64, PS3, Gamecube? How about no

Also, Dreamcast is the most overrated system of all time


If you have to put Atari Jaguar and 3DO on your top consoles of all time list, you should have stopped sooner. Limiting it to just top 20 would have made the list more respectable on its own.


I didnt even need to click the link to know it was a Keith Stuart article. You don't write for Edge anymore Stuart, the golden years of your youth and the Super Famicom have been surpassed.
The two faced bugger had the sheer nerve to write the forward for Read Only Memories fantastic "Megadrive/Genesis-Collected Works" book too!!! ;)
Shameless, thoroughly shameless.

Naked Lunch

Thats a decent list. The SNES isnt number one.

Number 1 is a toss up between 360 and PS2. They both have the best game libraries in history.

PS4, XB1, and Gamecube belong at the very bottom of the list.


It didn't really seem to be until the PlayStation that consoles became more popular here.

PlaySation really did unify a very fractured UK market. There were so many active gaming machines still being supported in 1995 in the UK.


The Master System being at 23 is the biggest crime here. It's lower than the fucking Magnavox Odyssey!

How do you rank the longest running console of all time that low (Yes, Master Systems are still officially produced to this day).


PlaySation really did unify a very fractured UK market. There were so many active gaming machines still being supported in 1995 in the UK.
Yeah but Sega had a pretty massive presence right up until the PS1. In fact I'd say Sega, especially during their Megadrive heyday, pretty much wrote the rule book as far as advertising a console goes, Sony's UK presence in the media during those early PS1 days owed a LOT to the work done by Sega's advertising work but yeah....Keith Stuart, Edge magazine, etc.



I'm not a Nintendo fan. Not seeing the Gameboy on this list makes me want to puke.
Was about to write this.

I never been a console player (only owned a NDS) but the Gameboy not only should be in the list, it should be top of that list. Its cultural importance was huge.
Wow Xbox360 is way too high IMO. I was all about that console back in the day, but to place it that far above PS3, PS1 and N64 is ridiculous.
it was better than all of those. although i could see the argument for the ps1.

- xbox one is too high
- OG xbox is too low
-ps1 is > ps4 for me
- dreamcast > ps4 for me as well

for me PERSONALLY im going

1. snes
2. OG xbox
3. PS2
4. 360
5. N64
6. Genesis
7. Dreamcast
8. PS1
9. PS3
10. PS4 (honestly havnt messed with mine much at all)

i hit gaming age when SNES was out so i cant rank the NES

im tempted to move dreamcast up over genesis but i just cant pull the trigger. Virtua Tennis, Power Stone, Shemue, NFL2k. it had some good ones
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SNES sitting rightfully on its throne, some of the best games of all time on that console, many of which still hold up well today. N64 id definitely have placed higher, though its library was small, what was there, was of immense quality for its time and did a lot to push forward 3d gameplay..
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Yeah but Sega had a pretty massive presence right up until the PS1. In fact I'd say Sega, especially during their Megadrive heyday, pretty much wrote the rule book as far as advertising a console goes, Sony's UK presence in the media during those early PS1 days owed a LOT to the work done by Sega's advertising work but yeah....Keith Stuart, Edge magazine, etc.

It was actually Sega who I had in mind for the fractured market comment who in 1995 were supporting;

Master System
Game Gear
Mega CD

They culled all that down to a Megadrive bundle in Argos, PC and the Saturn.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Its funny, people tend to forget how Sonic The Hedgehog was a real technological statement in its day. It was the first title that really showed a level of performance that was superior compared to that expected/usual on 16-bit home computers (including PC circa 1990).

It definitely marked a turning point in people perceptions about consoles versus computers as gaming devices.
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Weird seeing the SNES on top as it was far less popular in the UK than the Megadrive, and the PS1 not being higher as that was massive over here thanks to Wipeout, Tomb Raider, PES and GT.


