The French will know Boris's wrath.BJ: "Give us what we want or we'll take our exports!"
*EU looks at what it imports from UK*
EU: "Nah, we're good."
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
And even that will be attributed to the EU. Guarantee it.All this news of shares falling, the pound falling etc, don't mean anything to Joe Bloggs in the street, for those that voted leave, the sky isn't falling in, and things will be fine.
It's not until fuel, beer and food start rising, or their mortgage / rent starts skyrocketing will they realise.
The worst thing is how Boris and Co. seems not to have urgent now to leave EU asap because no real plan exist (except article 50 which they need to activate first). Economy and global market will even react more negatively at this cuz for months there will be an indefinite time of insecurity. What a fucking shitshow this all is
I drink nothing but Irn Bru, will that be enough for a Scottish passport?
I drink nothing but Irn Bru, will that be enough for a Scottish passport?
Now the instant reply is that this is a Government issue not a EU issue,
call it what you like, something needs to change in my area, I have from day 1 always said I simply have no issue with anyone coming here as long as the infrastructure builds with them.... where has that happened BTW?
Did you notice yesterday when Tony Blair was challenged on this very subject, he just palmed it off and look quite uncomfortable
Seems desperate, I don't think Boris needs Osbourne's supportmight be nothing as I can not find a printed report to back it up, but a a 'expert' on radio 5 just dropped a bomb by saying he suspects Osbourne is going to say to Boris he will support him for leader if he guarantees him a prominent position in the cabinet
And even that will be attributed to the EU. Guarantee it.
In my area we have had no investment at all to cope with the immigration, since 1994 when the doors were opened....
No new schools
No new doctors
no expansion to hospital
no new housing (this is now changing, but to little too late)
no new infrastructure (roads etc)
That's where that particular train of thought should have ended.
If you think we're going to get access to the single market without freedom of movement, you literally think we're going to get something for nothing (i.e. it will... not... happen).
You have cut off your nose to spite your face. You voted to worsen integration and to damage the national infrastructure further. Well done.
call it what you like, something needs to change in my area, I have from day 1 always said I simply have no issue with anyone coming here as long as the infrastructure builds with them.... where has that happened BTW?
Someone update me on this. Did the British Pound ever hit $1.30 and if so, did that guy ever eat his shoe?
Edit: Wow, they export growing quantities of STUFF. Among those, chocolate cake? How ever will we survive without such necessities?
That's where that particular train of thought should have ended.
If you think we're going to get access to the single market without freedom of movement, you literally think we're going to get something for nothing (i.e. it will... not... happen).
You have cut off your nose to spite your face. You voted to worsen integration and to damage the national infrastructure further. Well done.
I think we're all eating our shoes each time Boris says something.
I do, I have always been 90% secure in my reason to vote leave....
In my area we have had no investment at all to cope with the immigration, since 1994 when the doors were opened....
No new schools
No new doctors
no expansion to hospital
no new housing (this is now changing, but to little too late)
no new infrastructure (roads etc)
We have literally been dumped on and allowed to just 'cope' and if you moan you are a racist....all the houses are being bought and turned into HMO's
Now the instant reply is that this is a Government issue not a EU issue, but I am sick of our area just being ignored and left to cope....
I live near Boston by the way (the town that overwhelmingly voted leave) you want to see what damage immigration can do to a area without support, just look it up.. if we had voted to remain, the status quo would just continue... and the horse has well and truly bolted now, you could build non stop and never catch up....
Looking at the results it seems a lot of people feel the same in other areas
a good read if you want to see what uncontrolled migration does to a town
also worth noting there was a report as well on how sport direct had ruined the town where their warehouse is due to shipping in mass migration
I think we're all eating our shoes each time Boris says something.
I think we're all eating our shoes each time Boris says something.
CHOCOLATE.Edit: Wow, they export growing quantities of STUFF. Among those, chocolate cake? How ever will we survive without such necessities?
Jesus H. fucking Christ - the answers wasn't to vote for 10 years of political and economic up evil and give a voice to the UKIP and the far-right.
The answers was to stop voting in consecutive Tory governments who believe in austerity and privatisation.
Being out of the EU isn't going to get you new schools, new doctors, hospital expansion, new housing, new roads.
The EU has no say in any of that stuff - never did, and the immigration numbers have never been anywhere near big enough to have that sort of effect - birth and death rates are a bigger problem.
Being out of the EU is likely to make all that stuff you mentions worse not better!
