Buba Big Guns
So what are the chances uk doesn't go through with brexit? Considering it'd be pretty catastrophic, I'd say pretty high
That's exceptionally dangerous under FPTP as it splits the Remain vote while leaving UKIP to unify the leave voters.
Ideally there should be a single extremely pro-remain party.
Depending on how Labour kick out Corbyn - if they can - I am not voting for Labour ever again until they actually get a proper left-winger as a leader.
Green from then on.
"I don't believe so. Facts are not British enough for me to believe them. CONTROL!"
He's going to fucking bottle it so fucking hard it hurts. And I couldn't be happier.
Brexit? My arse.
Governing parties can do long-lasting damage themselves, even if they are kicked out eventually.
Yeah, we were lied to and betrayed. The options would be to learn from that, carry on voting for parties and in referendums which are more likely to have your interests at heart, or not vote at all and let parties get into power who don't care about you simply because of the fact you didn't vote in the first place. If you go for the second option then you have no right at all to complain about referendum and general election results which don't go in your favour. There were 1.3 million votes separating Leave and Remain, if the 18-24 group had anywhere near the same voter turnout as the older groups with 70% favouring Remain then we probably wouldn't be in this mess. All the apathy about constantly being lied to and our votes not making a difference, but in this case it would have made a massive difference.
And I've not been that active in Politics.
'lol the financial institutions will relocate and it will take 10-20 years to maybe get back to this position we are at now, coupled with the absolute disgust from the world but C'mon guys, unite and let's fix this together'!!!
Nope. Me and my family are gone from this county if this goes ahead. We can't now but we will set a three year plan and relocate. I refuse to stay in such a closed minded place.
So what are the chances uk doesn't go through with brexit? Considering it'd be pretty catastrophic, I'd say pretty high
So what are the chances uk doesn't go through with brexit? Considering it'd be pretty catastrophic, I'd say pretty high
It's fine, UK will get new doctors with the renewed funding their Universities wil- OHSee if the Remain campaign had used their nous then stuff like this -
Would of been an incredibly effective way of showing why the Leave campaigns focus on immigration was a load of bollocks and I'm pretty sure you could find countless examples of stuff just like this.
SlickShoes said:I wish more young people could be bothered to vote I have no idea why they wouldn't, it just seems so wasteful for such a large % of them not to bother.
I doubt we will have a GE. 2/3 of parliament would have to vote for it.
Caroline Lucas is a leader who looks strong, LibDem... I dont even know who their leader is.For me, it's Lib Dems, purely because the Greens aren't saying they would ignore the referendum result and the Lib Dems are. If the Greens do come out on a platform of keeping us in the EU, I'll take another look for sure.
Why? He's pro-Brexit, Labour needs to be the main force in favor of remaining in the EU.
So what are the chances uk doesn't go through with brexit? Considering it'd be pretty catastrophic, I'd say pretty high
No. I will move abroad - either to Scotland with my fiancé whose Scottish, or elsewhere. I don't think you quite understand how astonishingly deep these feelings go. I've been active in politics for some time, and I have never felt this way before - nor the people I know.
I absolutely will not, under any circumstance, with the bastards who did this to my country and my future. There is no unity to be had.
Oh we will leave, but keep access to single market, free movement, payments to EU continue, but have no influence. Sounds like a real good deal......
I know quite a few who voted leave but not because of freedom of movement and they dislike Farage. Their reasoning being they think EU was too undemocratic and full of bloat.
Yeah, i dont get it at all. I've been voting since I was 18 (8 years ago) and I don't know a single person of ny age group who doesn't vote. And it's so easy to do. Where the fuck are these apathetics and why?
What we really want is a shittier EU deal than what we currently have... Great idea!
And yeah we are going to leave, Cameron's dead body can only stall for 3 months.
Our relationship with the EU has been scorched and the handling of everything post brexit isn't just going to fly as "we dun goofed EU, just ignore us".
Yeah, i dont get it at all. I've been voting since I was 18 (8 years ago) and I don't know a single person of ny age group who doesn't vote. And it's so easy to do. Where the fuck are these apathetics and why?
Some of the political commenters are expecting it, saying the Tories will probably back it if their leader does because they don't see Labour coming back at them anyway. After Gordon Brown, they know how much they'd need a public vote on them for their leader to be accepted and have a chance of being more than a part-term PM.
That sounds like we're not going anywhere
All of this will still be true after Brexit, in fact it will be worse. They have now completely and irreversibly signed this country over to the Tories, the same elites who had fucked them over time and time again. Being poor is not an excuse for ignorance-led spite fueling your actions. Both political sides of the debate were just as bad, but the leave side just knew how to tap into that ignorance as their entire campaign was based on lies and half-truths instead of the "experts telling us what to do" on remain's side.
It's funny, a lot of people I speak to (including conservatives) seem to agree that other than the ugly, ugly war side of things that he's rightly reviled for, he was pretty decent domestically.Blair royally fucked up with the war, but in all honesty those were the times. Not trying to be a Blair apologist because I hate the new labour that he created. The labour today even under Corby's liberal stance is a much worse labour because of the fact that it's filled with Blairites when it should have been full of Bennites.
Despite that the guy is on another level and he knows exactly what's going on. Even Brown is better than any politician out there today.
There is no Brexit, everyone calm down! Says Boris, pretty much.
I swear we'll look back at all this in a year and wonder what all this was about, as nothing will change aside from terminology.
It's a fucking joke and no mistake.
He almost sounds like a Remain candidate
Oh, hang on a minute . . .
The job is available, do you fancy it?Boris is shitting himself, isn't he? Never had to get his hands dirty really.
Yes I did.I hope you pointed out the House of Lords for a starters? And I know quite a few and all they cared about were immigrants and refugees. I am not saying there are a group of people who believe the EU is un-democratic but do you honesty believe that kept 17,000,000 people up at night? If that was the case, we would have got rid of stuff like FPTP and the House of Lords years ago.
And he is jumping the gun a bit, as negotiations have not started yet.
So basically Boris does support the EU. What a cunt.
So basically Boris does support the EU. What a cunt.
Some clever chap please photoshop Corbyn in
Please interpret this as harmless satire.
Depending on how Labour kick out Corbyn - if they can - I am not voting for Labour ever again until they actually get a proper left-winger as a leader.
Green from then on.
Dude was the Mayor of London. Was he really anything else? It was a power play that fucked up.