Now Lucy Powell.
She can, that was the verdict of one of the countries leading constitutional lawyers, during commitee meetings at parliament during refererendum legislation last year. There is no way Scotlands parliament will be ignored, or you will then have 90% supporting indy, then again maybe thats the plan.
She can? Really?
He knows that we know.
Send the fuck into exile or the tower.
My sister is adamant that this was the right decision, and that this will 'make Britain great again'
It's quite a difficult situation to deal with inside a family.
I mean the Queen. My impression was her job was to get tourists and read a paper she gets handed every year without any say whatsoever.
She can? Really?
Yeah, he gambled his career on this and lost. Pretty much every politician lost if we really do go ahead and exit the EU.
Sturgeon could change all of that. Keep us in the EU, and Boris can start lying again about how he wanted to lower immigration and fund the NHS, but now thanks to Scotland he can't. Vote for him in 2020 though and he'll try his best from within the EU (lol)! And Scotland won't give a shit about all the heat from England because the majority of the Scots support the outcome. It's a win for everyone, but the Leave voters will still think they lost.
She denied the report about Spain as Mail newspaper nonsense. Could be true but I'd wait for Spain to say it.
Have you got a source?
What I mean is that I suppose Scotland can only veto a decision if that decision is official, and right now I don't think the Brexit is. It's not about article 50, but since the referendum was advisory,UK hasn't officially declared it was going with it yet (I have to listen to Cameron's declarations again, but I think he just left the hot potato to be picked up by his successor).
It's actually unfortunate that a statement official enough to trigger Scotland veto also has a risk of triggering article 50 (or maybe not, but that's legal nitpicking one way or another).
I don't necessarily disagree, but the SNP is just as inclined to distort the reality for their own political motivations as Leave did.
I'd imagine at the very least Scotland would need to take the Euro now, something unacceptable to many.
so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow
Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...
no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it
Scotland could also have its own currency. I also believe the situation is at a point now where sturgeon can openly say she will adopt the euro and still have the public support her.
Scotland could also have its own currency. I also believe the situation is at a point now where sturgeon can openly say she will adopt the euro and still have the public support her.
Gingie bottles
So I am going to guess what IDS said wont be popular on here, but from a leave perspective I am pleased he has confirmed what we want... a leader from the leave campaign to be the new PM
I wonder how old is tak3n
I wonder how old is tak3n
so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow
Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...
no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it
A collapsing government is something nobody should want. It creates even more uncertainty and a bigger mess to be fixed somehow. Why you think Remain supporters love this chaos is beyond me.so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow
Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...
no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it
- Scotland talking about leaving the UK
- Cameron resigned
- Leave already backtracking on NHS and immigration promises
- No clue who is in charge at the moment
- EU already pushing for Article 50 to get this over with
- Markets are scared
- Companies actively looking for new locations outside the UK
- People have already been fired
- Racist abuse hurled in the streets to immigrants and kids
Looks pretty bad to me. Of course this is two days after the referendum and people are upset, but that this is turning out to be a bad idea seems pretty clear.
A collapsing government is something nobody should want. It creates even more uncertainty and a bigger mess to be fixed somehow. Why you think Remain supporters love this chaos is beyond me.
It'll be either 17 or 75,It's strange behaviour, 75.
so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow
Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...
no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it
so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow
Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...
no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it
A collapsing government is something nobody should want. It creates even more uncertainty and a bigger mess to be fixed somehow. Why you think Remain supporters love this chaos is beyond me.
We don't have a prime minister, we don't have a finance minister. Who the hell is running the country.
so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow
Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...
no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it
I wonder how old is tak3n
Wait till its IDS or Liam FoxThank you. He really was not the best chancellor for the country. Even if he did do some great things - auto-enrolment was a universally applauded success.
We don't have a prime minister, we don't have a finance minister. Who the hell is running the country.
We don't have a prime minister, we don't have a finance minister. Who the hell is running the country.
so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow
Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...
no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it
We don't have a prime minister, we don't have a finance minister. Who the hell is running the country.
Apparently, Sturgeon.
so rumours are Osbourne will resign tomorrow
Where is the thanks GAF we leave voters just bought down a Government you despise...
no need to openly thank us, we know you appreciate it
Wait till its IDS or Liam Fox
As We get closer to alternative energy sources, norway is more likely to join the EU.Norway is basically an EU member without the voting benefits. It works for Norway because OIL MONEY and IT'S NORWAY, THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Comparing any nation with Norway is preposterous and saying "look at them, let's just do that" is just stupid.
This is all so bad I need jokes.
We don't have a prime minister, we don't have a finance minister. Who the hell is running the country.
First principles: it’s far too early to discount the possibility that the referendum result WILL be overturned. Referendums are not legally binding, and there are several routes by which Parliament may simply choose not to heed this one.
(We invite readers in passing to imagine the reaction in the media if Alex Salmond had responded to the indyref result by proposing that the Scottish Parliament simply ignore the result and declare independence anyway.)
There are numerous precedents in recent European history for awkward referendum outcomes either being ignored or simply resulting in more referendums being held until the desired result was achieved.
However, the EU itself seems to be in no mood for any faffing around this time. Having been told the UK wants a divorce, it’s not keen to have the UK hanging around the house for months and years getting in the way. It wants a clean break as soon as possible, and it’s prepared to take action to hurry it along.
Frankly, anyone who says they know how this will turn out is an idiot and/or a liar. We don’t even have a clue which UK Prime Minister will be conducting the negotiations, and that’s a somewhat important factor.
Me too. We are sorely missing a Brexit Jokes thread. I'd do it myself but I am rubbish at jokes. Any takers?
lets see who the replacements are before we celebrate eh
trade negotiations have already started