Fuck it! I can't handle this I'm fucking off out of England - let it burn!
Only thing I regret is I have Irish ancestry, heck my name is Irish, but it doesn't go back recent enough to be eligible for an Irish passport![]()
complains about central government issues, continues to return Tory MPs over and over.
complains about central government issue, continues to return the same MP over and over.
No point piling on Tak3n for that point. A large portion of the country voted for that exact reason.
Obviously it won't help them, and this was the worst time for a protest vote, but it's fair to put the blame for this mess squarely on present and past governments.
TBF I am on personal terms with Henry, and I tell you what he is a excellent MP, that is why he continues to get voted in
His only downfall is he is a yes boy in public, but privately he hates immigration, but he works bloody hard for local issues
And that is the only reason why the rest of the EU is waiting for that activation.
BTW, I read the following paper back in March, there already is a complete road map, even if nobody wanted/wants to know that:
Once you go Boris you don't go back.
Welcome home brother.
By the way Salmond going savage as well this morning at Sky News
Scotland ain't a region yo!
Now the instant reply is that this is a Government issue not a EU issue, but I am sick of our area just being ignored and left to cope....
No point piling on Tak3n for that point. A large portion of the country voted for that exact reason.
Obviously it won't help them, and this was the worst time for a protest vote, but it's fair to put the blame for this mess squarely on present and past governments.
- Tan an entire bottle of Bucky in one go and manage to stand upright for at least 30 minutes.
What is going on? Tom Watson (I thought he was one of the good guys) just told Corbyn to quit. What a joke.
I do, I have always been 90% secure in my reason to vote leave....
In my area we have had no investment at all to cope with the immigration, since 1994 when the doors were opened....
No new schools
No new doctors
no expansion to hospital
no new housing (this is now changing, but to little too late)
no new infrastructure (roads etc)
We have literally been dumped on and allowed to just 'cope' and if you moan you are a racist....all the houses are being bought and turned into HMO's
Now the instant reply is that this is a Government issue not a EU issue, but I am sick of our area just being ignored and left to cope....
I live near Boston by the way (the town that overwhelmingly voted leave) you want to see what damage immigration can do to a area without support, just look it up.. if we had voted to remain, the status quo would just continue... and the horse has well and truly bolted now, you could build non stop and never catch up....
Looking at the results it seems a lot of people feel the same in other areas
a good read if you want to see what uncontrolled migration does to a town
also worth noting there was a report as well on how sport direct had ruined the town where their warehouse is due to shipping in mass migration
Can't really be that great if nothings changed.
I'm not saying the vote itself was a fair or reasonable reaction. I'm saying the blame for the result lies with the government rather than "thickies in the north"Of course it would be fair IF IT WAS A GOVERNMENT ELECTION. It was a vote on EU membership though which had NOTHING to do with these concerns. They've just made things worse for themselves by giving the government they're fed up with less money to work with. Who do you think will suffer the ramifications of that?
And now the entire country has to suffer for their misguided hissy-fit.
Jesus H. fucking Christ - the answers wasn't to vote for 10 years of political and economic up evil and give a voice to the UKIP and the far-right.
The answers was to stop voting in consecutive Tory governments who believe in austerity and privatisation.
Being out of the EU isn't going to get you new schools, new doctors, hospital expansion, new housing, new roads.
The EU has no say in any of that stuff - never did, and the immigration numbers have never been anywhere near big enough to have that sort of effect - birth and death rates are a bigger problem.
Being out of the EU is likely to make all that stuff you mentions worse not better!
Fuck it! I can't handle this I'm fucking off out of England - let it burn!
Yeah I'm out.Scottish citizenship entry requirements:-
- Sit - less than 1 metre - away from a live bagpiper and appreciate the beautiful rendition of "Highland Cathedral" on loop for 5 hours straight.
- Tan an entire bottle of Bucky in one go and manage to stand upright for at least 30 minutes.
- Scran 2 deep-fried mars bars hidden deep in a large plastic container of chips and cheese.
- Bathe in Irn Bru for 1 hour to cleanse all the English out of you. You are then required to drink Irn Bru.
- DVD marathon of Season 1 to 4 of Chewin the Fat followed by Season 1 - 7 of Still Game back to back in one sitting. No breaks. Clockwork Orange style.
Any signs of disgust, remorse or anguish will have their form immediately rejected.
Lol at that fucking question, Salmond showed more restraint than I'd expect.