Weird seeing the SNES on top as it was far less popular in the UK than the Megadrive, and the PS1 not being higher as that was massive over here thanks to Wipeout, Tomb Raider, PES and GT.

Certainly wasnt the case amongst my friend circle in the UK, only one of my friends had a megadrive, everyone else had a SNES. Though overall popularity and sales certainly isn't always measure of quality, which is really what this list is trying to convey.


MegaDrive that high? How many video game HoFs are on that system? GameCube at 15th is blasphemy. That console has like 20 games which belongs on such a list.


Gold Member
I'm not sure how I'd do it as there's stiff competition ahead if it, but now that I think of it should Neo Geo be placed a touch higher? Maybe flip flop it with GC?

Ya, I know it's an arcade based system, niche system hardly anyone has at home and the system skewed to fighting games a lot in the later stages, but it does have quality games, amazingly good games for a 16-bit based system, and even in 2020 it has a legacy following probably better than half that list.

Even for me who only played NG games in the arcade and some downloaded roms in the early stages on the internet, even my eyes perk up when I see a thread about an SNK collection or a new KoF or SS game.

I'm confident the games have enough of a following that in 2030 you'll still see NG ports and collections.
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Ask this same individual to make the list again next month and I bet things are switched around. Rating them in an ordered list, especially 25 things, is just asking for the rankings to shift with the winds.

It would be more interesting and relatable to hear peoples opinion of which consoles fit in the top 10 (unordered).

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
The list is fine. Personally, my top 5 consoles of all time are -

1. PlayStation 4
2. Xbox 360
3. Super Nintendo
4. PlayStation
5. PlayStation 2


Gold Member
No Vectrex?

I never had it, but I played it. Schoolmate had one. Must had played it around 1983???

Hands down, that system has got to rank higher than 3DO and Jaguar.

The Alien

Number 1 kinda had to be the NES, right?
Number 2, PS2, yeah I can see that also.

But Atari 2600 at 16? Yeah, OK.
That console literally kicked off the home console craze. It was insanely popular and laid the roadmap for everything else that followed.

Cool console....I had one (yeah I'm old, LOL). The coolest and craziest thing about it was that it had an Atari adapter that allowed u to play both Coleco games and Atari. A precursor to cross-play. Imagine putting a PS4 game disc into and Xbox One and playing God of War on XBox....that's what it was like. Crazy cool.


1. PS3
2. GameCube
3. PS2
4. Snes
5. PS4
6. PS1
7. 360
8. Switch
9. Megadrive
10. Wii u
11. Wii
12 Xbone

My list is pretty fucking batshit insane to have PS3 at the top, but there you go. Them Sony exclusives and free online was just too good.
I agree with the SNES being number 1. Of course it's partly due to nostalgia, but also because some of the best games ever released on that beauty. Those games (like Chrono Trigger, Mario World, Final Fantasy VI and Super Metroid) still hold up today. Hell, they'd win GOTY if they debuted now.

After the SNES it's a lot harder to rank the systems. I have great memories of GameCube (couch multiplayer in college with Double Dash!, Mario Party 4 and Monkey Target) and Xbox (online Rainbow Six 3). PlayStation has some great franchises and oh my, WiiU deserved a lot better than it got.

The only consoles I don't care for are SEGA consoles.


Its all subjective.

but I checked out after seeing Sega Saturn at 20 and
19. Colecovision (1982)
18. Magnavox Odyssey (1972)
17. SNK Neo Geo (1990)
16. Atari VCS/2600 (1977)
15. Nintendo GameCube (2001)

My number 1 is probably PS1, Snes, PS2 or Saturn
I love me Gamecube, Dreamcast, N64, Megadrive, all of them really lol.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Shit list on so many levels...good for clickbait tho

Just came in the say PSX has a better game catalog than SNES/PS2 combined

PSX/GENESIS/SUPERFAMICOM (not SNES) are my top three


It's an asinine exercise to compare a console released in 1985 and one released in 2005.

Even if you are just going by library alone, it's stupid.
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